Why make something inherently difficult any more difficult? Because anything worth doing is worth overdoing. 'Heavy Fran' is a scary, hairy backed beast in a bad mood. Wait a minute... Not this commercial. Our resident mutant kicked her ass. Sorry Fran, maybe next time.
'Heavy Fran'
15-12-9 reps:
135 pound Thrusters
45 pound Weighted pull-ups (*ring row/band assist)
Todd McK- 65/10 7:20 10:27
Paige- 35/BW 9:31
Eric- 115/25 8:15
Joan- 35/BW 9:20
Candice- 65/10 11:14
Juan- 95/BW 8:42
Anna- 15 DB* 5:58
Blake 25 DB* 7:29
Teresa- 75/20 10:03
Holley- 45* 6:44
Caroline- 15 DB* 8:48
Jeremy- 75/BW 7:26
Tommy- 75/BW 8:40
Caitlin- 65/10 7:48
Todd- Rx 10:43
Sharon- 50/BW 11:11
Matt- 75/BW 6:59
Great workout everyone. Super fast finishes Anna, and Holley. OUTSTANDING job Todd O. for going as prescribed, and Todd McK for shaving 3:00 minutes off his previous time. That's a lot of time in the CrossFit world. Remember that any change from workout to workout negates comparison.
At any load Thrusters crush. Our heart and lungs have trouble keeping us oxygenated as our large muscles start to demand more and more blood. And the gravity changes in at the end and we're talking real talk. Flat on your back.
Thrusters, and Pull-ups are two classic CrossFit exercises. Good job if you loaded your Pull-ups. Even a 5 pound plate makes a difference- everything counts. Body weight pull-ups didn't make things much easier, maybe a little faster. Good job on the Pull-ups, either way.
Friday is a well deserved rest day. Use your extra time wisely and do something that feels good and helps you recover. You have a lot to choose from. The investment you make will have impressive returns. Mash anything gnarly, and ICE anything sore. Stretch anything that's tight. Do it!
Thanks very much for your hard work Chris, and Jeremy S. Be pleased, not satisfied.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for the monster efforts and super strong fuel.
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Friday, May 29, 2015
Thursday, May 28, 2015
The CFSF runners were thrown a nice bone from HQ with run repeats. The bonus? As much rest as you wanted between runs. Who could ask for anything more? Actually, we did. The splits all had to stay within :10 seconds of each other. We like consistency.
6 x 400 meter sprints
1 2 3 4 5 6
Eric- 1:26 1:25 1:27 1:28 1:28 1:28
Todd McK- 1:28 1:32 1:32 1:34 1:33 1:33
Paige- 1:58 1:48 1:55 1:51 1:54 1:49
Juan- 1:30 1:31 1:30 1:37 1:39 1:38
Joan- 2:04 1:56 2:00 1:50 1:47 1:51
Caroline- 1:55 2:09 2:13 2:18 2:27 2:28
Jeremy- 1:38 1:40 1:41 1:43 1:42 1:40
Matt- 1:42 1:38 1:42 1:43 1:42 1:42
Blake- 2:30 2:40 2:30 2:35 2:22 2:23
Candice- 2:02 2:00 1:57 1:57 1:55 1:54
Sharon- 2:47 2:50 2:45 2:49
Caitlin- 1:34 1:32 1:35 1:35 1:38 1:39
Todd- 1:38 1:39 1:43 1:36 1:44 1:40
Chris- 1:59 2:02 2:10 2:11 2:02
Tommy- 1:45 1:43 1:43 1:44 1:48 1:42
John- 1:23 1:20 1:23 1:28 1:30 1:27
Wesley- 1:17 1:12 1:15 1:19 1:15 1:14
John- 1:23 1:20 1:23 1:28 1:30 1:27
Wesley- 1:17 1:12 1:15 1:19 1:15 1:14
Great runs everybody. We have some seriously fast people at CFSF! Even the 'I Hate Running Club' members enjoyed this one. Another bonus? Terrific weather at lunch, and finishing before the monsoon at night. A gooood day Nicho.
We set a :10 second target. Good job hitting it. If you didn't stay within the range no worries. There will be another opportunity. Going out too fast means coming home is slow. Pace is key, and learned over time as you train consistently.
What was the perfect length of time to rest between runs- did you find one? Were your rests uniform in length, or varied based solely on effort? Sometimes too much rest can be worse than too little rest.
Good job finishing strong. For most, even as we fatigue, the second half is more manageable than the first. That's "getting done" fuel, and it also reinforces the need for an effective warm up that preps us for work. There's still the belief that spending too much fuel during the warm up will have negative consequences during the workout. Not so. Some of the best performances, or craziest stuff we've ever seen has been during or after monster workouts, NOT before.
We talked briefly about a few POSE cues. Here's another great article on POSE running. Check it out:
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Hard play, fun work
What was the perfect length of time to rest between runs- did you find one? Were your rests uniform in length, or varied based solely on effort? Sometimes too much rest can be worse than too little rest.
Good job finishing strong. For most, even as we fatigue, the second half is more manageable than the first. That's "getting done" fuel, and it also reinforces the need for an effective warm up that preps us for work. There's still the belief that spending too much fuel during the warm up will have negative consequences during the workout. Not so. Some of the best performances, or craziest stuff we've ever seen has been during or after monster workouts, NOT before.
We talked briefly about a few POSE cues. Here's another great article on POSE running. Check it out:
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Hard play, fun work
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Fifteen minutes was a perfect length for this workout. Any longer and things could get pretty dodgy. The CFHQ lab rat gym was spot on. This was a potent, super fun workout. Thanks CFHQ!
15:00 AMRAP
10 Body weight bench presses
20 Toes to bar (*sub)
30 Hip extensions
BP Rounds
Juan- 145 3 + 23
Todd- 185 3 + 30
Joan- 45 3 + 3
Casey- 145 2 + 30
TW- 45 4*
Anna- PU 3*
Kayla- 45 4*
Jeremy- 125 2 + 25
Stephen- 125 3 + 40
Holley- 45 3 + 17*
Teresa- 65 4 + 18
Wesley- 155 4 + 3
Tommy- 135 4 + 8
T- 135 4
Great workout everybody! Monster round totals Teresa and Tommy, and heavy benches Todd- you killed it. That's good fuel that helps everyone keep moving through these tough workouts, and we thank you for that.
