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Thursday, February 26, 2015
Anytime there are three or more reps on strength days things can get dicey fast. That third rep was as elusive as snipe for a few people today. Good job pushing hard; and thanks for the workout CFHQ.
Hang power snatch 3-3-3-3-3
Todd McK- 85 55 5:19*
Paige- 50 25 5:07*
Eric- 125 75 4:56*
Juan- 110 75 5:28
Joan- 50 35 7:56
Teresa- 95 65 4:28
Holley- 50 15 4:05*
Candice- 65 45 6:18
Sharon- 65 35 6:29
Caitlin- 55 35 6:19
Tommy- 115 45 6:39
T- 140 45 7:30
Great job everyone! Nice Snatching. Aside from the wod, the warm-up workout was a five round blast that included 9 Deadlifts, 6 Hang power snatches, and 3 Overhead squats that was timed. Ok, the night time classes may have fudged on the time a little bit... but we got the reps. Good warm-up, and thanks again Eric!
Several people made the comment that they felt like going from the 'hang' position was easier. When asked why the response was universal- "I don't like the set-up". The 'hang' position reduces the movement range, avoiding the deck, but also limits overall hip contribution to the lift. The 'hang' position is a grip destroyer of the highest order as well. You pick. Like a coin toss it'll be 50/50 for and against. Get used to both.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Constantly varied, functional movements performed at high intensity.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
This relatively quick little gem covered all the bases. Three different foot and hand positions, pulls, pushes, and squats thrown in for kicks. Another really fun, deceivingly potent workout. Thanks CFHQ!
4 rounds:
95 pound Sumo deadlift high pull, 10 reps
95 pound Push press, 10 reps
95 pound Back squat, 20 reps
Tammy- 55 9:34
Eric- Rx 8:57
Todd- 65 16:33
Paige- 35 14:21
Teresa- Rx 9:28
Juan- 75 9:26
Todd- Rx 9:53
Taj- 45 10:20
Sharon- 35 10:27
Kayla- 15 8:43
Caroline- 45 10:44
Caitlin- 45 8:21
Tommy- 75 12:56
Great workout everyone! Nice work going Rx'd Eric, Teresa, and Todd, and super fast finish Mighty Atom! It's not surprising that the 'Fran' fan club members all nailed this 'Frannish' wod.
Good job hitting all the targets we set. We talked about a few things we wanted to see, and one common thread between all three exercises. That's right. Rooted heels leading that explosive hip drive, and a super tightly stabilized core. Although we're not afraid of hard work, missing cues means you're working a lot harder than you should be, and worse inviting injury.
Good job Kayla, and Taj. Another arrow for the quiver. Thanks for your hard work.
We have a few people that have been having knee issues. Aside from the mobilities contained in our 'Bible' here's a great article on patellar issues and fixes:
Take some extra time, anytime, and do a few mobilities. Before or after the wod, and on rest days. It's easy stuff that really helps keep us feeling good and working at peak performance levels.
Schedule update- BBBv.7 will be 3-21 at 3:00. The sign up sheet is on the table.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your hard work and monster efforts.
That was the river. This is the sea.
4 rounds:
95 pound Sumo deadlift high pull, 10 reps
95 pound Push press, 10 reps
95 pound Back squat, 20 reps
Tammy- 55 9:34
Eric- Rx 8:57
Todd- 65 16:33
Paige- 35 14:21
Teresa- Rx 9:28
Juan- 75 9:26
Todd- Rx 9:53
Taj- 45 10:20
Sharon- 35 10:27
Kayla- 15 8:43
Caroline- 45 10:44
Caitlin- 45 8:21
Tommy- 75 12:56
Great workout everyone! Nice work going Rx'd Eric, Teresa, and Todd, and super fast finish Mighty Atom! It's not surprising that the 'Fran' fan club members all nailed this 'Frannish' wod.
Good job hitting all the targets we set. We talked about a few things we wanted to see, and one common thread between all three exercises. That's right. Rooted heels leading that explosive hip drive, and a super tightly stabilized core. Although we're not afraid of hard work, missing cues means you're working a lot harder than you should be, and worse inviting injury.
Good job Kayla, and Taj. Another arrow for the quiver. Thanks for your hard work.
