Mother nature is an irrational woman that cannot be dealt with. Rigid flexibility, right? Right. So we had a cold, wet, and windy day and the main site asked us to run. We went Rowling instead.
Eric- 16
Dustin- 45
Todd McK- 43
Paige- 26
Erin- 26
Derrick- 40
Casey- 18
Richard- 13
Byron- 9
Candice- 26
Russell- 26
Cole- 14
Derrick OH- 29
Paul- 32
Quincy- 39
Mary- 45
Teresa- 24
Tammy- 18
Garrett- 29
Lowest score wins... Congratulations Byron, Richard, and Cole. Nice work guys.
Thank K. Schmitt for the pacing work from last week. You needed it today! Accuracy counted, and we got the Deads. German volume style no less... Some went big, some took it easy, staying dialed in on both. Good job.
Wednesday is a rest day. No Open gym. No CFSF until Saturday. Use this time to REST and RECOVER. Get some mobility, and stay loose over the break. Come back ready to go hard. Saturday will be our calm before the storm, then the initiation...
For an idea of what to expect- The 2012 Winter Circus line up:
Michael Annie Kelly
Roy Diane Isabel
Murph Fran 'Grindy'
Randy Angie Modular
JT Georgia Hopper/Interval generator
Rahoi Charlotte 12 Days of Christmas
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your super strong efforts, and fuel, your camaraderie, and support. You are awesome and we appreciate every single one of you more than you will ever know.
CFSF wishes everyone a very nice Thanksgiving.
Interesting article.
Strength + mobility = durability.
Search This Blog
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
We love strength days at CFSF, but CFHQ threw us a curve ball by putting it on the clock. Changed things a bit, huh? Nice.
Bench press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2
Rest :60 between rounds
Derrick- 305
Dustin- 195
Eric- 255
Richard- 220
Todd McK- 145
Paige- 35
Carrie- 90
Paul M- 245
Erin- 135
Candice- 110
Casey- 225
Allie- 90
Kathryn- 110*
Sharon- 90
Abby- 95
Byron- 270
Russell- 265
Britt- 130
Cole- 225
Red- 275
Dave- 215
Quincy- 205
Tommy- 205
Paul- 275
Tammy- 95*
Heather- 80*
Super good session everyone. Great efforts, and monster lifts. We have some very strong athletes at CFSF and their lights were bright leading the way today. Outstanding!
The Bench press is pure power. Power is defined as the ability of a muscular unit , or combination of muscular units, to apply maximum force in minimum time. This skill transfers over to the world of athletics in a big way, and while not as functional as other exercises we see, the Bench press delivers a strong anaerobic punch.
We like this.
Anaerobic conditioning increases power, speed, and strength while at the same time improves cardiovascular health, builds muscle, burns fat, and contributes to both aerobic, and anaerobic capacity.
We had a few targets set and everyone nailed them. Great job, and thanks for the attention to detail.
With a complete disregard for good judgment, Todd O pulled off a legitimate "Monster mash" by doing three CF girls at once. 'Fran', 'Diane', and 'Grace', in 24:56, all at prescription. This level of insanity is definitely a CFSF acquired attribute. Good job Todd!
Tuesday is the last training day until Saturday, 11-30. No Open gym 11-27, and remember that CFSF will be closed Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving break.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all."
Freedom isn't free.
Bench press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2
Rest :60 between rounds
Derrick- 305
Dustin- 195
Eric- 255
Richard- 220
Todd McK- 145
Paige- 35
Carrie- 90
Paul M- 245
Erin- 135
Candice- 110
Casey- 225
Allie- 90
Kathryn- 110*
Sharon- 90
Abby- 95
Byron- 270
Russell- 265
Britt- 130
Cole- 225
Red- 275
Dave- 215
Quincy- 205
Tommy- 205
Paul- 275
Tammy- 95*
Heather- 80*
Super good session everyone. Great efforts, and monster lifts. We have some very strong athletes at CFSF and their lights were bright leading the way today. Outstanding!
The Bench press is pure power. Power is defined as the ability of a muscular unit , or combination of muscular units, to apply maximum force in minimum time. This skill transfers over to the world of athletics in a big way, and while not as functional as other exercises we see, the Bench press delivers a strong anaerobic punch.
We like this.
Anaerobic conditioning increases power, speed, and strength while at the same time improves cardiovascular health, builds muscle, burns fat, and contributes to both aerobic, and anaerobic capacity.
We had a few targets set and everyone nailed them. Great job, and thanks for the attention to detail.
With a complete disregard for good judgment, Todd O pulled off a legitimate "Monster mash" by doing three CF girls at once. 'Fran', 'Diane', and 'Grace', in 24:56, all at prescription. This level of insanity is definitely a CFSF acquired attribute. Good job Todd!
Tuesday is the last training day until Saturday, 11-30. No Open gym 11-27, and remember that CFSF will be closed Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving break.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all."
Freedom isn't free.
Monday, November 25, 2013
How beautifully simple. Wall ball shots and running. Hip destruction of the highest order. We loved it. Thanks CFHQ!
5 rounds:
50 Wall ball shots, 20/16
400 meter run
Richard- Rx 22:28
Abby- Rx 29:13
Paul M- Rx 23:17
Carrie- (4) 27:49
Dave- Rx 34:33
Kathryn- Rx 31:14
Derrick- Rx 25:57
Erin- Rx 27:23
Todd McK- 16 32:56
Mary- (3) 19:41
Brandi- (3) 26:25
Candice- Rx 31:55
Casey- Rx 28:40
Paul- (3) 22:36
Quincy- (3) 23:19
Caitlin- (3) 14 20:34
Tommy- (3) 23:30
Allie- Rx 31:20
John M- Rx 34:13
Teresa- Rx 31:21
Tammy- Rx 30:20
Great workout everyone. Great fuel, and monster performances. Super fast finishes from our runners, and super strong Wall ball shots. Embrace the suck. It will still suck, but you'll be better.
We got a few crazy looks from drivers as usual... One actually made a call to 911 expressing concern for the man running around half naked downtown (Derrick). Too cold for running right? Wrong.
Just keep moving.
Thanks for a great day at CFSF.
"Buy the ticket. Take the ride."
-Hunter S. Thompson
5 rounds:
50 Wall ball shots, 20/16
400 meter run
Richard- Rx 22:28
Abby- Rx 29:13
Paul M- Rx 23:17
Carrie- (4) 27:49
Dave- Rx 34:33
Kathryn- Rx 31:14
Derrick- Rx 25:57
Erin- Rx 27:23
Todd McK- 16 32:56
Mary- (3) 19:41
Brandi- (3) 26:25
Candice- Rx 31:55
Casey- Rx 28:40
Paul- (3) 22:36
Quincy- (3) 23:19
Caitlin- (3) 14 20:34
Tommy- (3) 23:30
Allie- Rx 31:20
John M- Rx 34:13
Teresa- Rx 31:21
Tammy- Rx 30:20
Great workout everyone. Great fuel, and monster performances. Super fast finishes from our runners, and super strong Wall ball shots. Embrace the suck. It will still suck, but you'll be better.
We got a few crazy looks from drivers as usual... One actually made a call to 911 expressing concern for the man running around half naked downtown (Derrick). Too cold for running right? Wrong.
Just keep moving.
Thanks for a great day at CFSF.
"Buy the ticket. Take the ride."
-Hunter S. Thompson
This workout is a friend to the runners, and they loved it. The anaerobs were punished.
Three rounds:
800 meter run
225 pound Front squat, 5 reps
200 meter run
11 Chest to bar pull-ups (*sub)
400 meter run
12 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
Derrick- Rx 31:51
Todd McK- 30:14 95 35
Paige- (2) 26:11* AS 26
Alice Anne- 34:41 95 35
Dustin- 37:56* 135 53
Eric- 29:58 205 70
Paul- 26:50 135 53
Carrie- (2) 19:07* 45 30
Casey- 37:18 205 70
Erin- 33:35 135 35
Abby- 28:42 95 35
Teresa- 37:18 95 35
Todd- 36:25 185 70
Richard- 27:07 175 70
Paul- 47:32* 205 53
Byron- 30:22 185 53
John- 34:05 185 70
Britt- 37:41 135 53
Candice- 37:26 75 35
Sharon- (2) 32:32* 45 35
Quincy- 44:29* 135 53
Meagen- 39:29* 45 35
Kathryn- 34:55 95 44
Dave- 34:39 135 53
Stephen- 34:07 135 53
Great workout everyone. Monster efforts required and delivered from all. Outstanding!
As workouts go, this was a long one. Good job toughing it out. Gut up!