Welcome back Anna, and Kayla, and welcome to CFSF Blake, Chris, and Jeremy. Crawl, walk, run in that order. Listen to your body and train consistently. As long as you are willing to work hard you will succeed, guaranteed.
We talked about a few cues with the Bench press- good job hitting them. Only a few people ended up subbing out part of the Toes to bar for K2E, or Reverse crunchers- that is good news. The word of the day? Hingey. You know what I mean.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your hard work.
"In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins- not through strength but by perseverance."
-H. Jackson Brown
15:00 AMRAP
10 Body weight bench presses
20 Toes to bar (*sub)
30 Hip extensions
BP Rounds
Juan- 145 3 + 23
Todd- 185 3 + 30
Joan- 45 3 + 3
Casey- 145 2 + 30
TW- 45 4*
Anna- PU 3*
Kayla- 45 4*
Jeremy- 125 2 + 25
Stephen- 125 3 + 40
Holley- 45 3 + 17*
Teresa- 65 4 + 18
Wesley- 155 4 + 3
Tommy- 135 4 + 8
T- 135 4
Great workout everybody! Monster round totals Teresa and Tommy, and heavy benches Todd- you killed it. That's good fuel that helps everyone keep moving through these tough workouts, and we thank you for that.
Welcome back Anna, and Kayla, and welcome to CFSF Blake, Chris, and Jeremy. Crawl, walk, run in that order. Listen to your body and train consistently. As long as you are willing to work hard you will succeed, guaranteed.
We talked about a few cues with the Bench press- good job hitting them. Only a few people ended up subbing out part of the Toes to bar for K2E, or Reverse crunchers- that is good news. The word of the day? Hingey. You know what I mean.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your hard work.
"In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins- not through strength but by perseverance."
-H. Jackson Brown
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Before CrossFit Memorial Day was Memorial Day. After CrossFit Memorial Day means Murph.
1 mile run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile run (*loaded last mile)
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile run (*loaded last mile)
Brandi- 89:24
TW- 81:01
Sharon- 45:50
Casey- 47:12
Candice- 76:09*
Teresa- 83:49
Todd- 69:23*
T- 74:00*
Great job everyone, and THANKS for coming out and stepping up for a very worthy cause. If you don't know the background behind 'Murph' it's a tale of bravery and honor, during the most difficult circumstances imaginable. What we do is so pitifully insignificant compared to what these Heroes have done, but it is an honor to struggle through these workouts on their behalf.
Memorial Day was also special because it marks the fifth year since CFSF moved from our humble beginnings on Hillyer-Robinson Industrial Parkway with our 1,000 square foot space. We thought we'd never fill up that new 5,000 square foot box space, but now we need more.
Memorial Day has always been a special day to recognize our military fallen, who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. But it's also for the military personnel who are both here, and alive. THANK YOU.
Tuesday is next. Be ready.
Constantly varied, functional movement performed at high-intensity.
Nate is a deceivingly difficult workout. The low rep numbers give the false impression that the workout will go easy. It doesn't.
20:00 AMRAP
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand push-ups
8 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
4 Handstand push-ups
8 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
Todd- Rx 10 + 1
Great job, and prioritization Todd! You killed it, at Rx no less. No longer a Mutant in training, you have taken the reign of the CFSF Resident Mutant. HOOYAH! and good job. Brad would be proud.
We love strength days at CFSF, especially workouts with interesting rep schemes like this. Thanks CFHQ.
Deadlift 10-5-3-1-1-1-3-5-10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WUWO
Juan- 185 205 225 275 325 305 275 225 205 16:19
Tommy- 185 225 315 365 405 425 315 225 195 20:56
Eric- 185 225 255 315 350 325 275 255 225 17:15
TW- 135 155 175 200 205 215 185 155 145 18:00
Teresa- 140 165 185 205 215 220 195 175 160 (2) 9:47
T- 185 215 245 275 285 295 215 205 185 18:15
3 rounds:
10 GHD sit-ups
20 WBS< 20/16
30 Hip extensions
40 KBS, 53/35
Great workouts everyone! Monster Deads Tommy- that's a cool 2,655 pounds you lifted over the course of the workout. That's also a lot of work! Nice job Teresa. With the right motivation just about anything is possible, and you were motivated today. Another super cool part of CrossFit some people will never get the opportunity to experience.
The WUWO was a beast, but got the job done. I asked Eric where he was in the warm-up. Standing there, dripping wet, and gassed, he said "ten more swings". Why even stop? I thought to myself. Five hours later, when it was time for my workout, I found myself standing in the same exact spot as Eric, and with just ten more swings to go, also had to stop. That's CrossFit.
We talked about a few cues we wanted to see- thanks for hitting those targets. Missed cues, soft positioning and 10 tears from now, you won't remember what you lifted today, but you'll know your back hurts like hell. NOT the desired effect, and nowhere near the goal of CrossFitting.
Use the principles you've learned at CFSF and move safely, both in our box and outside our box.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your super strong efforts, and fuel.
Strength + mobility = durability.
Deadlift 10-5-3-1-1-1-3-5-10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WUWO
Juan- 185 205 225 275 325 305 275 225 205 16:19
Tommy- 185 225 315 365 405 425 315 225 195 20:56
Eric- 185 225 255 315 350 325 275 255 225 17:15
TW- 135 155 175 200 205 215 185 155 145 18:00
Teresa- 140 165 185 205 215 220 195 175 160 (2) 9:47
T- 185 215 245 275 285 295 215 205 185 18:15
3 rounds:
10 GHD sit-ups
20 WBS< 20/16
30 Hip extensions
40 KBS, 53/35
Great workouts everyone! Monster Deads Tommy- that's a cool 2,655 pounds you lifted over the course of the workout. That's also a lot of work! Nice job Teresa. With the right motivation just about anything is possible, and you were motivated today. Another super cool part of CrossFit some people will never get the opportunity to experience.