We have a few people that have been having knee issues. Aside from the mobilities contained in our 'Bible' here's a great article on patellar issues and fixes:
Take some extra time, anytime, and do a few mobilities. Before or after the wod, and on rest days. It's easy stuff that really helps keep us feeling good and working at peak performance levels.
Schedule update- BBBv.7 will be 3-21 at 3:00. The sign up sheet is on the table.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your hard work and monster efforts.
That was the river. This is the sea.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Even if the sprints had shown up on a nice, sunny day we would have had the urge to switch workouts. As it was, the sprints fell on a cold, and windy rainy day. Easy decision. Rigid flexibility allowed us to switch to a Trainer's choice, and Teresa had a good one in her pocket.
3 rounds:
50 Double-unders
35 Sit-ups
15 Snatches
Jeremy- 75 14:46
Todd- 75 12:38
Teresa- 65 11:50
Great job you guys, and great prioritization on a Saturday morning more conducive to sleeping in than working out. That's the difference between mediocrity and excellence. Commitment. Don't listen to the bad decision bug. That's the voice that tells you it's ok to miss wods on days like this. He'll let you down every time.
Great workout Joan Steed! Max lifts on all three CrossFit Total exercises: DL- 140#, P- 65#, BS- 125# for a total score of 330. Nice work Joan. You ARE tough.
Thanks for your hard work, and monster efforts.
3 rounds:
50 Double-unders
35 Sit-ups
15 Snatches
Jeremy- 75 14:46
Todd- 75 12:38
Teresa- 65 11:50
Great job you guys, and great prioritization on a Saturday morning more conducive to sleeping in than working out. That's the difference between mediocrity and excellence. Commitment. Don't listen to the bad decision bug. That's the voice that tells you it's ok to miss wods on days like this. He'll let you down every time.
Great workout Joan Steed! Max lifts on all three CrossFit Total exercises: DL- 140#, P- 65#, BS- 125# for a total score of 330. Nice work Joan. You ARE tough.
Thanks for your hard work, and monster efforts.
This was a wicked fun workout. Thanks CFHQ!
30 GHD sit-ups (*1:1 Abmat 20/16)
15:00 AMRAP
30 GHD sit-ups (*1:1 Abmat 20/16)
20 Turkish get-ups
30 GHD sit-ups
40 One-arm overhead squats
40 One-arm overhead squats
Joan- 1 + 77* 10 5
Todd McK- 1 + 30 26 26
Paige- 1 + 31* 15 15
Teresa- 1 + 40 15 25
Todd- 1 + 40 15 15
Caroline- 1 + 4 10 AS
Good job guys. This was tougher than it looked, at any scale, and between the GHD sit-ups, and Squats, legs ended up getting hammered.
15:00 minutes was a perfect length for this workout. Any longer and intensity drops, then you're standing there catching your breath instead of moving. Not good.
Big THANKS to Teresa!
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
We do today what others won't. We do tomorrow what others can't.
Friday, February 20, 2015
GOOD JOB SHOWING UP TODAY! You knew what you'd be in for... a cool 2.5 miles running in sub freezing, windy weather. Remind you of anything? TM Washington, GA perhaps? Thought that might ring a bell. 'Eva' is tough, we're tougher.
5 rounds:
800 meter run
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
30 Pull-ups
Casey- 53 53:50
Candice- 35 32:08
Joan- 26 44:40*
Caroline- 30 38:03*
Holley- (3) 26 28:55
Sharon- 44 37:19*
Kayla- (3) 20 28:42
*1/2 reps
Great workout everyone. Good job holding on through to the end. At any scale, 'Eva' can become more mentally than physically demanding. Miserable cold only amplifies these negative feelings. SHUT THEM OUT. Keep moving and don't think about the end. Think about the now. You will finish, and you will feel better. Just keep moving.
We had a few people opt out of the runs for a 1000 meter row. The workout might not have been as chilly for them, but how about those Pull-ups? Brutal. It's rigid flexibility that allows for this substitution. Where's your lunch?
We are exactly one month away from the infamous Beer, Burgers, and Burpees workout. BBBv.7 will be held Saturday, March 21st at 12:00. It has been pushed up one weekend from the original plan. You have been notified so be ready.
The 0600 class will be on hold until March 16th.
