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Tuesday, June 18, 2013


This was a super sweet triplet that left us squirming on the ground in a pool of sweat trying to find comfort. That's a great feeling.

3 rounds:

1000 meter row
20 Pull-ups (*prog)
30 Box jumps, 20" box

John- Rx  18:27
Liz- 24:27*
Richard- Rx  18:23
Lindsey- 27:03*
Todd McK- Rx  28:07
Russell- Rx  20:13
Candice- Rx  29:30
Casey- Rx  24:00
Allie- 26:38*
Tammy- Rx  26:05
Britt- 28:37*
Abby- Rx  22:20
Juan- Rx  22:20
Jordan- Rx  26:16
John M- Rx  23:48
Holley- 25:44*
Teresa- Rx  25:15
Ryan- Rx  21:00
Shannon- 29:00*
Sharon- 26:43*
Erin- Rx  24:40
Derrick- Rx  20:42
Lex- Rx  27:20
Byron- Rx  25:16
Dave- Rx  24:50

Great job everybody! Thanks for your patience as well. Aside from a clock snafu at lunch, everything ran smoothly with very little bottle necking at the rowers. We have a solution.

CrossFit- 14
Hands- 0

That's a bad score. There are a bunch of us with hand issues. Just remember to wipe the blood off the bar... Ok,, it isn't thaaat bad, but we have people with tears that were prevented from getting their Pull-ups today. That is bad. Take care of your hands! We have talked about the steps to take to keep them tough, healthy, and pain free. If you have questions, ask!

So where was it today? Box jumps, Pull-ups? That last row... Where did you find yourself working the hardest? It's always different. Another beautiful part of CrossFit.

Great job puppies! You're killing these workouts, and those efforts are providing great fuel and motivation for everyone. Thanks.

Another difference between CrossFit and globo gym- they work out to get skinny. We work out to get strong!

Thanks for another great day at CFSF, and bring your towel!

A body in motion stays in motion.

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