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Tuesday, October 16, 2012


We love options, and we had a few.

Option 1
'Pull-up Slam down'
10 rounds:
10 pull-ups
10 slam balls

Elizabeth- 10#  15:21
Erin- 12#  14:10
Joey- 16#  16:23

Option 2
10 rounds:
10 Push press
20 box jumps, 24" box

Derrick- 95/75  27:25

Option 3
'Deadly Push-ups'
10 rounds"
10 Deadlifts
15 push-ups

Lynde- 135#  22:57
Teresa- 95#  19:06

Great workout everyone. The scales for the Muscle-up would have been monstrous at 3:1 for pull-ups and dips. Get some ring time and work on those Muscle-ups. They are not as difficult as they seem. More skill than strength.

Thanks for showing up on a difficult day. Good prioritization.

This workout is named in honor of  U.S. Army First Lieutenant Thomas Martin, 1st Squadron, 40th Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, who died on October 14, 2007 in Al Busayifi, Iraq.

Monday is a rest day. Mudders run. Everyone get a little extra "me" time. Do something that helps you recover. Recovery is an active process that involves many things, among which are:

1. Getting enough sleep- 8 hours a night.
2. Staying well hydrated throughout the day.
3. Warming up and cooling down for the WOD.
4. Mobility and flexibility training away from CFSF.
5. Stress management. 

This is your business and your body. Take care of it!

Be someone special.

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