Big THANKS to Casey, Sharon, and Teresa.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Get up. Let's go!
5 rounds:
800 meter run
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
30 Pull-ups
Casey- 53 53:50
Candice- 35 32:08
Joan- 26 44:40*
Caroline- 30 38:03*
Holley- (3) 26 28:55
Sharon- 44 37:19*
Kayla- (3) 20 28:42
*1/2 reps
Great workout everyone. Good job holding on through to the end. At any scale, 'Eva' can become more mentally than physically demanding. Miserable cold only amplifies these negative feelings. SHUT THEM OUT. Keep moving and don't think about the end. Think about the now. You will finish, and you will feel better. Just keep moving.
We had a few people opt out of the runs for a 1000 meter row. The workout might not have been as chilly for them, but how about those Pull-ups? Brutal. It's rigid flexibility that allows for this substitution. Where's your lunch?
We are exactly one month away from the infamous Beer, Burgers, and Burpees workout. BBBv.7 will be held Saturday, March 21st at 12:00. It has been pushed up one weekend from the original plan. You have been notified so be ready.
The 0600 class will be on hold until March 16th.
Big THANKS to Casey, Sharon, and Teresa.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Get up. Let's go!
Thursday, February 19, 2015
More Paleo
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
'JT' has turned out to be another CFSF favorite that everyone underestimates, every time. Even the PT people had issues by the end. Great job holding on and pushing forward- literally. And thanks CFHQ.
21-15-9 reps:
Handstand push-ups (*sub)
Ring dips (^band)
Push-ups ("ball)
Todd McK- Rx 17:26
Paige- 17:40^"
Eric- Rx 12:45
Joan- 15:00^
Casey- Rx 13:45
Sharon- 10:56^"
Kayla- 11:48*^"
Wesley- Rx 11:51
Juan- 12:11^
Todd- Rx 9:03
Taj- 11:47*^
Tommy- 12:45*^
Candice- 11:15^
Caitlin- 11:40^
T- Rx 7:56
Great workout everyone. That's a cool 135 reps in a pretty short period of time, with NO antagonistic rest. The walk from station to station was it. We had a few Handstand subs, but more people than ever are getting inverted. That is good good, and thanks for that hard work.
'JT' is a triceps destroyer of the first order, especially for the big guys, the CFSF power people. Work is work, yes, and relative, but the big guys got pounded. Although the power people had it rough today, every dog has his day. So just hang on- yours is coming.
For the uninitiated, 'JT' is the kind of workout that you'll think about for several days after, especially when extending your arms. Don't worry. It will pass, and you will continue to increase work capacity over time and become more tolerant to these stressors.
This workout is named in honor of U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st class Jeff Taylor, who was killed in June 2005, in Afghanistan. We are both thankful, and fortunate for men of this caliber. He was a Hero, and although these people deserve much more than just our recognition, CrossFit's recognition of these Heroes is just one of many things that separates us from any other programs.
Wednesday is a rest day, not an off day. Use your extra time wisely and do something that helps you recover. Open gym 5:15-6:15 for any missed wods, mobility, or both. ICE anything sore, and take some extra time to stretch that tight PC, as well as those tight shoulders, and triceps. It's your business- take good care of it. You're worth the time it takes.
Big thanks to Eric, and thank you all for another great day at CFSF.
3-2-1 Go!
21-15-9 reps:
Handstand push-ups (*sub)
Ring dips (^band)
Push-ups ("ball)
Todd McK- Rx 17:26
Paige- 17:40^"
Eric- Rx 12:45
Joan- 15:00^
Casey- Rx 13:45
Sharon- 10:56^"
Kayla- 11:48*^"
Wesley- Rx 11:51
Juan- 12:11^
Todd- Rx 9:03
Taj- 11:47*^
Tommy- 12:45*^
Candice- 11:15^
Caitlin- 11:40^
T- Rx 7:56
Great workout everyone. That's a cool 135 reps in a pretty short period of time, with NO antagonistic rest. The walk from station to station was it. We had a few Handstand subs, but more people than ever are getting inverted. That is good good, and thanks for that hard work.
'JT' is a triceps destroyer of the first order, especially for the big guys, the CFSF power people. Work is work, yes, and relative, but the big guys got pounded. Although the power people had it rough today, every dog has his day. So just hang on- yours is coming.
