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Thursday, December 27, 2018

2018 Winter Circus

The 2018 Winter Circus is almost over. We have two fun WODs left, and a rerun request for the 12 Days of Christmas. Yes, it's Toyota Time again and we aim to please at CFSF, so Saturday, December 29 will be a great time to make the 12 Days up for anyone who missed it. There will be another option on the board if you've already done the WOD or, you can go again, only faster. Your choice.

This has been the biggest Winter Circus to date with 10 Girls, and 8 Hero workouts. Here's the lineup:

Frances Esposito
Fat Amy
Cindy XXX
Row, Cindy, Row

Never Forget
Philip Petti


If you've seen a Circus or two you'll know what's left. There were four WODs we've seen before. Do you know which four? 

We have two training days left, Friday and Saturday. Then another break until Wednesday, January 2 when normal schedule and programming will resume. It's fun to get off the path every now and then isn't it? Yes. However, coming back home is also very nice. Who doesn't love the unknown unknowns?

Thanks for another successful Circus. !Lo hicimos juntos! And thanks for the beer Candice!

Veni, vidi, vici.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The word 'Circus' usually brings to mind a travelling troupe of entertainers, that may or may not include animals. A more informal definition of a Circus is a public scene of frenetic and noisily intrusive activity.

The CFSF idea of a Circus is more closely related to fetes of strength and endurance, and to a large degree, a general dismissal of good judgment. These acts cause one to question the motivation required to complete or just continue.

The 'Burpee Mile', the 'Tire Flip 400', and the infamous 'BBB' workouts all embody this definition.

In 2009 we did three 'Hero' workouts in a row and thought we were bad asses. From that humble beginning it has grown to one full month of both 'Girls' and 'Heroes' workouts back to back, now known as The Winter Circus.

The 2018 Winter Circus is almost over. Two 'Hero' workouts and then the grand finale' 12 Days of Christmas workout will close it out, so get your vote in.

Good job toughing it out, and thanks for your energy and enthusiasm. The Winter Circus proves one thing: We can do quite a bit more than we think we can when motivated to do so. What is the motivation? DMBM, and anything worth doing is worth overdoing are a few. Camaraderie is another, and perhaps the biggest motivator. We struggle together. We succeed together. That really is the cool part.


Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Ok guys, you've made it this far, only a little more to go. The light we see at the end of the tunnel is NOT the train. It's the end of the 2018 Winter Circus, and it IS in sight. Three more tough "Heroes" and then the 12 Days of Christmas workout which secures the Circus.

Use the comments below if you have a preference on WHEN we do the 12 Days....

Option 1:
9:00 Saturday, 12-22

Option 2:
12:00 Saturday, 12-22

Option 3:
12:30 Sunday, 12-23

This is Toyota Time, and as democratic as it gets, so take advantage. If there isn't any input, the default schedule will remain in place; 9:00 Saturday, December 22.



Friday, December 14, 2018

2018 Holiday Schedule

CFSF will be 
 December 23 thru December 27

We will be
Friday, December 28 and Saturday 29

New Year's
Sunday, December 30 thru Tuesday, January 1

Wednesday, January 2 will be Day 1

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong."

-Thomas Sowell
Here's a good hint on something to expect with the Heroes.....

Colon launches a blast for first career homer

"In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins, not through strength but by perseverance."

-H. Jackson Brown

Monday, December 10, 2018

If they can, I can. If I can, you can. We struggle together. We succeed.


Ok guys, we are one workout away from the half-way point of the 2018 Winter Circus. One more "Ladies" workout to go and it's another good one. At least there are NO Burpees, which five of the eight "Ladies" workouts have included. You're welcome.

The "Heroes" are lined up and on standby. Have you found the Circus schedule yet? It's there.

Thanks for your great fuel, energy, and enthusiasm so far. Misery loves company, so schedule accordingly.

On time, on target, never quit.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

“So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.
Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and grovel to none.
When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself. Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision.
When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home.”
~ Chief Tecumseh

Winter Circus 2018

OK guys, we are half way through with the Ladies portion of Winter Circus and it is rolling strong. Four more to go and then it'll be Heroes. Until then, we still have some fun on tap, and one special WOD that will wrap up the Ladies.

Thoughts and prayers are with the McKerchars as they mourn the loss of Todd's Dad. Your CFSF family loves you guys and hopes this difficult time may be mitigated a little bit by kicking the living shit out of these WODs, and we will do it together.