The WUWO was a beast, but got the job done. I asked Eric where he was in the warm-up. Standing there, dripping wet, and gassed, he said "ten more swings". Why even stop? I thought to myself. Five hours later, when it was time for my workout, I found myself standing in the same exact spot as Eric, and with just ten more swings to go, also had to stop. That's CrossFit.
We talked about a few cues we wanted to see- thanks for hitting those targets. Missed cues, soft positioning and 10 tears from now, you won't remember what you lifted today, but you'll know your back hurts like hell. NOT the desired effect, and nowhere near the goal of CrossFitting.
Use the principles you've learned at CFSF and move safely, both in our box and outside our box.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your super strong efforts, and fuel.
Strength + mobility = durability.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Thursday, May 21, 2015
We've gone from all pulling, to all pushing. Although toward the end it seemed like all running with a few Push-ups thrown in for good measure, and the last two runs were pretty interesting. This was actually a good warm-up for Sunday's annual Memorial Day Murph.
100 Push-ups (*ball)
800 meter run
75 Push-ups
1200 meter run
50 Push-ups
1600 meter run
25 Push-ups
2000 meter run
Todd McK- Rx 60:05
Paige- 64:02*
Eric- Rx 53:00
Teresa- 1/2 35:12
Holley- 1/2 32:58*
Stephen- Rx 61:32
Sharon- 1/2 40:41*
Caroline 1/2 PU 43:52
Caitlin- 1/2 21:35
Tommy- 1/2 28:32
T- Rx 54:45
John- Rx 44:13
Wesley- Rx 33:10
Good job just showing up for what we knew would be a tough workout. We owe our fallen Heroes a debt of gratitude that we repay through sweat, and discomfort as we struggle through these workouts. Only CrossFit recognizes these Heroes this way- one of many aspects of CrossFit that I love and what separates us from anyone else.
This was a real gut check, at any scale. If you got the entire workout, HOOYAH! and great job. In German, the word 'kaput' means ruined, or demolished. Although the pronunciation is different than 'Capoot', it's an interesting parallel to how we felt at the finish. Crushed. Loved it.
This workout is named in honor of Officer James L. Capoot, of the Vallejo Police Department, who was killed in the line of duty November 17, 2011.
Thursday is an OS rest day. Use your extra time wisely and do something that feels good and helps you recover. Stretch, roll, smash, floss, or feather. ICE anything sore. Ask for a massage. Take a nap and dream nice dreams of smashing wods at CFSF. Remember that rest is part of the program and integral for muscle growth, and recovery.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
100 Push-ups (*ball)
800 meter run
75 Push-ups
1200 meter run
50 Push-ups
1600 meter run
25 Push-ups
2000 meter run
Todd McK- Rx 60:05
Paige- 64:02*
Eric- Rx 53:00
Teresa- 1/2 35:12
Holley- 1/2 32:58*
Stephen- Rx 61:32
Sharon- 1/2 40:41*
Caroline 1/2 PU 43:52
Caitlin- 1/2 21:35
Tommy- 1/2 28:32
T- Rx 54:45
John- Rx 44:13
Wesley- Rx 33:10
Good job just showing up for what we knew would be a tough workout. We owe our fallen Heroes a debt of gratitude that we repay through sweat, and discomfort as we struggle through these workouts. Only CrossFit recognizes these Heroes this way- one of many aspects of CrossFit that I love and what separates us from anyone else.
This was a real gut check, at any scale. If you got the entire workout, HOOYAH! and great job. In German, the word 'kaput' means ruined, or demolished. Although the pronunciation is different than 'Capoot', it's an interesting parallel to how we felt at the finish. Crushed. Loved it.
This workout is named in honor of Officer James L. Capoot, of the Vallejo Police Department, who was killed in the line of duty November 17, 2011.
Thursday is an OS rest day. Use your extra time wisely and do something that feels good and helps you recover. Stretch, roll, smash, floss, or feather. ICE anything sore. Ask for a massage. Take a nap and dream nice dreams of smashing wods at CFSF. Remember that rest is part of the program and integral for muscle growth, and recovery.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Working out on the clock can warp time, and become dicey pretty fast. This was another super fun workout that delivered the desired effect in exactly ten minutes. Thanks CFHQ!
1:00 Pull-ups (*ring row/^mix)
1:00 Rowing
1:00 Pull-ups
2:00 Rowing
1:00 Rowing
1:00 Pull-ups
2:00 Rowing
1:00 Pull-ups
3:00 Rowing
1:00 Pull-ups
PU Calories Total
3:00 Rowing
1:00 Pull-ups
PU Calories Total
TW- 52 63 115
Anna- 50* 55 105
Todd McK- 64 75 139
Paige- 27 61 88
Joan- 33 53 86
Holley- 61* 64 125
Caitlin- 92 47 139
Teresa- 60 74 134
Stephen- 61 63 124
Sharon- 62^ 50 122
Caroline- 56* 50 106
Tommy- 48 81 129
Chris- 6:00 63* 33 96
T- 80 73 153
Candice- 75 60 135
Candice- 75 60 135
Great workout everyone! This workout ended up under House rule- Caitlin killed the Pull-ups with 92, and Tommy smoked the Rows with 81 calories. Nice work you two!
This workout rewarded the anaerobs with power rowing, and the aerobic people with Pull-ups, which doesn't happen much. It's usually one or the other. Only mutants can kill both on a regular basis.
Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning, thanks for your monster efforts, thanks for choosing CFSF.
Memorial Day is approaching. Be sure to thank EVERY VETERAN and EVERY SERVICEMAN you see.
3-2-1 Go!
This workout rewarded the anaerobs with power rowing, and the aerobic people with Pull-ups, which doesn't happen much. It's usually one or the other. Only mutants can kill both on a regular basis.
Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning, thanks for your monster efforts, thanks for choosing CFSF.
Memorial Day is approaching. Be sure to thank EVERY VETERAN and EVERY SERVICEMAN you see.
3-2-1 Go!
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
This was a really fresh, and creative workout that we all enjoyed. And it packed a serious punch. As soon as that clock hit zero we dropped like puppets whose strings were just cut and remained on floor-lock for a few minutes. Bliss. Thanks CFHQ.
8:00 AMReP
115 lb. Press
115 lb. Press
Each time you break,
50 Double-unders
4:00 rest, then:
8:00 AMReP
205 lb. Hang power clean
Each time you break,
Each time you break,
30 Squats
P HPC Total reps Total
Todd McK- 45 65 29/38 56
Paige- 35 55 33/45 78
Joan- 25 35 40/81 121
Candice- 35 65 56/54 110
Eric- 75 95 50/55 105
Teresa- 45 65 50/50 100
Holley- 35 55 36/41 77
Stephen- 65 85 40/41 81
Caitlin- 35 55 59/74 133
Tommy- 65 85 31/51 82
T- 75 95 44/54 98
Great workout everyone. Monster totals Caitlin, Joan, Candice, Eric, and Teresa. You smashed it! Anything over 100 is wicked good. Workouts like this are where efficiency really counts. Missing cues wastes valuable fuel, and worse, invites injury. We have to stay dialed in 100 percent of the time we're working.
A break was defined as stopping any longer than 5 beats. That's enough time to re-position, get a breath or two, and reset for the next rep. Select a weight that's too heavy and instead of Pressing and Cleaning, your time is spent jumping and squatting, getting reps that won't even count.
We are going to embark on another Doubles campaign. EVERYONE should be able to perform them, and with practice you will. As one of the seasoned CFSF vets says, "It won't happen through osmosis will it?" No. Only through practice. With so many skills in the CrossFit world to work on, this is one of the more manageable. No excuses.
As usual, we emphasized patience, and positioning with the HPS's today. No early pulls, or weak racks. Miss either and you're working harder than you have to. Good job locking on.
Memorial Day is next week, which means two things: Summer is here, and we're doing the 'Murph'. Sunday, May 24th at 12:30. Celebration after. Be there to honor a true Hero.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. You are all AWESOME!
On time, on target, never quit.
As usual, we emphasized patience, and positioning with the HPS's today. No early pulls, or weak racks. Miss either and you're working harder than you have to. Good job locking on.
Memorial Day is next week, which means two things: Summer is here, and we're doing the 'Murph'. Sunday, May 24th at 12:30. Celebration after. Be there to honor a true Hero.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. You are all AWESOME!
On time, on target, never quit.
Friday, May 15, 2015
The rep scheme turned what is usually a fun, but mundane, squat session into a pretty interesting workout by adjusting the max lift location, and requiring work across broad domains. Classic CrossFit. Thanks HQ!
Back squat 10-5-3-1-1-1-3-5-10
TW- 100-120-130-150-150-150-130-120-100 13:46
Juan- 135-185-215-275-295-275-215-185-135 11:20
Paige- 45-65-75-85-95-105-85-75-65 15:36
Todd McK- 75-95-125-145-155-185-125-115-95 13:15
Joan- 45-65-75-85-95-105-85-75-65 14:41
Candice- 75-95-125-145-*155-135-125-95-75 13:07
Casey- 13:13
Eric- 185-205-225-245-275-245-225-205-185 10:17
Todd- 185-225-255-285-315-285-255-225-185 11:30
Sharon- 65-75-85-95-105-115-95-85-75
Caitlin- 65-75-85-95-105-115-95-85-75 11:00
Good job everyone. The max in the middle changed things up huh? Most people came back down the ladder the same way they went up. A few people finished heavier than they started, and we had some monster squats. Nice team wod Casey, and Sharon. Together, you got it done.
The only sign in our gym says it all, "Our warm-up is their workout" and strength days have morphed into more than they used to be. Double your pleasure, double your fun, right? Right.
25 Double-unders
20 Squats
15 Hip extension
10 Dips
5 Chest to bar pull-ups
800 meter run
800 meter run
5 Chest to bar pull-ups
10 Dips
15 Hip extension
20 Squats
25 Double-unders
25 Double-unders
That's definitely a "get it done" mentality. Good job getting it done!
Thanks for another great day at CFSF, and big THANKS to Eric, and Sharon.
Take every opportunity you're given.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Regional Event 7 is a monster workout, and we had two guys step up to the plate and get some. Good job Eric, and Todd. You both killed it. The rest of us went with a monster mash that combined 'Grace', and 'Cindy'. More rigid flexibility.
2015 Regional Event 7
15 Muscle-ups, then
Clean ladder to 5
Eric- 9:58 135/145/155/165/175
Todd- 10:34 155/165/175/185/195
3 rounds of 'Cindy', then
Clean and jerk, 15 reps
Juan- 95 6:29
Todd McK- 75 7:40
Paige- 45 9:46
Casey- 95 6:22
Joan- 35 6:37
Stephen- 75 7:09
Sharon- 65 8:16
Caitlin- 65 4:27
Tommy- 95 8:10
Tripp- 85 7:00
Candice- 75 5:08
T- 115 5:12
Wesley- 115 7:15
John- 155 7:49
Great workouts everyone. Super fast finish Mighty Atom, and super heavy FULL Cleans John, and Wesley. Everyone else went with a Power clean. Good job Madman. Starting to get back into rhythm after the BBB broken wrist. Nice work Joan, and Paige- you both have turned the worm in a big way, and are killing these workouts.
Every day at CFSF is a good day, but this was a very good day with lots of good fuel and good vibes floating around. Every now and then someone picks up that vibe and runs with it. It happened to be Todd O. this time, and he ended up with a *PR 225 pound Clean. Great job Todd. That is good stuff.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your monster efforts and wicked strong fuel.
Be someone special.