This workout is named in honor of U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Wade Wilson, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force who was killed May 11, 2012 in the Helmand provence, Afghanistan.
Fifty years ago today President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Not many of us at CFSF were even alive then, but our parents remember exactly where they were when they heard.
JFK was a visionary. From the Peace Corp, to the modern SEAL Teams, both his ideas. His emphasis on citizenship, and his handling of some very scary moments for America should always be recognized and remembered.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Three rounds:
800 meter run
225 pound Front squat, 5 reps
200 meter run
11 Chest to bar pull-ups (*sub)
400 meter run
12 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
Derrick- Rx 31:51
Todd McK- 30:14 95 35
Paige- (2) 26:11* AS 26
Alice Anne- 34:41 95 35
Dustin- 37:56* 135 53
Eric- 29:58 205 70
Paul- 26:50 135 53
Carrie- (2) 19:07* 45 30
Casey- 37:18 205 70
Erin- 33:35 135 35
Abby- 28:42 95 35
Teresa- 37:18 95 35
Todd- 36:25 185 70
Richard- 27:07 175 70
Paul- 47:32* 205 53
Byron- 30:22 185 53
John- 34:05 185 70
Britt- 37:41 135 53
Candice- 37:26 75 35
Sharon- (2) 32:32* 45 35
Quincy- 44:29* 135 53
Meagen- 39:29* 45 35
Kathryn- 34:55 95 44
Dave- 34:39 135 53
Stephen- 34:07 135 53
Great workout everyone. Monster efforts required and delivered from all. Outstanding!
As workouts go, this was a long one. Good job toughing it out. Gut up!
This workout is named in honor of U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Wade Wilson, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force who was killed May 11, 2012 in the Helmand provence, Afghanistan.
Fifty years ago today President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Not many of us at CFSF were even alive then, but our parents remember exactly where they were when they heard.
JFK was a visionary. From the Peace Corp, to the modern SEAL Teams, both his ideas. His emphasis on citizenship, and his handling of some very scary moments for America should always be recognized and remembered.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Friday, November 22, 2013
We pulled our weight today, and a little more.
Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Derrick- 100
Kathryn- 35
Erin- 40
Allie- 35
Todd McK- 40
Paul M- 90
Carrie- 10
Eric- 100
Byron- 95
Richard- 40
Sharon- 20*
Britt- 15
Dave- 35
Todd- 85
Abby- 45
Tommy- 10
Stephen- 30
Very good Pull-ups EVERYBODY! Even if you didn't load, we are all on the bar OFF the band. HOOYAH! Monster pulls Derrick, Eric, Abby, and Erin. Fuerte!
All days are good at CFSF, but we have had a nice string of very good days lately. What makes a very good day? Success. Reaching a goal, overcoming a hurdle, or just incredibly good vibes because people are killing the wods.
Over the past training cycle, we have had several people reach goals they have set. From Pull-ups and Muscle-ups, to running a mile without stopping. This is super strong fuel, and we thank you for your efforts.
Better than yesterday.
Good job guys from OHS. Thanks for your coachability, and enthusiasm. Listen to, and trust the people around you at CFSF, they have gone through the same stuff you're going through now. The sky is the limit.
That's another part of what makes CFSF special- we support one another in success or failure, which walk hand in hand. We celebrate one, and resolve to vindicate the other in time.
CrossFit is hard work with incredible returns on investments of effort. It's worth everything you're willing to put into it. Tough it out. Quitting is easy, and it means you'll miss out on the opportunity CFSF gives you to grow as an individual, and as a part of our community.
Next week is Thanksgiving. CFSF will be closed Thursday, and Friday, getting back on schedule Saturday, November 30. Then it's on like Donkey Kong. Watch the F*ck out- Winter Circus 2013.
Thanks for an exceptionally great day. You are awesome.
Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Derrick- 100
Kathryn- 35
Erin- 40
Allie- 35
Todd McK- 40
Paul M- 90
Carrie- 10
Eric- 100
Byron- 95
Richard- 40
Sharon- 20*
Britt- 15
Dave- 35
Todd- 85
Abby- 45
Tommy- 10
Stephen- 30
Very good Pull-ups EVERYBODY! Even if you didn't load, we are all on the bar OFF the band. HOOYAH! Monster pulls Derrick, Eric, Abby, and Erin. Fuerte!
All days are good at CFSF, but we have had a nice string of very good days lately. What makes a very good day? Success. Reaching a goal, overcoming a hurdle, or just incredibly good vibes because people are killing the wods.
Over the past training cycle, we have had several people reach goals they have set. From Pull-ups and Muscle-ups, to running a mile without stopping. This is super strong fuel, and we thank you for your efforts.
Better than yesterday.
Good job guys from OHS. Thanks for your coachability, and enthusiasm. Listen to, and trust the people around you at CFSF, they have gone through the same stuff you're going through now. The sky is the limit.
That's another part of what makes CFSF special- we support one another in success or failure, which walk hand in hand. We celebrate one, and resolve to vindicate the other in time.
CrossFit is hard work with incredible returns on investments of effort. It's worth everything you're willing to put into it. Tough it out. Quitting is easy, and it means you'll miss out on the opportunity CFSF gives you to grow as an individual, and as a part of our community.
Next week is Thanksgiving. CFSF will be closed Thursday, and Friday, getting back on schedule Saturday, November 30. Then it's on like Donkey Kong. Watch the F*ck out- Winter Circus 2013.
Thanks for an exceptionally great day. You are awesome.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
This workout followed the looks easy theory except when it came to the MU subs.... You gotta get those Muscle-ups!
15 Dumbbell burpee box-overs, 50 pound, 24" box
315 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
205 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
15 Muscle-ups (*sub)
Derrick- 15:51 45 315 115 bar
Abby- 14:51 30 135 65 *
Paul M- 16:23 40 225 95FS bar
Carrie- 18:19 15 115 65FS *
Eric- 14:48 40 275 115 ring
Dustin- 17:33 40 225 95 *
Erin- 20:10 30 165 85
Byron- 14:49 45 225 115 bar/rings
Connor- 16:47 35 225 125FS *
Britt- 18:34 35 185 75 *
Todd McK- 25 145 45 *
Todd- 16:41 45 235 75
Matt- 21:40 40 225 65 bar
Caitlin- 17:14 15 95 35FS *
Tommy- 19:10 30 225 45FS *
Paul- 24:27 35 275 95 *
Great workout everyone. Main site WOD, or the Modular option. Both were cooking with gas.
The Modular intervals make the Tabata seem a bit easier. The extra :10 seconds changes things, huh?
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Real CrossFit.
15 Dumbbell burpee box-overs, 50 pound, 24" box
315 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
205 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
15 Muscle-ups (*sub)
Derrick- 15:51 45 315 115 bar
Abby- 14:51 30 135 65 *
Paul M- 16:23 40 225 95FS bar
Carrie- 18:19 15 115 65FS *
Eric- 14:48 40 275 115 ring
Dustin- 17:33 40 225 95 *
Erin- 20:10 30 165 85
Byron- 14:49 45 225 115 bar/rings
Connor- 16:47 35 225 125FS *
Britt- 18:34 35 185 75 *
Todd McK- 25 145 45 *
Todd- 16:41 45 235 75
Matt- 21:40 40 225 65 bar
Caitlin- 17:14 15 95 35FS *
Tommy- 19:10 30 225 45FS *
Paul- 24:27 35 275 95 *
Great workout everyone. Main site WOD, or the Modular option. Both were cooking with gas.
The Modular intervals make the Tabata seem a bit easier. The extra :10 seconds changes things, huh?
![]() |
Welcome to the Muscle-up club Paul M |
Real CrossFit.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
The 'Filthy Fifty' is another CrossFit benchmark workout that we love to see. Thanks CFHQ!
'Filthy Fifty'
50 reps of each:
Box jumps, 24" box
Jumping pull-ups
Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking lunges, 50 steps
Knees to elbows
Push press, 45 pounds
Back extensions
Wall ball shots, 20/16
Double unders (*3:1)
Mary- (30) 20" 23:20*
Teresa- Rx 36:28 27:28
Richard- Rx 21:45 22:58
Derrick- Rx 32:07 31:56
Russell- 24:40* 32:06
Dustin- 36:02*
Paul M- Rx 31:19
Carrie- (30) 31:04*
Todd McK- 37:29*
Erin- Rx 28:56 32:25
Kathryn- Rx 32:48 32:41
Tammy- 36:05* 33:50
Casey- Rx 33:47 37:56
Todd- Rx 31:57 33:26
Brandi- (30) 25:53*
Sharon- (30) 20" 31:06*
Abby- Rx 30:29
Byron- Rx 34:00
John M- 34:28* 38:26
Candice- 20" 39:21 37:16
Matt- Rx 32:33
Quincy- (30) 35:26*
Stephen- (30) 26:00*
Paul- (30) 28:17*
Tommy- (30) 30:05*
Caitlin- (30) 20" 30# 29:53*
Mike- Rx 34:47
Nice job everyone. Way to hang tough through to the end. This is a high volume session, and no matter where you start, it hurts. Most agree that the jumping exercises are the worst, maybe the culmination of all that work just makes them seem worse...