One of the cool things about CFSF is our rigid flexibility. The "Toyota time" card was pulled and actually got things mixed up a bit. Snatches were tossed for Cleans. You owe good fuel for that, and the gym will get it's revenge.

If you're curious about the 2018 Winter Circus schedule, that information is available. You just have to know where to find it. Ask someone. They might know. Otherwise, standby.

Thanks for all the great fuel and efforts up to this point.

Movement = Life

Friday, October 26, 2018


The 2018 Winter Circus is upon us. A little over a month to go until the festivities begin. We're going to get things started with a special Thanksgiving workout on November 20, just to give everyone a taste of what's to come.

LTC pulled a fast one with the 2017 Winter Circus that nobody caught on to until XO figured it out. No shenanigans this year. The 2018 Circus is completely fresh. All new WODs, except for the famous (infamous) 12 Days of Christmas workout which will be held Saturday, December 22, securing the Circus.

Industrious CrossFitters will know where to find all the necessary Circus information. It'll be there.



Friday, August 3, 2018

Anybody remember this guy?

Anybody remember this guy?

OK guys, so we had a collective gasp when a 42,195 meter Marathon row popped up as the workout of the day. Most knew immediately that they would scale this monster down to relatively manageable distances. However, there is always someone who accepts the challenge and with resolution beyond measure gets it done.

John McCrelles is that person.

Starting with the 12:00 crew, he completed the Marathon row just before the 5:00 crew got going. Just under five hours of work. Some would call that insane, some would call it overkill. We call it motivation. We appreciate, and applaud it.

A Marathon row is right up there with any of the other crazy stuff we've done in the past: The Burpee Mile, or the Tire Flip 400, even the infamous BBB. Why do we do these? Because we can. A celebration of ability. Incredible fuel is gained from these fetes of strength and we all benefit from that.

So THANK YOU John. You are a Spartan, and you have motivated the entire gym. The DMBM kinda thing.

Our goal, as a gym, was to accumulate as many meters as possible over the course of the day. I'd say we smashed that goal. The total is impressive. 141,380 meters rowed. That's over 88 miles of love.

Thanks for your outstanding efforts and strong fuel today. That's good stuff.

"Buy the ticket. Take the ride."
-Hunter S. Thompson

Let your light shine.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

A throwback from 5 years ago...

Friday, August 30, 2013


'Annie' is a fun workout, if you're getting Doubles efficiently. If not, it can stretch out like bad Jersey shore taffy.

50-40-30-20-10 reps:
Double-unders (*3:1 sub)
Allie- Rx  20:53
Russell- 12:13*
Derrick- Rx  12:36
Kathryn- Rx  6:59              8:16
Todd McK- 11:41*          13:44*
Candice- Rx  20:15
Casey- Rx  7:43
Erin- Rx  8:03                    11:08
John M- 12:30*
Teresa- Rx  9:46                13:40
Delaina- 10:24*
Byron- Rx  12:10
Britt- Rx  15:48
Tammy- Rx  19:43             19:21
Todd- Rx  11:23                13:31
Paul- 19:05*
Ryan- 24:14*      
Quincy- 13:45*
John S- (40) 8:15*
Jessica- 9:56*
Matt- 13:32*
T- Rx  8:18                        11:00

Good job everybody. More Rx's than last time. Good good. There were some big time drops from the last run as well, even better.

Doubles are a skill, and like any other skill, they require practice. If you aren't getting practice, you aren't going to get the Doubles. Great job Allie, Britt, and Candice. You three got all of your Doubles and toughed it out. Long Doubles will beat fast singles any day of the week.

Practice Doubles.

The Sit-up:

Criteria for the Sit-up is easy- full abdominal flexion through full abdominal extension. What hasn't been discussed is what exactly constitutes full flexion and extension. Full flexion requires that the lower back leave the ground. At the top, our spine should be around 30 degrees from the floor.

Full extension also has a clear range. For full extension of the spine an arch of between 15-30 degrees is required, and not possible without the use of an Abmat.

We do "Janda" sit-ups at CFSF, and do not anchor feet. This is not only more difficult than anchored sit-ups, but also engages more abdominal musculature, minimizing the role of the hip flexors. Opening legs and placing the soles of the shoes together further diminishes hip flexor contribution to the movement.

Arms may be crossed over the chest or held straight out in front of the body. Our requirement for full range at CFSF is simple: shoulder blades on the deck at the bottom, and arms touching the legs on the top. If you need to touch the ground above your head on the negative, and touch the ground between your feet on the positive to ensure full range movement that's ok. However, this added movement is extraneous, inefficient, and a contributing factor to momentum.