225 pound Clean |
Be someone special.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Do you have that deja vu feeling again? Or, second verse- just like the first? Actually, this is a brilliant move from HQ. What's the best way to gauge performance? That's right. Keep the variables the same and DO IT AGAIN! As usual, it'a a 50/50 split with improvement and decline. Either way the objective was met. Bonus points for staying on your feet at the end. This was a great workout. Thanks CFHQ!
2015 Regional Event 6
5 rounds:
Row 25 calories
16 Chest to bar pull-ups (*reg/^mix)
9 Strict handstand push-ups ("sub)
Todd McK- 19:58* 20:12
Paige- (4) 25:19* 22:09
Teresa- 26:06* 25:06
Joan- (3) 21:41* 23:46
Todd- Rx 23:58
Holley- 25:18*" 21:53
Caitlin- 20:28^
Stephen- (4) 20:44
Tripp- 21:25*"
Tommy- 22:54*" 25:30
T- 19:53*
Wesley- Rx 19:10
John- 21:03"
Great job everyone. Super good job Wesley, and Todd- going Rx'd. For most strict was thrown out the window at the get go, and there were no CTB's. Rigid flexibility. Everyone did get inverted though, that's good and the first step toward a HSPU.
The row was brutal, it always is. Power was the word of the day, and the difference between crushing, or being crushed by the workout. SPM's of 10-12 ensured a calorie with each stroke, versus a 25-30 SPM which usually required three or more strokes per calorie. You do the math.
The CTB pull-ups are to Pull-ups what glue is to honey. Both are sticky, but one will stop you in your tracks, making even a kipping CTB difficult. Good job sticking to the prescription, even if it was one rep at a time. Only CrossFit can press that difficulty button, and does so regularly.
Tripp- you were right.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Life is good. CrossFit makes it better.
2015 Regional Event 6
5 rounds:
Row 25 calories
16 Chest to bar pull-ups (*reg/^mix)
9 Strict handstand push-ups ("sub)
Todd McK- 19:58* 20:12
Paige- (4) 25:19* 22:09
Teresa- 26:06* 25:06
Joan- (3) 21:41* 23:46
Todd- Rx 23:58
Holley- 25:18*" 21:53
Caitlin- 20:28^
Stephen- (4) 20:44
Tripp- 21:25*"
Tommy- 22:54*" 25:30
T- 19:53*
Wesley- Rx 19:10
John- 21:03"
Great job everyone. Super good job Wesley, and Todd- going Rx'd. For most strict was thrown out the window at the get go, and there were no CTB's. Rigid flexibility. Everyone did get inverted though, that's good and the first step toward a HSPU.
The row was brutal, it always is. Power was the word of the day, and the difference between crushing, or being crushed by the workout. SPM's of 10-12 ensured a calorie with each stroke, versus a 25-30 SPM which usually required three or more strokes per calorie. You do the math.
The CTB pull-ups are to Pull-ups what glue is to honey. Both are sticky, but one will stop you in your tracks, making even a kipping CTB difficult. Good job sticking to the prescription, even if it was one rep at a time. Only CrossFit can press that difficulty button, and does so regularly.
Tripp- you were right.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Life is good. CrossFit makes it better.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Does anyone remember the 90's commercial for Toyota- "You asked for it, you got it"? Well it was Toyota time at CFSF and you've got to be careful what you ask for. You might just get it. This workout definitely had a 'Murph' look to it, so adding an additional mile run at the end seemed like the right thing to do, and satisfied the "Do more, be more" kinda thing we like to see at CFSF. Good suggestion Madman. But there's a reason you're called Madman.
1 mile run
135 pound Overhead squat, 50 reps
100 GHD sit-ups (*20/16 1:1 sub)
150 Double-unders (^singles/"mix)
135 pound Sumo deadlift high pull, 50 reps
100 Box jump overs, 24" box
1 mile run
1 mile OHS/SDHP Mile 2
Eric- 44:45 8:02 75
Todd McK- 49:40" 8:02 45
Tommy- 48:35*" 9:33 65
Casey- 57:20* 9:30 75 13:00
Paige- 52:22*" 9:27 15
Tripp- 53:30*^ 9:10 55 12:00
Holley- 62:07*^ 11:23 15
Juan- 44:35*^ 8:30 65 12:30
Candice- 44:26* 9:12 45 12:30
T- 57:37* 9:50 75 12:37
This was a super high volume workout- good job hanging tough through to the end, which for some stretched out like the worst Jersey shore taffy ever. If you included second the run, good job for 'going the extra mile', which was also pretty interesting after 100 Box jump overs. The first few steps out of the box and our brain is saying run, but our legs are saying something else.
The best way to manage a long workout like this is to just start chipping away. If you start thinking about the finish instead of staying in the 'here and now' things can seem even more daunting. How do you count your reps? Sometimes starting with the required number of reps and counting backward also helps. We've talked about arbitrary sets and reps, and compared that to the 'all out' for as long as possible approach. The beautiful thing is that it's all subjective. There is no wrong, or right, as long as you're counting accurately.
This is where scaling becomes an art. Scaling allows for higher levels of intensity for longer periods of time. That is where success lives, and where you want to be. During the wod, standing around catching your breath instead of working kills intensity.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your wicked strong fuel, and monster efforts.
Expect more from yourself.
1 mile run
135 pound Overhead squat, 50 reps
100 GHD sit-ups (*20/16 1:1 sub)
150 Double-unders (^singles/"mix)
135 pound Sumo deadlift high pull, 50 reps
100 Box jump overs, 24" box
1 mile run
1 mile OHS/SDHP Mile 2
Eric- 44:45 8:02 75
Todd McK- 49:40" 8:02 45
Tommy- 48:35*" 9:33 65
Casey- 57:20* 9:30 75 13:00
Paige- 52:22*" 9:27 15
Tripp- 53:30*^ 9:10 55 12:00
Holley- 62:07*^ 11:23 15
Juan- 44:35*^ 8:30 65 12:30
Candice- 44:26* 9:12 45 12:30
T- 57:37* 9:50 75 12:37
This was a super high volume workout- good job hanging tough through to the end, which for some stretched out like the worst Jersey shore taffy ever. If you included second the run, good job for 'going the extra mile', which was also pretty interesting after 100 Box jump overs. The first few steps out of the box and our brain is saying run, but our legs are saying something else.