For the uninitiated, 'JT' is the kind of workout that you'll think about for several days after, especially when extending your arms. Don't worry. It will pass, and you will continue to increase work capacity over time and become more tolerant to these stressors.
This workout is named in honor of U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st class Jeff Taylor, who was killed in June 2005, in Afghanistan. We are both thankful, and fortunate for men of this caliber. He was a Hero, and although these people deserve much more than just our recognition, CrossFit's recognition of these Heroes is just one of many things that separates us from any other programs.
Wednesday is a rest day, not an off day. Use your extra time wisely and do something that helps you recover. Open gym 5:15-6:15 for any missed wods, mobility, or both. ICE anything sore, and take some extra time to stretch that tight PC, as well as those tight shoulders, and triceps. It's your business- take good care of it. You're worth the time it takes.
Big thanks to Eric, and thank you all for another great day at CFSF.
3-2-1 Go!
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
This was a really interesting twist on a very familiar workout. Even the 'I Hate Fran Club' members liked it. Another well thought out, super creative workout that definitely delivered! Thanks CFHQ.
15-12-9 reps:
95/65 pound Thrusters
-5:00 rest-
12-9-6 reps:
95/65 pound Thrusters
-5:00 rest-
9-6-3 reps:
95/65 pound Thrusters
1 2 3 Total time
Teresa- Rx 4:22* 3:08* 2:03* 19:33
Matt- 85 5:40 5:14 2:29 23:23
Todd McK- 45 4:23 3:30 1:56 19:49
Todd- Rx 4:03* 3:22* 2:03* 19:28
Joan- 35 6:30 5:24 4:04 27:01
Juan- 75 5:09 4:12 3:09 22:30
Caitlin- 55 3:46* 3:05* 2:17* 19:14
Tommy- 75 7:58 7:25 4:24 29:47
Taj- 45 5:16 5:47 5:31 26:33
T- 75 4:20* 3:40* 2:22* 20:22
Great workout everybody! Great job Caitlin, not only a super fast finish, but you, Teresa, and Todd all nailed Objective #1... *UNBROKEN* Thrusters, and Pull-ups, start to finish. Those are outstanding efforts that motivate everyone to keep pushing. Thanks!
Along with the standing objective to go unbroken, we threw out another challenge: How many Burpees could be accumulated during the 5:00 minute rest breaks? Taj brings home the trophy with 15 Burpees, and Joan is runner up with 1 Burpee. Great job you two. Sometimes just being willing to step up and enter the race ensures victory.
We did see a lot of good Thrusters, and Pull-ups; the good news is more people than ever are getting their Pull-ups without resorting to the band or the rings. Joan, Juan, Taj, Tommy- your hard work is paying off. Be pleased, not satisfied.
The 5:00 minute rest between rounds turned this into an interval workout, allowing us to recover fully and attack each round all ahead full power. Could you imagine how different this workout would have been without the rest? How about a 5:00 minute rest between rounds for FGB? How profoundly would that change the outcome? Interesting stuff we might just have to try during the next Winter Circus.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
"Great moments are born from great opportunity. And that's what you have here tonight boys. That's what you've earned here tonight. One game. If we played 'em ten times they might win nine. But not this game. Not tonight. Tonight, we skate with 'em.
Tonight, we stay with 'em and we shut them down because we can! Tonight, we are the greatest hockey team in the world. You were born to be hockey players, every one of ya. And you were meant to be here tonight. This is your time. Their time- is done. It's over
I'm sick and tired of hearin' about what a great hockey team the Soviets have. Screw 'em! This is your time. Now go out there and take it!"
-Herb Brooks, (1937-2003) 1980 Men's Olympic Hockey coaches team speech before defeating the U.S.S.R. 4 goals to 3 on February 22, 1980.
Soft is contagious. Don't catch it.