We were able to compare the last 'Filthy Fifty' and even though a few people got the Doubles this time and didn't get them last had similar, or faster finish times. Outstanding! Better than yesterday.
We also had some very fast finishes and monster performances. You people are strong! For most, the only thing preventing them from getting this as prescribed are the Doubles. Get those Doubles! They aren't as difficult as you think they are. Get a rope and practice. Embrace the suck.
Join and track. We are CFSF.
Tuesday is a rest day, not an off day. Get some love. Give yourself some attention and facilitate recovery. This is your responsibility, and your body will thank you with higher levels of comfort, and performance.
Open gym 5:15-6:15 for a missed wod, skills, or mobility. Use your time wisely. Every second, every moment counts.
As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, find some paleo Thanksgiving recipes and share them with your families. Quite a lot of what we prepare for traditional Thanksgivings can be paleo. Share the love.
Start planning now and get your grocery list together. Take this opportunity to steer your family toward healthier food choices.
There's a lot to choose from. You just have to look. Remember, if you find something you really like, share it.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for the super strong fuel and efforts.
Hurry up!
'Filthy Fifty'
50 reps of each:
Box jumps, 24" box
Jumping pull-ups
Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking lunges, 50 steps
Knees to elbows
Push press, 45 pounds
Back extensions
Wall ball shots, 20/16
Double unders (*3:1)
Mary- (30) 20" 23:20*
Teresa- Rx 36:28 27:28
Richard- Rx 21:45 22:58
Derrick- Rx 32:07 31:56
Russell- 24:40* 32:06
Dustin- 36:02*
Paul M- Rx 31:19
Carrie- (30) 31:04*
Todd McK- 37:29*
Erin- Rx 28:56 32:25
Kathryn- Rx 32:48 32:41
Tammy- 36:05* 33:50
Casey- Rx 33:47 37:56
Todd- Rx 31:57 33:26
Brandi- (30) 25:53*
Sharon- (30) 20" 31:06*
Abby- Rx 30:29
Byron- Rx 34:00
John M- 34:28* 38:26
Candice- 20" 39:21 37:16
Matt- Rx 32:33
Quincy- (30) 35:26*
Stephen- (30) 26:00*
Paul- (30) 28:17*
Tommy- (30) 30:05*
Caitlin- (30) 20" 30# 29:53*
Mike- Rx 34:47
Nice job everyone. Way to hang tough through to the end. This is a high volume session, and no matter where you start, it hurts. Most agree that the jumping exercises are the worst, maybe the culmination of all that work just makes them seem worse...
We were able to compare the last 'Filthy Fifty' and even though a few people got the Doubles this time and didn't get them last had similar, or faster finish times. Outstanding! Better than yesterday.
We also had some very fast finishes and monster performances. You people are strong! For most, the only thing preventing them from getting this as prescribed are the Doubles. Get those Doubles! They aren't as difficult as you think they are. Get a rope and practice. Embrace the suck.
Join and track. We are CFSF.
Tuesday is a rest day, not an off day. Get some love. Give yourself some attention and facilitate recovery. This is your responsibility, and your body will thank you with higher levels of comfort, and performance.
Open gym 5:15-6:15 for a missed wod, skills, or mobility. Use your time wisely. Every second, every moment counts.
As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, find some paleo Thanksgiving recipes and share them with your families. Quite a lot of what we prepare for traditional Thanksgivings can be paleo. Share the love.
Start planning now and get your grocery list together. Take this opportunity to steer your family toward healthier food choices.
There's a lot to choose from. You just have to look. Remember, if you find something you really like, share it.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for the super strong fuel and efforts.
Hurry up!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Strength. Five sets, manageable numbers. A recipe for fun. Thanks CFHQ!
Hang power snatch 3-3-3-3-3
2:00 Burpee test
Paul M- PP 135 28
Carrie- PP 65 21
Teresa- 85 28
Tammy- 60 24
Kathryn- 65 27
Todd- 115 35
Todd McK- 75 32
Candice- 65 28
Casey- 145 27
Paul- 135 19
Erin B- PP 65 15
Cristina- PP 50 20
Matt- 95 30
Brandi- 45 30
Great workout everybody. You guys all smashed it flat today. The Snatches and Presses all looked good. Thanks. Your hard work is appreciated very much and benefits everyone. Community.
Good job on the 2:00 Burpee test too. I know how everyone feels about Burpees, just remember, they don't like us either. Embrace the suck.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Citius, altius, fortius.
Hang power snatch 3-3-3-3-3
2:00 Burpee test
Paul M- PP 135 28
Carrie- PP 65 21
Teresa- 85 28
Tammy- 60 24
Kathryn- 65 27
Todd- 115 35
Todd McK- 75 32
Candice- 65 28
Casey- 145 27
Paul- 135 19
Erin B- PP 65 15
Cristina- PP 50 20
Matt- 95 30
Brandi- 45 30
Great workout everybody. You guys all smashed it flat today. The Snatches and Presses all looked good. Thanks. Your hard work is appreciated very much and benefits everyone. Community.
Good job on the 2:00 Burpee test too. I know how everyone feels about Burpees, just remember, they don't like us either. Embrace the suck.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Citius, altius, fortius.
This workout followed the "looks easy" theory to the letter.
5 rounds:
400 meter run
345 pound Deadlift, 1 rep
185 pound Squat clean, 3 reps
185 pound Push jerk, 5 reps
3 Muscle-ups (*3:3)
15 foot Rope climb (^3:1)
Teresa- (3) 19:54 155 65 65*^
Matt- 26:50 225 95 95
Derrick- 27:24 345 105 115
Erin- 28:20 185 95 95*
Paul- (3) 30:04 315 95 105*^
Brandi- (3) 24:14 125 65 35*^
Todd- (row) 33:52 345 125 125*
Russell- 29:37 315 155 155
Caitlin- (3) 19:30 105 35 35*^
Tommy- (3) 21:00 225 45 45*^
Kathryn- 30:41 155 95 95
Great workout everybody. Runs + Olympic lifts = hammered. This workout stretched out like bad Jersey shore taffy. Good job hanging tough.
This workout had a "King Kong" feel to it, and required monster efforts. Good job delivering them.
This workout is named in honor of U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Dick Alson Lee, Jr. assigned to the 95th Military Police Battalion, 18th Military Police Brigade, 21st Theater Sustainment Command who was killed on April 26, 2012 in the Ghazni provence, Afghanistan.
This was a tough, but fun workout worthy of a Hero. Thanks CFHQ.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Good prioritization.
Ready to lead, ready to follow.
5 rounds:
400 meter run
345 pound Deadlift, 1 rep
185 pound Squat clean, 3 reps
185 pound Push jerk, 5 reps
3 Muscle-ups (*3:3)
15 foot Rope climb (^3:1)
Teresa- (3) 19:54 155 65 65*^
Matt- 26:50 225 95 95
Derrick- 27:24 345 105 115
Erin- 28:20 185 95 95*
Paul- (3) 30:04 315 95 105*^
Brandi- (3) 24:14 125 65 35*^
Todd- (row) 33:52 345 125 125*
Russell- 29:37 315 155 155
Caitlin- (3) 19:30 105 35 35*^
Tommy- (3) 21:00 225 45 45*^
Kathryn- 30:41 155 95 95
Great workout everybody. Runs + Olympic lifts = hammered. This workout stretched out like bad Jersey shore taffy. Good job hanging tough.
This workout had a "King Kong" feel to it, and required monster efforts. Good job delivering them.
This workout is named in honor of U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Dick Alson Lee, Jr. assigned to the 95th Military Police Battalion, 18th Military Police Brigade, 21st Theater Sustainment Command who was killed on April 26, 2012 in the Ghazni provence, Afghanistan.
This was a tough, but fun workout worthy of a Hero. Thanks CFHQ.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Good prioritization.
Ready to lead, ready to follow.
Friday, November 15, 2013
We love 'Helen' at CFSF, and she was a nice reward after a few heavy sessions. Thanks CFHQ.