The best way to manage a long workout like this is to just start chipping away. If you start thinking about the finish instead of staying in the 'here and now' things can seem even more daunting. How do you count your reps? Sometimes starting with the required number of reps and counting backward also helps. We've talked about arbitrary sets and reps, and compared that to the 'all out' for as long as possible approach. The beautiful thing is that it's all subjective. There is no wrong, or right, as long as you're counting accurately.
This is where scaling becomes an art. Scaling allows for higher levels of intensity for longer periods of time. That is where success lives, and where you want to be. During the wod, standing around catching your breath instead of working kills intensity.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your wicked strong fuel, and monster efforts.
This is what a mile run after the wod feels like |
Expect more from yourself.
Friday, May 8, 2015
CrossFit recognizes our military's fallen warriors with some pretty tough workouts. We pay our debt of gratitude through sweat, discomfort, and the resolute determination to finish, which sometimes requires levels of motivation that are difficult to muster alone.
In the thick of things, you can look around the gym and see that EVERYONE is struggling, yet persevering. That's the fuel that helps us keep going. It's not that misery loves company, it's just really good fuel. It also feeds and cultivates the no-quit attitude we love at CFSF.
'Tommy V'
115 pound Thruster, 21 reps
15' Rope climb, 12 ascents (*sub/^mix)
115 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15' Rope climb, 9 ascents
115 pound Thruster, 9 reps
15' Rope climb, 6 ascents
Joan- 15^ 25:17
Juan- 65^ 22:23
Eric- 95 19:34
Todd McK- 45 21:34
Paige- 25^ 34:15
Tripp- 65* 24:55
Todd- 95 20:43
Sharon- (1/2) 35* 13:50
T- 75 23:23
John- 95 22:30
Wesley- 95 19:52
Great workout everyone! Good job showing up for what we know will be a tough workout. Anytime Thrusters are the easier component of any workout we're in trouble. Heroes deserve it though, and you delivered. Thanks for those monster efforts.
The *sub for the Rope climb was brutal. 3 Pull-ups and 2 Rack rope sub pulls for every 1 Rope climb. That's a 5:1 ratio and should be motivation enough to learn to climb the ropes, and has motivated several people to begin getting some rope time. Joan, Juan, Paige- good job and keep going. The *sub will continue to get more difficult- the rope climbing will continue to get easier.
This workout is named in honor of U.S. Navy Senior Chief Petty Offiicer Thomas Valentine, who was killed on February 13, 2008 in a training accident in Arizona.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.
In the thick of things, you can look around the gym and see that EVERYONE is struggling, yet persevering. That's the fuel that helps us keep going. It's not that misery loves company, it's just really good fuel. It also feeds and cultivates the no-quit attitude we love at CFSF.
'Tommy V'
115 pound Thruster, 21 reps
15' Rope climb, 12 ascents (*sub/^mix)
115 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15' Rope climb, 9 ascents
115 pound Thruster, 9 reps
15' Rope climb, 6 ascents
Joan- 15^ 25:17
Juan- 65^ 22:23
Eric- 95 19:34
Todd McK- 45 21:34
Paige- 25^ 34:15
Tripp- 65* 24:55
Todd- 95 20:43
Sharon- (1/2) 35* 13:50
T- 75 23:23
John- 95 22:30
Wesley- 95 19:52
Great workout everyone! Good job showing up for what we know will be a tough workout. Anytime Thrusters are the easier component of any workout we're in trouble. Heroes deserve it though, and you delivered. Thanks for those monster efforts.
The *sub for the Rope climb was brutal. 3 Pull-ups and 2 Rack rope sub pulls for every 1 Rope climb. That's a 5:1 ratio and should be motivation enough to learn to climb the ropes, and has motivated several people to begin getting some rope time. Joan, Juan, Paige- good job and keep going. The *sub will continue to get more difficult- the rope climbing will continue to get easier.
This workout is named in honor of U.S. Navy Senior Chief Petty Offiicer Thomas Valentine, who was killed on February 13, 2008 in a training accident in Arizona.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
One of the very cool things about CrossFit is you know EXACTLY what you've done EVERY time you leave CFSF after your workout. Unless you are a meticulous note keeper, this doesn't happen at Globo gym. You have little to no reference of true growth and progress over time, other than your memory.
Not only do we know how long the workout took to complete today, we also have the two prior workout completion times from January 2015, and June 2014.
We know what's up.
Thanks for the absolute best strength and conditioning program ever Coach Glassman, and thanks for the always fresh, fun programming CFHQ!
75 pound Power snatch, 75 reps
150112 140602
Eric- Rx 6:58 6:53
Juan- 65 7:05 7:43
Todd McK- 45 6:46 7:23 8:38
Paige- 25 6:46 15#/5:11 15#/7:10
Sharon- 35 10:00 10:49
Todd- Rx 8:22
Caitlin- 45 7:52 12:19
Tommy- Rx 11:32 14:20
Candice- 55 6:53 7:06
John- Rx 5:55 7:48 8:17
Wesley- Rx 6:55 6:44
T- Rx 8:40 7:24 8:35
Casey- Rx 6:04 6:44
John- Rx 5:55 7:48 8:17
Wesley- 6:55 6:44
Great job and great Snatches everyone. There are some impressive time drops for a few people from the last time we saw 'Randy' which is a testament to the effectiveness of CrossFit. The work isn't getting any easier, your work capacity, and efficiency have both increased. That's good stuff.
The word of the day was PATIENCE, and if you were impatient you were working way too hard. We discussed the three pulls, the timing, and the speed with which each should be performed. Gotta lock these down. There were some very early third pulls. This destroys hip power, and results in a faulty scoop. Rushing to finish only exacerbates impatience, and worse, invites injury due to improper positioning, and lack of stability.