15-12-9 reps:
95/65 pound Thrusters
-5:00 rest-
12-9-6 reps:
95/65 pound Thrusters
-5:00 rest-
9-6-3 reps:
95/65 pound Thrusters
1 2 3 Total time
Teresa- Rx 4:22* 3:08* 2:03* 19:33
Matt- 85 5:40 5:14 2:29 23:23
Todd McK- 45 4:23 3:30 1:56 19:49
Todd- Rx 4:03* 3:22* 2:03* 19:28
Joan- 35 6:30 5:24 4:04 27:01
Juan- 75 5:09 4:12 3:09 22:30
Caitlin- 55 3:46* 3:05* 2:17* 19:14
Tommy- 75 7:58 7:25 4:24 29:47
Taj- 45 5:16 5:47 5:31 26:33
T- 75 4:20* 3:40* 2:22* 20:22
Great workout everybody! Great job Caitlin, not only a super fast finish, but you, Teresa, and Todd all nailed Objective #1... *UNBROKEN* Thrusters, and Pull-ups, start to finish. Those are outstanding efforts that motivate everyone to keep pushing. Thanks!
Along with the standing objective to go unbroken, we threw out another challenge: How many Burpees could be accumulated during the 5:00 minute rest breaks? Taj brings home the trophy with 15 Burpees, and Joan is runner up with 1 Burpee. Great job you two. Sometimes just being willing to step up and enter the race ensures victory.
We did see a lot of good Thrusters, and Pull-ups; the good news is more people than ever are getting their Pull-ups without resorting to the band or the rings. Joan, Juan, Taj, Tommy- your hard work is paying off. Be pleased, not satisfied.
The 5:00 minute rest between rounds turned this into an interval workout, allowing us to recover fully and attack each round all ahead full power. Could you imagine how different this workout would have been without the rest? How about a 5:00 minute rest between rounds for FGB? How profoundly would that change the outcome? Interesting stuff we might just have to try during the next Winter Circus.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
"Great moments are born from great opportunity. And that's what you have here tonight boys. That's what you've earned here tonight. One game. If we played 'em ten times they might win nine. But not this game. Not tonight. Tonight, we skate with 'em.
Tonight, we stay with 'em and we shut them down because we can! Tonight, we are the greatest hockey team in the world. You were born to be hockey players, every one of ya. And you were meant to be here tonight. This is your time. Their time- is done. It's over
I'm sick and tired of hearin' about what a great hockey team the Soviets have. Screw 'em! This is your time. Now go out there and take it!"
-Herb Brooks, (1937-2003) 1980 Men's Olympic Hockey coaches team speech before defeating the U.S.S.R. 4 goals to 3 on February 22, 1980.
![]() |
Soft is contagious. Don't catch it.
Monday, February 16, 2015
The 'Filthy Fifty' is a long grind. No matter where you start, it's gonna hurt to get done. Stay in the here and now, and just keep moving. Pace is key.
'Filthy Fifty'
50 reps of each:
Box jumps, 24" box
Jumping pull-ups
Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking lunge steps
Knees to elbows
Push press, 45 pound bar
Back extension
Wall ball shots, 20/16
Tommy- 34:46
Caitlin- Rx 30:20
Teresa- Rx 37:24
Kayla- (30) 31:14
Wesley- 28:29
Tammy- 40:40
Todd- Rx 32:12
Candice- Rx 42:08
Casey- Rx 38:24
Taj- Rx 45:21
Todd McK- 37:27
Paige- 49:33
T- Rx 30:27
Great workout everyone! Super fast finishes Wesley, and Caitlin, and great job going Rx'd Taj. Almost unheard of for a puppy. Some people miss a component that prevents them from going as prescribed with this workout, it may be the WBS weight, or the Box jump height, or the dreaded Doubles.
These are all easy to fix with practice, and consistency in training. For most, each successive 'Filthy Fifty' will show big improvements, especially with the skills-related stuff. Embrace the suck and practice more. Come in early, stay a little late, or best of all hit Open gym and take care of your business. The next Open gym is Wednesday.
We are just under a month away from one of the all-time favorite CFSF workouts. BBBv.7 will be Saturday, March 14. A sign up sheet is on the table.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Train hard so you can play fun.
'Filthy Fifty'
50 reps of each:
Box jumps, 24" box
Jumping pull-ups
Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking lunge steps
Knees to elbows
Push press, 45 pound bar
Back extension
Wall ball shots, 20/16
Tommy- 34:46
Caitlin- Rx 30:20
Teresa- Rx 37:24
Kayla- (30) 31:14
Wesley- 28:29
Tammy- 40:40
Todd- Rx 32:12
Candice- Rx 42:08
Casey- Rx 38:24
Taj- Rx 45:21
Todd McK- 37:27
Paige- 49:33
T- Rx 30:27
Great workout everyone! Super fast finishes Wesley, and Caitlin, and great job going Rx'd Taj. Almost unheard of for a puppy. Some people miss a component that prevents them from going as prescribed with this workout, it may be the WBS weight, or the Box jump height, or the dreaded Doubles.