Three rounds:
400 meter run
21 Kettlebell swings, 53/35
12 Pull-ups/*prog
Todd McK- 30 12:37
Russell- Rx 10:07 10:26
Richard- Rx 8:40 8:34
Derrick- Rx 9:25 9:45
Eric- Rx 9:31 10:23
Allie- Rx 13:08 13:58
Abby- Rx 9:50 10:31
Erin- Rx 11:58 12:42
Tammy- Rx 12:45 13:27
Candice- Rx 13:07 14:30
Casey- Rx 10:56 11:50
Paul M- Rx 10:13
Carrie- 35* 12:56
Kathryn- Rx 12:00 11:42
Dave- Rx 12:12 13:10
Byron- Rx 10:19 10:15
Heather- 30* 15:24
Erin B- 18* 17:42
Paige- 20* 16:39
Connor- Rx 13:05
Britt- Rx 15:55
Matt- Rx 11:05
Teresa- Rx 12:37 11:52
Caitlin- 30* 12:35
Quincy- 35* 16:15
Paul- 44* 15:47
Brandi- 35* 16:03
Nice workout everyone. Super fast finishes and time drops from last run. Outstanding. The last time we saw 'Helen' we emphasized going unbroken. We talked about going unbroken this time too. Unbroken efforts in the gym and fast runs are key for fast finishes. Duh.
You can rest when it's over.
'Helen' is a well balanced workout that gets better with each exposure. Pushing through the discomfort of fatigue is learned, and requires mental fortitude and physical training. That's becoming "conditioned".
Conditioned is a state in which our body is very efficient. Through both aerobic and anaerobic training we have increased our GPP, and our ability to do work as a result of an increase in mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell).
More mitochondria means we can do more work. We do more work and our body responds by increasing mitochondrial density AGAIN, and the process continues. Beautiful isn't it.
This is why we encourage you to push yourself when you are working out at CFSF. Conditioning.
Do more. Be more.
Join and track what you do. We are CFSF.
Checked for any new recipes lately? They're there. You just have to look.
Friday is a rest day from training. NOT an off day. Open gym 5:15-6:15 for puppy skills 1-9, mobility, a missed wod, anything. Get some. Just thank Instructor Em.
If you don't make it to CFSF, take time at home and roll, floss, feather, smash, or massage anything gnarly. ICE anything sore. Hard work isn't cheap. It costs us a lot. Give something back to your body that helps it recover.
Take a nap. Meditate. Go somewhere quiet and get a little mental rehearsal- prepping for the Winter Circus which is quickly approaching...
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Soft is contagious. Don't catch it.
Three rounds:
400 meter run
21 Kettlebell swings, 53/35
12 Pull-ups/*prog
Todd McK- 30 12:37
Russell- Rx 10:07 10:26
Richard- Rx 8:40 8:34
Derrick- Rx 9:25 9:45
Eric- Rx 9:31 10:23
Allie- Rx 13:08 13:58
Abby- Rx 9:50 10:31
Erin- Rx 11:58 12:42
Tammy- Rx 12:45 13:27
Candice- Rx 13:07 14:30
Casey- Rx 10:56 11:50
Paul M- Rx 10:13
Carrie- 35* 12:56
Kathryn- Rx 12:00 11:42
Dave- Rx 12:12 13:10
Byron- Rx 10:19 10:15
Heather- 30* 15:24
Erin B- 18* 17:42
Paige- 20* 16:39
Connor- Rx 13:05
Britt- Rx 15:55
Matt- Rx 11:05
Teresa- Rx 12:37 11:52
Caitlin- 30* 12:35
Quincy- 35* 16:15
Paul- 44* 15:47
Brandi- 35* 16:03
Nice workout everyone. Super fast finishes and time drops from last run. Outstanding. The last time we saw 'Helen' we emphasized going unbroken. We talked about going unbroken this time too. Unbroken efforts in the gym and fast runs are key for fast finishes. Duh.
You can rest when it's over.
'Helen' is a well balanced workout that gets better with each exposure. Pushing through the discomfort of fatigue is learned, and requires mental fortitude and physical training. That's becoming "conditioned".
Conditioned is a state in which our body is very efficient. Through both aerobic and anaerobic training we have increased our GPP, and our ability to do work as a result of an increase in mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell).
More mitochondria means we can do more work. We do more work and our body responds by increasing mitochondrial density AGAIN, and the process continues. Beautiful isn't it.
This is why we encourage you to push yourself when you are working out at CFSF. Conditioning.
Do more. Be more.
Join and track what you do. We are CFSF.
Checked for any new recipes lately? They're there. You just have to look.
Friday is a rest day from training. NOT an off day. Open gym 5:15-6:15 for puppy skills 1-9, mobility, a missed wod, anything. Get some. Just thank Instructor Em.
If you don't make it to CFSF, take time at home and roll, floss, feather, smash, or massage anything gnarly. ICE anything sore. Hard work isn't cheap. It costs us a lot. Give something back to your body that helps it recover.
Take a nap. Meditate. Go somewhere quiet and get a little mental rehearsal- prepping for the Winter Circus which is quickly approaching...
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Soft is contagious. Don't catch it.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
The 'CrossFit Total' is Coach Mark Rippetoe's contribution and it's a winner. Three benchmark exercises, and three or more max efforts. Recipe for fun.
'CrossFit Total'
Back squat, 1 rep
Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep
BS P DL Tot. 130711
Russell- 345 175 365 885 855
Derrick- 405* 185* 475 1065 1060
Erin- 200 100 205 505 550
Allie- 155* 76* 200 431
Kathryn- 160 80 195 435 425
Paul M- 250 135 385 770
Carrie- 65 135 200
Richard- 275 125 335 735
Byron- 375 155 415 945 865
Todd McK- 175* 105* 220* 500 475
Casey- 315 145 385 845
Dustin- 250 125 335 710
Todd- 165 365 530
John M- 215 125 335 675
Candice- 145* 85 205* 435
Britt- 245 95 285* 625 580
Sharon- 135 70 195 400
Quincy- 225 125 205 555
Paul- 365 185 405 955
Teresa- 175 90 205 470 445
Connor- 295 150 365 810
Dave- 205 145 275* 625 480
Matt- 225 145 305 675
Tommy- 225 135 305 665
Caitlin- 100 65 135 300
Meagan- 100 75 135 310
Mary- 125 75 205 405
Brandi- 125 65 165 355
Heather- 155 70 235* 460
I think the table above speaks for itself. Monster session everyone! We have some seriously strong people among us. Collectively, we moved 16,776 pounds today. Incredible.
We quantify everything, and the 'Total' is a great way to observe change over time. Our strength has increased, as has our capacity to do work across broad domains. The numbers don't lie. CrossFit works!
Great workout puppies! From some basic Presses, to the full Monty. Good job today. Thanks for your attention to detail and hard work. Paige, Erin B, and Cristina- welcome aboard. Just remember this ain't no pleasure cruise. Hard work is what makes to boat go.
I'm on a boat....
The 'CrossFit Total' is a fun workout because we are able to interact a little more, no clock, a little less hurried, but just as intense as anything else we do. There should be very little fuel in the tank by the end.
Heavy lifts, and max efforts are hugely important for our growth.
Thanks for an exceptionally great day at CFSF. You are all awesome!
Rest later.
'CrossFit Total'
Back squat, 1 rep
Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep
BS P DL Tot. 130711
Russell- 345 175 365 885 855
Derrick- 405* 185* 475 1065 1060
Erin- 200 100 205 505 550
Allie- 155* 76* 200 431
Kathryn- 160 80 195 435 425
Paul M- 250 135 385 770
Carrie- 65 135 200
Richard- 275 125 335 735
Byron- 375 155 415 945 865
Todd McK- 175* 105* 220* 500 475
Casey- 315 145 385 845
Dustin- 250 125 335 710
Todd- 165 365 530
John M- 215 125 335 675
Candice- 145* 85 205* 435
Britt- 245 95 285* 625 580
Sharon- 135 70 195 400
Quincy- 225 125 205 555
Paul- 365 185 405 955
Teresa- 175 90 205 470 445
Connor- 295 150 365 810
Dave- 205 145 275* 625 480
Matt- 225 145 305 675
Tommy- 225 135 305 665
Caitlin- 100 65 135 300
Meagan- 100 75 135 310
Mary- 125 75 205 405
Brandi- 125 65 165 355
Heather- 155 70 235* 460
I think the table above speaks for itself. Monster session everyone! We have some seriously strong people among us. Collectively, we moved 16,776 pounds today. Incredible.
We quantify everything, and the 'Total' is a great way to observe change over time. Our strength has increased, as has our capacity to do work across broad domains. The numbers don't lie. CrossFit works!