Did you have a strategy? FYI, 12+11+10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3 = 75. Those first four rounds are brutal though, and you've got to pick that bar back up 9 times. For most, starting at 75 and working backward until they have to take a rest works best, performing sets of 15-20 reps at a time until the last few reps.
This workout is named in honor of retired Marine, and LAPD Veteran SWAT Team officer Randy Simmons, who was killed February 6, 2008, in the line of duty.
Welcome to CFSF Chris. Listen to your body, listen to your coaches. Crawl,walk, run in that order. Train consistently, and hold on tight. You will succeed. Guaranteed.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your monster efforts and fuel. Thanks for choosing CFSF.
When the going gets tough, you must be going to CFSF.
Not only do we know how long the workout took to complete today, we also have the two prior workout completion times from January 2015, and June 2014.
We know what's up.
Thanks for the absolute best strength and conditioning program ever Coach Glassman, and thanks for the always fresh, fun programming CFHQ!
75 pound Power snatch, 75 reps
150112 140602
Eric- Rx 6:58 6:53
Juan- 65 7:05 7:43
Todd McK- 45 6:46 7:23 8:38
Paige- 25 6:46 15#/5:11 15#/7:10
Sharon- 35 10:00 10:49
Todd- Rx 8:22
Caitlin- 45 7:52 12:19
Tommy- Rx 11:32 14:20
Candice- 55 6:53 7:06
John- Rx 5:55 7:48 8:17
Wesley- Rx 6:55 6:44
T- Rx 8:40 7:24 8:35
Casey- Rx 6:04 6:44
John- Rx 5:55 7:48 8:17
Wesley- 6:55 6:44
Great job and great Snatches everyone. There are some impressive time drops for a few people from the last time we saw 'Randy' which is a testament to the effectiveness of CrossFit. The work isn't getting any easier, your work capacity, and efficiency have both increased. That's good stuff.
The word of the day was PATIENCE, and if you were impatient you were working way too hard. We discussed the three pulls, the timing, and the speed with which each should be performed. Gotta lock these down. There were some very early third pulls. This destroys hip power, and results in a faulty scoop. Rushing to finish only exacerbates impatience, and worse, invites injury due to improper positioning, and lack of stability.
Did you have a strategy? FYI, 12+11+10+9+8+7+6+5+4+3 = 75. Those first four rounds are brutal though, and you've got to pick that bar back up 9 times. For most, starting at 75 and working backward until they have to take a rest works best, performing sets of 15-20 reps at a time until the last few reps.
This workout is named in honor of retired Marine, and LAPD Veteran SWAT Team officer Randy Simmons, who was killed February 6, 2008, in the line of duty.
Welcome to CFSF Chris. Listen to your body, listen to your coaches. Crawl,walk, run in that order. Train consistently, and hold on tight. You will succeed. Guaranteed.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your monster efforts and fuel. Thanks for choosing CFSF.
When the going gets tough, you must be going to CFSF.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
The CFSF runners were thrown another bone today as this workout quickly turned into a running workout with a few Kettlebell swings and Push-ups thrown in for good measure. Another fun session. Thanks CFHQ.
5 rounds:
15 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
15 Deficit push-ups
400 meter run
Todd McK- 53 20:18
Paige- (3) 30 14:33
Juan- (4) 53 16:00
Eric- Rx 20:51
Todd- 53 20:01
Stephen- 35 26:08
Matt- 53 18:20
Caitlin- 35 18:45
Sharon- 35 26:51
T- 53 20:20
Wesley- 53 14:44
John- Rx 17:34
Great workout everyone! Especially the returning Tough Mudders. More running? Yes. Just no mud this time, and a bit shorter- maybe 9.75 miles shorter to be exact. Good job none the less. Super fast finishes Matt, and Caitlin, and good job going Rx'd Eric.
This was a fun workout. The extra 2-3 inches on the Deficit push-ups added a level of difficulty that surprised almost everyone. The seasoned CFSF vets knew better and anticipated the extra work.
We have heard some of the lurid details about Saturday's Tough Mudder. This TM turned out to be the muddiest, and longest event to date. It took over 5 hours to complete the course, which borders on cruel and unusual punishment. It also builds character. For the uninitiated, you are now Tough Mudders- good job stepping up, the TM is the real deal. For the CFSF- TM vets, some of whom are on their third, and fourth TM's, good job once again. Wear those headbands proudly!
Tuesday is a rest day. Use your extra time wisely. Roll, smash, floss, feather. Stretch anything tight, and ICE anything sore. Invest in your comfort and performance, big returns are available for a very little investment of time. You're worth it.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your hard work, and monster efforts.
Money comes, money goes. Popularity happens by chance. The only thing that endures is character.
5 rounds:
15 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
15 Deficit push-ups
400 meter run
Todd McK- 53 20:18
Paige- (3) 30 14:33
Juan- (4) 53 16:00
Eric- Rx 20:51
Todd- 53 20:01
Stephen- 35 26:08
Matt- 53 18:20
Caitlin- 35 18:45
Sharon- 35 26:51
T- 53 20:20
Wesley- 53 14:44
John- Rx 17:34
Great workout everyone! Especially the returning Tough Mudders. More running? Yes. Just no mud this time, and a bit shorter- maybe 9.75 miles shorter to be exact. Good job none the less. Super fast finishes Matt, and Caitlin, and good job going Rx'd Eric.
This was a fun workout. The extra 2-3 inches on the Deficit push-ups added a level of difficulty that surprised almost everyone. The seasoned CFSF vets knew better and anticipated the extra work.
We have heard some of the lurid details about Saturday's Tough Mudder. This TM turned out to be the muddiest, and longest event to date. It took over 5 hours to complete the course, which borders on cruel and unusual punishment. It also builds character. For the uninitiated, you are now Tough Mudders- good job stepping up, the TM is the real deal. For the CFSF- TM vets, some of whom are on their third, and fourth TM's, good job once again. Wear those headbands proudly!