These are all easy to fix with practice, and consistency in training. For most, each successive 'Filthy Fifty' will show big improvements, especially with the skills-related stuff. Embrace the suck and practice more. Come in early, stay a little late, or best of all hit Open gym and take care of your business. The next Open gym is Wednesday.
We are just under a month away from one of the all-time favorite CFSF workouts. BBBv.7 will be Saturday, March 14. A sign up sheet is on the table.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Train hard so you can play fun.
We love strength days at CFSF and although we don't usually see strength in the 10 rep range, we've seen a quite a few lately. Good stuff. Thanks CFHQ!
Front squat 10-10-10-10-10
Juan- 135
Todd McK- 110
Paige- 70
Tommy- 165
Joan- 70
Sharon- 85
Teresa- 140
Good workout everyone. Good job hitting the cues we talked about, and monster Front squats Teresa, and Tommy! Nice work Taj. Two of three down.
The Front squat is the most functional of the three squat varieties, but it requires a lot more upper body flexibility than the other two. A properly racked bar position demands wrists be extremely extended, allowing elbows to stay high. Low elbows means the bar is probably on your chest, not your shoulders. This is not good.
We added some extra mobility to the warm up to address shoulder, elbow, and wrist issues, as well as a really good mobility for ankle flexibility using a plate and band, which is often overlooked entirely. We were able to do all this within the usual time devoted to warming up. It didn't take any extra time. Do more of this. A little bit- every day.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your hard work, and thanks most of all for choosing CFSF.
Mobility + strength = durability.
Friday, February 13, 2015
This was a fun little complex that reminded us of 'DT', another CFSF favorite that destroys grip strength in no time flat. This was definitely a good one. Thanks CFHQ.
5 rounds:
115 pound Hang power clean & jerk, 12 reps
115 pound Thruster, 9 reps
115 pound Power snatch, 6 reps
Todd- 45 16:06
Paige- 25 14:41*
Eric- 75 15:53
Joan- 15 13:26
Tammy- 45 16:00
Holley- 25 12:14*
Taj- 45 20:41
Todd- 95 17:54
Casey- 95 20:44
Juan- 75 18:09
Teresa- 65 16:49
Jeremy- 75 20:49
Sharon- (3) 45 11:16*
Caroline- (3) 45 14:19
Caitlin- 45 15:32
Matt- 75 10:41
Stephen- 75 20:23
Tommy- 65 21:50
Great workout everybody. Good job going *unbroken Holley, Paige, and Sharon. This is a good example of the need to scale wisely. Scaling means we are moving, not resting. Rest while you warm-up. Avoid it as much as possible during the workout, and remember if you have to rest you have :10 seconds before you have to go again.
This workout can get dicey pretty quickly if you're not moving efficiently. Impatience, faulty positioning (feet, rack), missing ANY of the cues we've talked about means things are going to get sloppy. Sloppy is bad, and it wastes valuable fuel.
Understanding load selection and pace will always be the difference between a good workout and a great workout. Check out this article:
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your hard work, and good fuel. Big thanks to Eric, Teresa, and Sharon.
"Buy the ticket. Take the ride."
-Hunter S. Thompson
5 rounds:
115 pound Hang power clean & jerk, 12 reps
115 pound Thruster, 9 reps
115 pound Power snatch, 6 reps
Todd- 45 16:06
Paige- 25 14:41*
Eric- 75 15:53
Joan- 15 13:26
Tammy- 45 16:00
Holley- 25 12:14*
Taj- 45 20:41
Todd- 95 17:54
Casey- 95 20:44
Juan- 75 18:09
Teresa- 65 16:49
Jeremy- 75 20:49
Sharon- (3) 45 11:16*
Caroline- (3) 45 14:19
Caitlin- 45 15:32
Matt- 75 10:41
Stephen- 75 20:23
Tommy- 65 21:50
Great workout everybody. Good job going *unbroken Holley, Paige, and Sharon. This is a good example of the need to scale wisely. Scaling means we are moving, not resting. Rest while you warm-up. Avoid it as much as possible during the workout, and remember if you have to rest you have :10 seconds before you have to go again.