Great workout puppies! From some basic Presses, to the full Monty. Good job today. Thanks for your attention to detail and hard work. Paige, Erin B, and Cristina- welcome aboard. Just remember this ain't no pleasure cruise. Hard work is what makes to boat go.
I'm on a boat....
The 'CrossFit Total' is a fun workout because we are able to interact a little more, no clock, a little less hurried, but just as intense as anything else we do. There should be very little fuel in the tank by the end.
Heavy lifts, and max efforts are hugely important for our growth.
Thanks for an exceptionally great day at CFSF. You are all awesome!
Rest later.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
'Fran' is a CrossFit right of passage, and she will kick your teeth down your throat if you give her an opportunity. Stay out in front and don't let her catch up. It's a relatively short workout if you can hold on to that bar and keep pushing, and pulling, and manage to keep your lungs from spontaneously combusting...
Some had a plan, some winged it. I think we got a little L1 revenge for our Instructors. Thanks for that!
21, 15, 9 reps:
95 pound Thruster
HS hold
Mary- 45 5:58 1:30
Erin- Rx 6:32 2:11
Derrick- 75 4:50 :26
Eric- Rx 4:32 1:03
Paul M- 75 8:39 :29
Carrie- 45 8:07* :44
Tammy- Rx 6:25 :37
Todd McK- 45 6:20 :28
Richard- 75 4:50 1:00
Abby- 55 4:58 1:36
Russell- Rx 4:16 :55
Emilee- 45 6:53 :31
Casey- Rx 4:56 1:06
Kathryn- Rx 7:06 :59
Dustin- 75 9:28* 1:08
John- Rx 4:53 :33
Britt- 75 10:34 :38
Dave- 75 7:09 1:03
Connor- 65 7:02 :54
Paul- 75 12:30*
Caitlin- 35 6:14 1:27
Tommy- 45 6:50
Quincy- 75 11:38*
Heather- 35 10:49* :33
Teresa- Rx 5:05
YOU ARE ALL AWESOME! We have seen monster efforts at CFSF but this one might just take the cake. The lunch crew killed it today. Hung it on the wall, and took shots at it. Super good job guys.
We joke about getting our asses kicked when we see 'Fran' but I can honestly say we got her this time. Great job night time crews too. Everyone dropped time. Some of the puppies were introduced to 'Fran' for the first time and held up strong. Good job puppies.
'Fran' is an equal opportunity offender. She does not discriminate. And she has a hairy back. Not much to like about her at all, except getting done. Lying there in a pool of sweat squirming around like a dying squid. But it's over, and you did it. HOOYAH! Not too many better feelings than that right there. Thanks CFHQ.
Good work on the Handstand hold. What a great example of 'hollow' positioning. 'Hollow' is stable. Upside down is certainly a good time for stability. If you found yourself going into a more extended position, practice Hollow rocks and get better 'hollow' positioning control. Then get back on the wall!
We have a few more puppies, and we have a another puppy graduating. Erin, Paige: crawl, walk, run, in that order. Be consistent, and trust your Instructors. Mary, congratulations, you made it. Now the real fun begins.
Log on and track what you do.
Fran- 0
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for all the super strong efforts and fuel. That, and you are what makes CFSF special.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philppeans 4:13
Some had a plan, some winged it. I think we got a little L1 revenge for our Instructors. Thanks for that!
21, 15, 9 reps:
95 pound Thruster
HS hold
Mary- 45 5:58 1:30
Erin- Rx 6:32 2:11
Derrick- 75 4:50 :26
Eric- Rx 4:32 1:03
Paul M- 75 8:39 :29
Carrie- 45 8:07* :44
Tammy- Rx 6:25 :37
Todd McK- 45 6:20 :28
Richard- 75 4:50 1:00
Abby- 55 4:58 1:36
Russell- Rx 4:16 :55
Emilee- 45 6:53 :31
Casey- Rx 4:56 1:06
Kathryn- Rx 7:06 :59
Dustin- 75 9:28* 1:08
John- Rx 4:53 :33
Britt- 75 10:34 :38
Dave- 75 7:09 1:03
Connor- 65 7:02 :54
Paul- 75 12:30*
Caitlin- 35 6:14 1:27
Tommy- 45 6:50
Quincy- 75 11:38*
Heather- 35 10:49* :33
Teresa- Rx 5:05
YOU ARE ALL AWESOME! We have seen monster efforts at CFSF but this one might just take the cake. The lunch crew killed it today. Hung it on the wall, and took shots at it. Super good job guys.
We joke about getting our asses kicked when we see 'Fran' but I can honestly say we got her this time. Great job night time crews too. Everyone dropped time. Some of the puppies were introduced to 'Fran' for the first time and held up strong. Good job puppies.
'Fran' is an equal opportunity offender. She does not discriminate. And she has a hairy back. Not much to like about her at all, except getting done. Lying there in a pool of sweat squirming around like a dying squid. But it's over, and you did it. HOOYAH! Not too many better feelings than that right there. Thanks CFHQ.
Good work on the Handstand hold. What a great example of 'hollow' positioning. 'Hollow' is stable. Upside down is certainly a good time for stability. If you found yourself going into a more extended position, practice Hollow rocks and get better 'hollow' positioning control. Then get back on the wall!
We have a few more puppies, and we have a another puppy graduating. Erin, Paige: crawl, walk, run, in that order. Be consistent, and trust your Instructors. Mary, congratulations, you made it. Now the real fun begins.
Log on and track what you do.
Fran- 0
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for all the super strong efforts and fuel. That, and you are what makes CFSF special.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philppeans 4:13
Monday, November 11, 2013
Quite a lot of what we do at CFSF has evolved from an idea, or request from one of our members. We add 'The Marine' warm-up to that list. Thanks Paul.
'The Marine'
1000 meter run
Max Sit-ups in 2:00
2:00 rest
Max Push-ups in 2:00
2:00 rest
Max Pull-ups in 2:00
1000m Sit-up Push-up Pull-up
Teresa- 5:10 74 29 35
Paul M- 4:00 55 54 21
Carrie- 4:59 59 33 26 rev pu
Todd McK- 4:12 58 45 25
Candice- 5:15 57 37 25
Casey- 5:14 75 38 36
Juan- 4:24 56 47 41
Kathryn- 5:05 74 45 29
Dave- 5:01 50 50 28
John M- 4:39 56 45 25
Mary- 5:53 50 40 26 re pu
Quincy- 5:16 62 29 11 band
Paul- 6:02 53 45 20 band
Russell- 4:07 80 53 41
Our warm-up is their workout. Our workout:
21, 15, 9 reps:
225 pound Deadlift
135 pound Overhead squat
Teresa- 95/45 6:14
Todd McK- 105/55 9:30
Candice- 105/55 8:38
Casey- 225/115 10:49
Juan- 165/75 8:02
Paul- 125/45 12:23
Russell- 185/95 9:53
Kathryn- 95/45 4:57
Dave- 135/75 8:25
Quincy- 135/95FS 14:44
John M- 156/65 11:30
Mary- 75/45 8:45
Great job everyone. This was a heavy day, and you all held on tightly through to the end. HOOYAH!
Happy birthday to the U.S. Marine Corps, and a thanks to all the CFSF members who are Veterans. We thank you for your service. Freedom is not free. It has been purchased by the generations of warriors both past and present. For this we are eternally grateful.
Semper fidelis
'The Marine'
1000 meter run
Max Sit-ups in 2:00
2:00 rest
Max Push-ups in 2:00
2:00 rest
Max Pull-ups in 2:00
1000m Sit-up Push-up Pull-up
Teresa- 5:10 74 29 35
Paul M- 4:00 55 54 21
Carrie- 4:59 59 33 26 rev pu
Todd McK- 4:12 58 45 25
Candice- 5:15 57 37 25
Casey- 5:14 75 38 36
Juan- 4:24 56 47 41
Kathryn- 5:05 74 45 29
Dave- 5:01 50 50 28
John M- 4:39 56 45 25
Mary- 5:53 50 40 26 re pu
Quincy- 5:16 62 29 11 band
Paul- 6:02 53 45 20 band
Russell- 4:07 80 53 41
Our warm-up is their workout. Our workout:
21, 15, 9 reps:
225 pound Deadlift
135 pound Overhead squat
Teresa- 95/45 6:14
Todd McK- 105/55 9:30
Candice- 105/55 8:38
Casey- 225/115 10:49
Juan- 165/75 8:02
Paul- 125/45 12:23
Russell- 185/95 9:53
Kathryn- 95/45 4:57
Dave- 135/75 8:25
Quincy- 135/95FS 14:44
John M- 156/65 11:30
Mary- 75/45 8:45
Great job everyone. This was a heavy day, and you all held on tightly through to the end. HOOYAH!
