10 rounds:
315 pound Deadlift, 3 reps
1 Shuttle run
Max reps Burpees
2:00 rest between rounds
You have one minute to complete the Deadlifts, and Shuttlle run, using the remaining time to perform as many Burpees as possible. Burpees are counted and combined with the Deadlift as a score.
DL B Total
Megan- 155 98 253
Russell- 315 116 431
JJ- 145 97 242
Eric- 250 84 334
Dustin- 225 78 303
Joan- 75 71 146
Todd McK- 175 101 276
Paige- 65 60 125
Paul- 215 102 317
Casey- 315 74 389
Todd- 315 79 394
Jeremy- 185 76 261
Sharon- 115 35 150
Jesse- 325 130 455
Caroline- 75 39 114
Stephen- 215 48 263
Caitlin- 115 111 226
Tommy- 225 58 283
Alan- 135 66 201
Quincy- 185 62 247
Alli- 75 45 120
T- 225 97 322
Great workout everyone! We all know how CrossFit can bend time, and 2:00 minutes sure went a lot faster toward the end than it did up front. Good job holding on through all ten rounds.
CFSF is smack in the middle of an urban jungle, right beside the hobo highway. Cars, scooters, pedestrians, and an occasional dog have all been targets to avoid ANYTIME we leave our sanctuary. CFSF was a bad parent. We sent our runners right out INTO the street for the Shuttle run, fortunately no near misses, or horn blows even.
The danger was actually inside where the Shuttle runs were a bit more cramped. As long as you watched your line you were ok. However, we did have one impact that resulted in a couple of bloody noses because Jesse was pushing people out of his way.
Great job puppies. Thanks very much for your hard work. Deads were spot on. Good job buttercups too- next time you can work the negative. Then it's on. Crawl, walk, run. Be pleased, not satisfied.
Wednesday is a very well deserved rest day. Open gym 5:15-6:15 for a missed wod, extra mobility, or skills. Take care of your business- your body will thank you.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF
Constantly varied, functional movements performed at high intensity.
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