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Monday, June 9, 2014


The Overhead squat cruelly and indiscriminately exposes strength and flexibility issues. Practice. Keep working on becoming more flexible, and you'll have it. It doesn't get easier- you get better.

Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Todd McK- 95
Paige- 35
Caitlin- 55
Tommy- 115
Casey- 225*
Candice- 115
Allie + Norah Jae- 65
Russell- 200
Teresa- 125

Great squats you guys! The Overhead squat is the last of the squats taught for a reason. It's tough!

Nice *PR Madman, and good job staying STABLE Russell. Good work Jeremy, and Joan. You are on the way. Cleared. Checked out. No more Airsquat subs in the warm-up, and every fifth Overhead squat is a Sots press. Got it? Good.

Good job John Fenn- completing the Battle Frog obstacle race last weekend. That's a cool-a$$ shirt too.



Thanks for another great day at CFSF.

Rest later.

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