Happy birthday to the U.S. Marine Corps, and a thanks to all the CFSF members who are Veterans. We thank you for your service. Freedom is not free. It has been purchased by the generations of warriors both past and present. For this we are eternally grateful.
Semper fidelis
A Muscle-up ladder? Yep. The needs of the many out weighed the needs of the few today. We took a tour off the reservation with a Partner Cindy workout. Rigid flexibility.
Partner Cindy
20:00 AMRAP
Partner A runs 400 meters while partner B
completes as many rounds of Cindy as possible.
Upon tagging hands, partners switch.
Team "I don't know"
John M and Meagan
14 + 170 meters
Team "Schmitt 1"
Dave and Kathryn
19 + 5 reps
Team "Schmitt 2"
Ben and Megan
Team "Marine"
Quincy and Paul
Modified Partner Cindy:
3 rounds of Cindy and a 400 meter run = 1 round
Paul M- 3 + 3/4
Todd McK- 3 +1/2
Great job today guys. This was a fun way to save hands from the brutality of a 3:1 Pull-up/Dip sub for Muscle-ups. John Fenn did get some Muscle-ups today after ten minutes of MPC. Good job John.
Nice round totals Team Schmitt 1, and OUTSTANDING work Team Schmitt 2! Ben and Megan, we thoroughly enjoyed your participation. YOU SMAHSED IT!
I don't know about Team 'I Don't Know'. You know what I mean?
Great job Team Marine. You guys don't go fast, but you don't stop until it's done. We talk about bright flames and dim lights at CFSF. The brighter the flame, the faster the burn. We like dim lights that just keep on burning, and burning.
Thanks for your rigid flexibility today. That, and you, are what makes CFSF special.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF full of strong fuel and monster efforts.
Rest later.
Partner Cindy
20:00 AMRAP
Partner A runs 400 meters while partner B
completes as many rounds of Cindy as possible.
Upon tagging hands, partners switch.
Team "I don't know"
John M and Meagan
14 + 170 meters
Team "Schmitt 1"
Dave and Kathryn
19 + 5 reps
Team "Schmitt 2"
Ben and Megan
Team "Marine"
Quincy and Paul
Modified Partner Cindy:
3 rounds of Cindy and a 400 meter run = 1 round
Paul M- 3 + 3/4
Todd McK- 3 +1/2
Great job today guys. This was a fun way to save hands from the brutality of a 3:1 Pull-up/Dip sub for Muscle-ups. John Fenn did get some Muscle-ups today after ten minutes of MPC. Good job John.
Nice round totals Team Schmitt 1, and OUTSTANDING work Team Schmitt 2! Ben and Megan, we thoroughly enjoyed your participation. YOU SMAHSED IT!
I don't know about Team 'I Don't Know'. You know what I mean?
Great job Team Marine. You guys don't go fast, but you don't stop until it's done. We talk about bright flames and dim lights at CFSF. The brighter the flame, the faster the burn. We like dim lights that just keep on burning, and burning.
Thanks for your rigid flexibility today. That, and you, are what makes CFSF special.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF full of strong fuel and monster efforts.
Rest later.
The 2010 Northwest Regional Event 1 was a short, and sweet workout. Our favorite. Most of us.....
2010 Northwest Regional Event 1
Three rounds:
135 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
50 Double-unders (*3:1)
Chin above bar GHD Superman
Eric- 95 8:58 :30
Paul M- 65 FS 8:15* :35
Carrie- 35 FS 10:07* 2:10
John- Rx 8:23 :32
Erin- 75 7:43 :23
Kathryn- 65 6:59 1:23
Tammy- 65 15:50 1:35
Casey- Rx 7:42 :32
Mary- 35 8:23* :18
Britt- 75 13:08 1:10
Dave- 75 6:29* :44
Sharon- 35 11:08 :04
Teresa- 65 8:03 :13
John M- 75 8:33 :40 1:19
Meagan-35 9:48* :14 1:24
Quincy- 95 FS 12:50* :07 :45
Paul- 95 13:40* :07 :40
Great workout everyone. Good job going as prescribed Casey, and John. You guys are strong! Really great workout CFSF ladies. Awesome efforts. Thanks for that hard work.
We talked about a few things we wanted to see in the workout, and there were a few key words: TIGHT being one. Good job hitting those targets.
More people are dialed in to the Doubles than ever before. Great job. Once singles are as efficient as possible, begin work on Doubles. The jump height isn't much different, just the hand and wrist speed. Bang, Bang.
The two tests today were: Chin above bar, and the GHD Superman hold. Good job Carrie. You have the GHD Superman record. How long can you hold it? Standby for more tests.
Nice work puppies. You are all moving closer every day. Thanks for that determination. That's good motivation for everyone.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Better than yesterday.
2010 Northwest Regional Event 1
Three rounds:
135 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
50 Double-unders (*3:1)
Chin above bar GHD Superman
Eric- 95 8:58 :30
Paul M- 65 FS 8:15* :35
Carrie- 35 FS 10:07* 2:10
John- Rx 8:23 :32
Erin- 75 7:43 :23
Kathryn- 65 6:59 1:23
Tammy- 65 15:50 1:35
Casey- Rx 7:42 :32
Mary- 35 8:23* :18
Britt- 75 13:08 1:10
Dave- 75 6:29* :44
Sharon- 35 11:08 :04
Teresa- 65 8:03 :13
John M- 75 8:33 :40 1:19
Meagan-35 9:48* :14 1:24
Quincy- 95 FS 12:50* :07 :45
Paul- 95 13:40* :07 :40
Great workout everyone. Good job going as prescribed Casey, and John. You guys are strong! Really great workout CFSF ladies. Awesome efforts. Thanks for that hard work.
We talked about a few things we wanted to see in the workout, and there were a few key words: TIGHT being one. Good job hitting those targets.
More people are dialed in to the Doubles than ever before. Great job. Once singles are as efficient as possible, begin work on Doubles. The jump height isn't much different, just the hand and wrist speed. Bang, Bang.
The two tests today were: Chin above bar, and the GHD Superman hold. Good job Carrie. You have the GHD Superman record. How long can you hold it? Standby for more tests.
Nice work puppies. You are all moving closer every day. Thanks for that determination. That's good motivation for everyone.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Better than yesterday.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Man has been lifting weights to increase GPP for a long time. Among ancient writings, researchers found a 5,000 year old Chinese text that describes prospective soldiers having to pass lifting tests.
The first modern Olympics were held in 1896, and Weightlifiting was included as an official sport. The three lifts were the Snatch, Clean and jerk, and the Press (eliminated in 1972).
The Snatch requires quite a bit from the athlete: speed, strength, power, and high levels of systemic flexibility. This is why we see it in CrossFit programming. It's contribution to our athleticism is unrivaled. Thanks CFHQ!
Muscle snatch 1-1-1-1-1
Power snatch 3-3-3-3-3
Snatch 5-5-5-5-5
Byron- 135 165 145
Eric- 135 145 105
Allie- 70 70 55
Erin- 95 100 85
Derrick- 155* 160* 95*
Russell- 135 135 130
Paul M- 95 105
Casey- 135 155 125
Kathryn- 70 65 65
John- 155 170 155
Abby- 75 75
John M- 125 125 75
Sharon- 55 75 45
Teresa- 80 90 80
Dave- 85 100 55
Press Push press Push jerk
Todd- 205 205
Connor- 115 125
Mary- 65 65
Meagan- 45 60
Tommy- 75 95
Dave- 165 175
Good job everyone. Monster lifts John Fenn, and Erin. Nice *PR's Derrick. Dave double dipped and got a little extra love. Good job Dave.
The rep scheme was interesting. As the potential to lift more weight increases, the number of times it must be lifted also increases. Quite a conundrum, and another cool part of CrossFit training.
The Muscle snatch omits the re-dip. The Power snatch omits the Squat, and the full Snatch? Ground to overhead in one smooth motion, receiving the bar in a squatting position. Training each can help different aspects of the whole movement.
Nice workout puppies. Press, Push press, and an introduction to the Push jerk in one session is a lot to focus on and you all did really well. Thanks for the hard work.
Thursday is an original schedule rest day. Get some love and treat yourself to anything that feels good and helps you recover. Stretch, smash, roll, floss, and feather. Pick two. Get a massage. Give a massage. ICE anything sore.
Feeling better by Friday.
Open gym from 5:15-6:15 for skills, mobility, or a missed wod. Be sure to thank Instructor E.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Laissez le bon temps rouler!
The first modern Olympics were held in 1896, and Weightlifiting was included as an official sport. The three lifts were the Snatch, Clean and jerk, and the Press (eliminated in 1972).