Momentum diminishes the role of the rectus appreciably, forcing the abdominals into an isometric contraction as momentum is picked up by the hip flexors, never allowing the abdominals to dynamically contract under a load.

The Sit-up is, by definition, a compound movement with more than one joint moving. There are two pivot points, one below the bottom of our rib cage, and the second just above our butt, or exactly where the Abmat comes into contact with our back.

The movement begins with the external obliques until the rectus takes over where the back flattens out as with flat floors. Rectus gets assistance from internal obliques as the pivot point changes. The pelvis is still being stabilized by the Abmat as the spine reaches full flexion (30 degrees). The hip flexors finish the movement by rotating the pelvis another 10 degrees.

When performed correctly, the Sit-up is a safe and effective tool to increase core strength and endurance. When performed incorrectly, the Sit-up can cause lumbar shear, or the lateral deformation expressed as the ratio of the lateral displacement between two joints lying in parallel planes to the vertical distance between the planes. Bad, bad.

Keep your butt on the ground the entire time. Do not allow it to bounce up and down. This bouncing not only increases momentum, but friction as well, causing the infamous "butt burn".

Although Saturday is a rest day, we will be meeting at 10:00 am for a special memorial workout. The 'Hotshots 19' looks like a super fun session, and like any other Hero workout deserves our all-out efforts.

Good job puppies. For most, this was the first time jumping rope in quite a while. Thanks for your hard work.

Girls, please use the restroom before Doubles.

Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for the fuel and good times.

CrossFit is my drug of choice, and I am an addict.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

"Any society that puts equality ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality nor freedom."
-Milton Friedman

Friday, March 2, 2018


OK guys... So CrossFit threw us another curve ball by turning Rest Day into Day 4. Rigid flexibility right? Right. All classes are on today. We haven't been let down yet, and 18.2 looks like a good one.

We will ASSUME that tomorrow will be a Rest Day, but you know how assumption works out. We'll know soon enough. Expect the unexpected, and work with the tide, not against it.

IF Saturday does end up as a Rest Day the next training day will be Sunday 12:30.


Tuesday, February 27, 2018


We will be performing the workout of the day as a Team workout today: 

2000 meter row
Partner 1 rows, partner 2 performs Sit-ups.
Switch anytime.

100 Wall ball shots
Partner 1 performs WBS, partner 2 performs Burpees.

Switch anytime.

20 Muscle-ups
Each Team partner performs 20 Pull-ups and 20 Dips.

Along with total time, reps are counted as a Team score.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Puppy 101

CFSF is a very supportive gym, with supportive athletes, and coaches. We want you to succeed, and thrive. Since we refer to our new members as "puppies", here are a few good tips on making it past the "puppy" stage at CFSF:

  1. Set a realistic pace at the beginning. The goal is to work up to three days on and one day off. However, it takes time to get to that point. You might want to start with three days a week for a month, then move to four days a week for the second month. This gives you time to adjust physically, and mentally to the challenges you will be facing at CFSF.
  2. Don't skip workouts because you're unfamiliar with a movement. Some new skills will be frustrating. Rather than skip these workouts, charge right into them. The struggle to learn new skills pays off with a host of powerful training effects, and when you get that first Pull-up, or Handstand the confidence you feel will be all-powerful.
  3. Take pride in your courage to start the program. For many CFSF beginners, the enormity of all there is to learn and the eventual gut busting intensity can be demoralizing. Don't fall prey to this feeling. Check your ego at the door. The courage you've shown to just start CFSF should make you proud.
  4. Don't let the whiteboard get you down. CrossFit turns workouts into competitions, athletes in every class compete side by side and against the clock, with scores posted following each workout. Puppies should be concerned with how they stack up against their own previous results. We all check the whiteboard at some point- remind yourself of your current skill level, and the progress you have made since starting.
  5. Stick with it for at least four months. It takes time to adapt to the training, learn the basic skills, and begin to feel comfortable enough to begin to ramp up the intensity of your workouts.
  6. Set goals. Short-term, and long-term tangible goals, then work to achieve them. Anything worth having is worth working hard for, and nothing is easy. Want it.
When your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home. 

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Saturday, March 17 

The workout:
100 Burpees
2 beers/2 burgers
75 Burpees
2 beers/2 burgers
50 Burpees
2 beers/2 burgers
25 Burpees
2 beers/2 burgers

Remember, only the Burpees are mandatory...