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Monday, August 17, 2015


Strength sessions are always a welcomed sight, even the elusive third rep of a three rep set, which happens to somehow be more difficult than a five rep set. We were pleased. Thanks CFHQ!

Split jerk 3-3-3-3-3-3-3

Juan- 155
Caitlin- 85
Tommy- 165
Todd- 205
T- 155

Great job everyone. Good prioritization on a nice Saturday morning. Nice lifts Todd, and Tommy- you guys are strong! Really good job Caitlin- that's almost 5/6 of your body weight that you're throwing overhead. OUTSTANDING!

The Split jerk is the way to get anything heavy overhead, and once you learn it you'll find it difficult to do anything else, even if the workout calls for a Push press, your body will want to Split, or Push jerk it instead.

We talked about a few things we really wanted to see, among which were a solid dip and drive, and receiving the bar in a locked-out super stable position. THANKS for hitting those targets.

Notice in the video that the lifter doesn't push the load very high, he pulls himself under. Also notice his back leg is moving away from his mid line, giving him a wider base of support. Perfect form. The current World record is 266 kg, or 585 pounds held by Leonid Taranenko.

Thanks for another great day at CFSF.

"Buy the ticket. Take the ride."
-Hunter S. Thompson


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