The Snatch requires quite a bit from the athlete: speed, strength, power, and high levels of systemic flexibility. This is why we see it in CrossFit programming. It's contribution to our athleticism is unrivaled. Thanks CFHQ!
Muscle snatch 1-1-1-1-1
Power snatch 3-3-3-3-3
Snatch 5-5-5-5-5
Byron- 135 165 145
Eric- 135 145 105
Allie- 70 70 55
Erin- 95 100 85
Derrick- 155* 160* 95*
Russell- 135 135 130
Paul M- 95 105
Casey- 135 155 125
Kathryn- 70 65 65
John- 155 170 155
Abby- 75 75
John M- 125 125 75
Sharon- 55 75 45
Teresa- 80 90 80
Dave- 85 100 55
Press Push press Push jerk
Todd- 205 205
Connor- 115 125
Mary- 65 65
Meagan- 45 60
Tommy- 75 95
Dave- 165 175
Good job everyone. Monster lifts John Fenn, and Erin. Nice *PR's Derrick. Dave double dipped and got a little extra love. Good job Dave.
The rep scheme was interesting. As the potential to lift more weight increases, the number of times it must be lifted also increases. Quite a conundrum, and another cool part of CrossFit training.
The Muscle snatch omits the re-dip. The Power snatch omits the Squat, and the full Snatch? Ground to overhead in one smooth motion, receiving the bar in a squatting position. Training each can help different aspects of the whole movement.
Nice workout puppies. Press, Push press, and an introduction to the Push jerk in one session is a lot to focus on and you all did really well. Thanks for the hard work.
Thursday is an original schedule rest day. Get some love and treat yourself to anything that feels good and helps you recover. Stretch, smash, roll, floss, and feather. Pick two. Get a massage. Give a massage. ICE anything sore.
Feeling better by Friday.
Open gym from 5:15-6:15 for skills, mobility, or a missed wod. Be sure to thank Instructor E.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Laissez le bon temps rouler!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
The CrossFit Regional Games are always a blast, and it's interesting to see their progression from then to now. The workouts have evolved. More skills related, and a larger strength component make this years Games seem more difficult than those of the past.
It just seems that way. They have been and will continue to be mother grabbers of the first order. Good job on finishing a tough workout, and thanks CFHQ!
2011 CrossFit Games Regional Workout 6
Row 20 calories
30 Burpees
45 pound Two arm dumbbbell ground to overhead, 40 reps
50 Toes to bar
100 foot Overhead walking lunge, 45 pound plate
150 foot sprint
Kathryn- 25/25 18:50
Russell- Rx 15:30
Allie- 15/25 18:55
Derrick- Rx 18:45
Tammy- 20/25 19:08
Eric- 45/40 16:10
Erin- 25/25 14:57
Casey- 40/45 17:15
Todd McK- 25/25 20:44
Sharon- 15/25 24:40
Britt- 35/25 23:01
Byron- 40/45 17:44
Candice- 20/25 24:09
Mary-20/10 19:40
Conner- 30/10 20:12
Heather- 15/10 27:41
Quincy- 35/25 26:23
Dave-25/25 23:09
John M- 30/45 22:27
Caitlin- 10/10 19:03
Meagan- 8/10 23:32
Tommy- 20/10 19:01
Great job everyone. As prescribed Derrick, and Russell. HOOYAH! The redeeming value of these workouts? They are one and done. No repeats. Just keep moving.
Everyone got an opportunity to toughen up their hands on the rack with some Toes to bar, and a few more people are getting locked on to the much more efficient Toes to bar movement that is chained. Excellent.
So, along with holding a kettlebell while doing Burpees, another way to make them suck more is to jump on a 45 pound plate. Good job Kathryn. When a CrossFitter comes to a fork in the road, they take both just for kicks.
Chuck Norris CrossFits.
Great session puppies. Coachability, enthusiasm, and monster efforts. We couldn't ask for more. Thanks!
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for the super strong fuel, and good times.
Excellence equity
It just seems that way. They have been and will continue to be mother grabbers of the first order. Good job on finishing a tough workout, and thanks CFHQ!
2011 CrossFit Games Regional Workout 6
Row 20 calories
30 Burpees
45 pound Two arm dumbbbell ground to overhead, 40 reps
50 Toes to bar
100 foot Overhead walking lunge, 45 pound plate
150 foot sprint
Kathryn- 25/25 18:50
Russell- Rx 15:30
Allie- 15/25 18:55
Derrick- Rx 18:45
Tammy- 20/25 19:08
Eric- 45/40 16:10
Erin- 25/25 14:57
Casey- 40/45 17:15
Todd McK- 25/25 20:44
Sharon- 15/25 24:40
Britt- 35/25 23:01
Byron- 40/45 17:44
Candice- 20/25 24:09
Mary-20/10 19:40
Conner- 30/10 20:12
Heather- 15/10 27:41
Quincy- 35/25 26:23
Dave-25/25 23:09
John M- 30/45 22:27
Caitlin- 10/10 19:03
Meagan- 8/10 23:32
Tommy- 20/10 19:01
Great job everyone. As prescribed Derrick, and Russell. HOOYAH! The redeeming value of these workouts? They are one and done. No repeats. Just keep moving.
Everyone got an opportunity to toughen up their hands on the rack with some Toes to bar, and a few more people are getting locked on to the much more efficient Toes to bar movement that is chained. Excellent.
So, along with holding a kettlebell while doing Burpees, another way to make them suck more is to jump on a 45 pound plate. Good job Kathryn. When a CrossFitter comes to a fork in the road, they take both just for kicks.
Chuck Norris CrossFits.
Great session puppies. Coachability, enthusiasm, and monster efforts. We couldn't ask for more. Thanks!
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for the super strong fuel, and good times.
Excellence equity
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
The absence of the running clock gives the false impression of a relaxed session. After ten max sets you'd better be gassed- or you aren't working hard enough.
Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press
1 2 3 4 5
Todd McK- 95 15/10 15/10 15/10 15/10 15/10
Casey- 205 10/18 6/14 6/12 5/13 5/15
Russell- 195 15/25 11/22 7/20 6/15 6/18
Jerry- 185 18/13 8/10 4/10 6/8 6/10
Derrick- 235 12/20 10/18 9/16 8/17 7/20
Paul M- 185 19/10 9/10 8/10 7/10 6/10
Carrie- 75 12/15 10/6 10/9 10/9 10/10
Allie- 75 10/15 10/13 10/13 10/13 10/10
Tammy- 75 15/11 20/7 18/10 19/10 20/10
Erin- 115 12/15 10/13 7/10 7/5 4/8
Kathryn- 85 11/15 11/16 11/15 11/19 6/15
Sharon- 75 10/10 10/8 10/9 10/3 6/4
Abby- 85 9/16 7/16 9/18 9/20 8/22
Britt- 115 7/8 8/10 7/9 5/9 5/7
Dave- 185 6/13 9/12 8/14 6/9 5/12
Teresa- 75 22/18 17/16 13/15 13/15 11/17
Mary- 75 25/15 15/9 11/9
Matt- 185 7/21 6/16 6/20
Caitlin- 65 6/20 4/15 5/15
Tommy- 185 6/12 6/20 5/24
Very good session everyone. We have some strong people among us! Interesting to see some people finishing stronger than the start, and others wane by the last sets. Are you a slow starter? Make sure you've warmed up well then...
As prescribed, 'Lynne' is a monster. Scaled isn't much better. Max efforts are not as easy as they sound. It takes practice, and determination to squeeze out another rep or two, leaving nothing behind. This level of effort feels uncomfortable, and most avoid it. We embrace it at CFSF.
Good job puppies. Thanks for your attention to detail and energy. You are motivating everyone. Thanks!
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press
1 2 3 4 5
Todd McK- 95 15/10 15/10 15/10 15/10 15/10
Casey- 205 10/18 6/14 6/12 5/13 5/15
Russell- 195 15/25 11/22 7/20 6/15 6/18
Jerry- 185 18/13 8/10 4/10 6/8 6/10
Derrick- 235 12/20 10/18 9/16 8/17 7/20
Paul M- 185 19/10 9/10 8/10 7/10 6/10
Carrie- 75 12/15 10/6 10/9 10/9 10/10
Allie- 75 10/15 10/13 10/13 10/13 10/10
Tammy- 75 15/11 20/7 18/10 19/10 20/10
Erin- 115 12/15 10/13 7/10 7/5 4/8
Kathryn- 85 11/15 11/16 11/15 11/19 6/15
Sharon- 75 10/10 10/8 10/9 10/3 6/4
Abby- 85 9/16 7/16 9/18 9/20 8/22
Britt- 115 7/8 8/10 7/9 5/9 5/7
Dave- 185 6/13 9/12 8/14 6/9 5/12
Teresa- 75 22/18 17/16 13/15 13/15 11/17
Mary- 75 25/15 15/9 11/9
Matt- 185 7/21 6/16 6/20
Caitlin- 65 6/20 4/15 5/15
Tommy- 185 6/12 6/20 5/24
Very good session everyone. We have some strong people among us! Interesting to see some people finishing stronger than the start, and others wane by the last sets. Are you a slow starter? Make sure you've warmed up well then...
