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Tuesday, July 2, 2013


We are grooving right along, passing the halfway point in the year and I am reminded of the fun the fall and winter have in store for us. Going to be interesting. Today's focus was on the Behind the neck jerk, a great Olympic progression lift.

Behind the neck jerk  1-1-1-1-1-1-1

John- 235
Abby- 55
Richard- 185
Lynde- 45
Liz- 75
Lindsey- 70
Russell- 195
Tammy- 125
Casey- 215
Todd McK- 105
Juan- 185
Patricia- 120
Lex- 215
Holley- 85
Shannon- 85
Jordan- 135
Byron- 205
Delaina- 105
Teresa- 130
Ryan- 185
Candice- 110
T- 185
Ivy- PP  90
Jessica- PP 96
Micah- PP  115
Jackie- PP 145

Great job everybody. Monster lifts John, and Jordan. Strong stuff, and good fuel.

Going from the back rack made movement more efficient, if you were solid, and active upon receiving the bar chances are you made the lift. 'Active' was the keyword, and one of a few targets we had. Speed was another. This is a fast movement that also helps us get more comfortable getting under the bar quickly.

Good job puppies. Push press, locked down. On to the Jerks.

Tuesday is a rest day. Open gym 0600-0700 and 5:15-6:15. Be sure to thank Instructors John, and Emilee.

Thanks for another great day at CFSF.

Are you tracking?

A body in motion stays in motion.

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