Tuesday is a rest day. Use your extra time wisely. Roll, smash, floss, feather. Stretch anything tight, and ICE anything sore. Invest in your comfort and performance, big returns are available for a very little investment of time. You're worth it.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your hard work, and monster efforts.
Money comes, money goes. Popularity happens by chance. The only thing that endures is character.
Monday, May 4, 2015
Anything on the clock can get dicey, and fast. With a 1:1 ratio of work to rest we know things will be tough. Just keep moving, and stay focused on the here and now. Thinking about the end can stretch things out even more.
5 x 3:00 minute rounds:
20 GHD sit-ups (*sub ^mix)
20 Hip extensions
Max reps Front squat
3:00 minute rest between rounds
Tommy- 135^ 10-10-10-10-12 52
Caitlin- 75^ 12-11-12-12-10 57
Jesse- 165 13-13-13-13-13 65
Great workout guys! And more excellent prioritization. How about that time warp? The last few 3:00 minute rests went a lot faster than the first few 3:00 minute rests did. Pace was key and everyone stayed pretty consistent with the Front squats. Good job.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
A body in motion stays in motion.
5 x 3:00 minute rounds:
20 GHD sit-ups (*sub ^mix)
20 Hip extensions
Max reps Front squat
3:00 minute rest between rounds
Tommy- 135^ 10-10-10-10-12 52
Caitlin- 75^ 12-11-12-12-10 57
Jesse- 165 13-13-13-13-13 65
Great workout guys! And more excellent prioritization. How about that time warp? The last few 3:00 minute rests went a lot faster than the first few 3:00 minute rests did. Pace was key and everyone stayed pretty consistent with the Front squats. Good job.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
A body in motion stays in motion.
'Nasty Girls' was a life changing workout video for the original 'CFSF Nasty Girls' who could not believe what they saw these girls doing. They weren't just working out- they were working out hard. What they were doing was incredibly difficult- but they were doing it. They can- I can.
Time flash 6 years ahead to the present, a few of the 'CFSF Nasty Girls' are still around, and they're killing the wods, which in some cases CrossFit has made even more difficult. This was one of those workouts.
'Nasty Girls V.2'
3 rounds:
50 Pistols (*AS sub ^mix)
7 Muscle-ups (^^Sub **mix)
155 pound Hang power clean, 10 reps
Taj- 75*^^ 20:10
Joan- 35^^^ 21:49
Tommy- 75^^^ 19:04
Caitlin- 55^** 16:59
Tripp- 75^^^ 15:35
T- 95*^^ 16:30
Great workout everyone! This was a tough one, at any scale. Good prioritization on a nice Saturday morning. The modified V2, and the original 'Nasty Girls' are both wicked fun workouts that deliver a serious punch. Bonus points for staying on your feet at the end.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Time flash 6 years ahead to the present, a few of the 'CFSF Nasty Girls' are still around, and they're killing the wods, which in some cases CrossFit has made even more difficult. This was one of those workouts.
'Nasty Girls V.2'
3 rounds:
50 Pistols (*AS sub ^mix)
7 Muscle-ups (^^Sub **mix)
155 pound Hang power clean, 10 reps
Taj- 75*^^ 20:10
Joan- 35^^^ 21:49
Tommy- 75^^^ 19:04
Caitlin- 55^** 16:59
Tripp- 75^^^ 15:35
T- 95*^^ 16:30
Great workout everyone! This was a tough one, at any scale. Good prioritization on a nice Saturday morning. The modified V2, and the original 'Nasty Girls' are both wicked fun workouts that deliver a serious punch. Bonus points for staying on your feet at the end.
![]() |
CFSF Nasty Girls, April 2009 |
Friday, May 1, 2015
We love strength days at CFSF. Especially one rep Deadlift strength days, which are always a blast. Although all days at CFSF are good days, today was a very good day.
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Eric- 375
Juan- 335*
Joan- 150*
Casey- 335
Teresa- 235
Holley- 185*
Tommy- 400*
Caitlin- 195*
Sharon- 205
Tripp- 285
T- 305
Great workout everyone. Monster lifts Tommy, and Teresa! Five *PR's, two *PR ties, and everyone looked good doing it. That's a pretty good day. Thank you all for that.
We talked about a few things we wanted to see with the Deads- THANKS for hitting those targets. The Deadlift is something we do frequently in the real world. Use these cues when you're AWAY from CFSF and move safely.
Friday is a rest day. No open gym. Use your extra time wisely and do something that helps you recover. We've seen some pretty tough wods lately, give a little love to that tight PC musculature, your shoulders, and ICE anything sore.
Big shout out to the Tough Mudders. We'll be thinking of you Saturday morning as you take on and CONQUER that course. YES I CAN. ARGH!
Thanks for a really good day at CFSF. Thanks for your fuel, your monster efforts, and most of all thanks for choosing CFSF.
No quit in here.
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Eric- 375
Juan- 335*
Joan- 150*
Casey- 335
Teresa- 235
Holley- 185*
Tommy- 400*
Caitlin- 195*
Sharon- 205
Tripp- 285
T- 305
Great workout everyone. Monster lifts Tommy, and Teresa! Five *PR's, two *PR ties, and everyone looked good doing it. That's a pretty good day. Thank you all for that.
We talked about a few things we wanted to see with the Deads- THANKS for hitting those targets. The Deadlift is something we do frequently in the real world. Use these cues when you're AWAY from CFSF and move safely.
Friday is a rest day. No open gym. Use your extra time wisely and do something that helps you recover. We've seen some pretty tough wods lately, give a little love to that tight PC musculature, your shoulders, and ICE anything sore.
Big shout out to the Tough Mudders. We'll be thinking of you Saturday morning as you take on and CONQUER that course. YES I CAN. ARGH!
Thanks for a really good day at CFSF. Thanks for your fuel, your monster efforts, and most of all thanks for choosing CFSF.
No quit in here.
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