As prescribed, 'Lynne' is a monster. Scaled isn't much better. Max efforts are not as easy as they sound. It takes practice, and determination to squeeze out another rep or two, leaving nothing behind. This level of effort feels uncomfortable, and most avoid it. We embrace it at CFSF.
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Who added that little line to Todd McK's initials? |
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Monday, November 4, 2013
This was an interesting triplet that left us on fumes. Barely enough gas to get done for some. No pit stops either. Good job holding on tightly through to the end.
5 rounds:
Wall climb, 10 reps
Toes to bar, 10 reps
20 Box jumps, 24" box
Paul- (3) 13:13
Todd McK- Rx 23:16
Abby- Rx 25:54
Paul M- (3) 18:58
Quincy- (3) 24:40
Meagan- (3) 18:21
Caitlin- (3) 17:52
Russell- Rx 24:58
Tommy- (3) 15:40
Heather- (3) 18:01
Britt- (4) 19:55
Great workout everyone. Nice job going as prescribed Abby, Russell, and Todd McK. Arghhh!
The Bear crawl/Incline push-ups sub for the Wall climb, as usual, was worse than the Wall climb itself. Get used to inversion and practice Handstand holds. It only takes a little practice to get a lot more comfortable upside down.
There's usually one component of the workout that is a bit more manageable. The Toes to bar turned out to be where we caught our breath and got a little active recovery, getting ready for the Box jumps.
We talked about how to keep the Box jumps efficient and safe. No falls, scrapes, or near misses. Stay aggressive, and do not focus on the box. Focus on the jump.
Log on and track what you're doing.
Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning at CFSF.
Unusual dedication
5 rounds:
Wall climb, 10 reps
Toes to bar, 10 reps
20 Box jumps, 24" box
Paul- (3) 13:13
Todd McK- Rx 23:16
Abby- Rx 25:54
Paul M- (3) 18:58
Quincy- (3) 24:40
Meagan- (3) 18:21
Caitlin- (3) 17:52
Russell- Rx 24:58
Tommy- (3) 15:40
Heather- (3) 18:01
Britt- (4) 19:55
Great workout everyone. Nice job going as prescribed Abby, Russell, and Todd McK. Arghhh!
The Bear crawl/Incline push-ups sub for the Wall climb, as usual, was worse than the Wall climb itself. Get used to inversion and practice Handstand holds. It only takes a little practice to get a lot more comfortable upside down.
There's usually one component of the workout that is a bit more manageable. The Toes to bar turned out to be where we caught our breath and got a little active recovery, getting ready for the Box jumps.
We talked about how to keep the Box jumps efficient and safe. No falls, scrapes, or near misses. Stay aggressive, and do not focus on the box. Focus on the jump.
Log on and track what you're doing.
Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning at CFSF.
Unusual dedication
Apparantly Dave Castro is a Daniel Tosh fan, and Daniel Tosh is not a CrossFitter. However, this was a fun session. Thanks CFHQ!
Five rounds:
10 Kettlebell buprees
2 Thrusters
1 Snatch
Erin- 35/75 13:10
Derrick- 53/135 17:24
Abby- 35/65 13:16
Dustin- 53/95 21:24
Paul M- 53/65 16:59
Russell- 53/135/125 12:28
Todd McK- 35/65 13:05
Allie- 30/65 17:29
John M-35/75 17:12
Carrie- 20/45 17:16
Casey- 53/135/115 18:26
Sharon- (3) 20/35 14:12
Teresa- 35/65 15:56
Paul- (3) 30/85 12:50
Quincy- (3) 35/65 14:00
Mary- (3) 26/45 10:40
Meagan- (3) 18/15 12:34
Great job everybody. How about the Kettlebell burpee? Only CrossFit could make a Burpee worse than it already is. And it was the Burpee Channel. All Burpees, all the time. Totally gassed.
The Thrusters and Snatch seemed ancillary today but drank as much fuel as the Burpees did. Lots. Wise selection of load was key. No misses. HOOYAH!
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for the super srtong efforts and fuel.
Five rounds:
10 Kettlebell buprees
2 Thrusters
1 Snatch
Erin- 35/75 13:10
Derrick- 53/135 17:24
Abby- 35/65 13:16
Dustin- 53/95 21:24
Paul M- 53/65 16:59
Russell- 53/135/125 12:28
Todd McK- 35/65 13:05
Allie- 30/65 17:29
John M-35/75 17:12
Carrie- 20/45 17:16
Casey- 53/135/115 18:26
Sharon- (3) 20/35 14:12
Teresa- 35/65 15:56
Paul- (3) 30/85 12:50
Quincy- (3) 35/65 14:00
Mary- (3) 26/45 10:40
Meagan- (3) 18/15 12:34
Great job everybody. How about the Kettlebell burpee? Only CrossFit could make a Burpee worse than it already is. And it was the Burpee Channel. All Burpees, all the time. Totally gassed.
The Thrusters and Snatch seemed ancillary today but drank as much fuel as the Burpees did. Lots. Wise selection of load was key. No misses. HOOYAH!
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for the super srtong efforts and fuel.
Friday, November 1, 2013
This was a fitting workout for a scary day at CFSF.
'Scary 15'
Three rounds:
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
15 L-pull-ups
95 pound Split jerk, 15 reps
15 Knees to elbows
95 pound Hang clean, 15 reps
25 pound Loaded back extensions, 15 reps
Eric- 75/25 25:30
Derrick- 75/25 27:45
Erin- 65/10 35:16
Paul M- 65FS/PP 25 29:04
Carrie- 45 FS/PP 10 27:16
Todd McK- 55/10 35:27
Candice- 55/10 33:47
Casey- 75/25 28:27
Sharon- (2) 35/10 23:23 (:58)
Teresa- 65/15 28:46 (1:04)
Mary- (2) 35/0 14:17 (1:29)
Stephen- (2) 75/10 12:53 (:59)
Quincy- (2) 65FS/0 22:18 (:37)
Meagan- (2) 15/35/0 18:28 (1:05)
Caitlyn- (2) 15FS/PP35/0 18:17 (2:00)
Tommy- (2) 45FS/PP/0 18:23 (1:03)
Matt- (2) 45/65/0 17:23 (1:02)
Christian- (:27)
Great job everybody. That's a cool 270 reps, just in case you're counting.... Lots of extension, and lots of flexion make this workout another deceivingly difficult session. Thanks CFHQ!
We scaled this beast for the puppies and they killed it. Great job puppies. We also had a little fun at night with an isometric Superman hold on the GHD. Congratulations Caitlyn- 2:00 minutes for the win.
We are exactly one month away from the 2013 Winter Circus.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
'Scary 15'
Three rounds:
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
15 L-pull-ups
95 pound Split jerk, 15 reps
15 Knees to elbows
95 pound Hang clean, 15 reps
25 pound Loaded back extensions, 15 reps
Eric- 75/25 25:30
Derrick- 75/25 27:45
Erin- 65/10 35:16
Paul M- 65FS/PP 25 29:04
Carrie- 45 FS/PP 10 27:16
Todd McK- 55/10 35:27
Candice- 55/10 33:47
Casey- 75/25 28:27
Sharon- (2) 35/10 23:23 (:58)
Teresa- 65/15 28:46 (1:04)
Mary- (2) 35/0 14:17 (1:29)
Stephen- (2) 75/10 12:53 (:59)
Quincy- (2) 65FS/0 22:18 (:37)
Meagan- (2) 15/35/0 18:28 (1:05)
Caitlyn- (2) 15FS/PP35/0 18:17 (2:00)
Tommy- (2) 45FS/PP/0 18:23 (1:03)
Matt- (2) 45/65/0 17:23 (1:02)
Christian- (:27)
Great job everybody. That's a cool 270 reps, just in case you're counting.... Lots of extension, and lots of flexion make this workout another deceivingly difficult session. Thanks CFHQ!
We scaled this beast for the puppies and they killed it. Great job puppies. We also had a little fun at night with an isometric Superman hold on the GHD. Congratulations Caitlyn- 2:00 minutes for the win.
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Little Red Riding Hood Overhead squatting |
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
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