This workout can get dicey pretty quickly if you're not moving efficiently. Impatience, faulty positioning (feet, rack), missing ANY of the cues we've talked about means things are going to get sloppy. Sloppy is bad, and it wastes valuable fuel.
Understanding load selection and pace will always be the difference between a good workout and a great workout. Check out this article:
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your hard work, and good fuel. Big thanks to Eric, Teresa, and Sharon.
"Buy the ticket. Take the ride."
-Hunter S. Thompson
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Deadlifts + strength = fun. Even if they were monster sets. We loved it. Thanks CFHQ! And since we are who we are, we got a two-for-one again. A quick little AMRAP. Good job E. And to really hammer that point home, a few guys got *Muscle-ups between sets. Good job Todd.
10:00 AMRAP
15 Double-unders
5 Burpees
Deadlift 10-10-10-10-10
Todd McK- 160 8+1
Paige- 85 5+10
Joan- 95 2
Juan- 205 7
Eric- 225 10+5
Todd- 275 9*
Taj- 155 6
Holley- 110 4+7
Matt- 205 9+2*
Kayla- 75 7
Sharon- 145 6
Jeremy- 205 7
Candice- 155 7+2
Tommy- 245 5
Stephen- 235 5+9
Caitlin- 135 7
Tammy- 185 8
T- 225 11*
John- 185 11
Wesley- 205 10
Tammy- 35 7
Great workouts everyone! Nice Doubles, and very nice work with the Deads! All targets set were smashed. Thanks for your hard work and attention to detail. One thing to remember- use the principles you've learned at CFSF and move safely when you're AWAY from CFSF as well.
The Deadlift wraps quite a lot of what we talk about regarding positioning, and stability into a nice package. Everything has to be dialed in. Otherwise you'll miss the lift, and worse, invite injury. Nobody wants a visit from injury.
Thanks for your help Eric. And thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your super strong efforts. That's good fuel that helps us all keep going on when everything else is begging to stop.
On time, on target, NEVER quit.
10:00 AMRAP
15 Double-unders
5 Burpees
Deadlift 10-10-10-10-10
Todd McK- 160 8+1
Paige- 85 5+10
Joan- 95 2
Juan- 205 7
Eric- 225 10+5
Todd- 275 9*
Taj- 155 6
Holley- 110 4+7
Matt- 205 9+2*
Kayla- 75 7
Sharon- 145 6
Jeremy- 205 7
Candice- 155 7+2
Tommy- 245 5
Stephen- 235 5+9
Caitlin- 135 7
Tammy- 185 8
T- 225 11*
John- 185 11
Wesley- 205 10
Tammy- 35 7
Great workouts everyone! Nice Doubles, and very nice work with the Deads! All targets set were smashed. Thanks for your hard work and attention to detail. One thing to remember- use the principles you've learned at CFSF and move safely when you're AWAY from CFSF as well.
The Deadlift wraps quite a lot of what we talk about regarding positioning, and stability into a nice package. Everything has to be dialed in. Otherwise you'll miss the lift, and worse, invite injury. Nobody wants a visit from injury.
Thanks for your help Eric. And thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your super strong efforts. That's good fuel that helps us all keep going on when everything else is begging to stop.
On time, on target, NEVER quit.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Another workout that required a lot of scaling, no worries, we scaled. And it was a good scale.
15' L-sit rope climb, 4 ascents
15' Legless rope climb, 8 ascents
15' Rope climb, 12 ascents
20 Chest to bar pull-ups
40 Pull-ups
15' Rope climb, 12 ascents (*3:1 sub)
Juan- 18:00
Todd McK- 19:25
Paige- 19:00
Eric- 17:10
Tommy- 16:38*
Caitlin- 16:43*
T- 10:31
Great workout everyone, and really good scale Eric. This was a good one. There were a few L-sit rope climbs, and there were some extra Pull-ups, and everyone had an opportunity to learn, and practice the brake. Just remember Rule #1 when climbing; save enough energy to get back down.
Rope climbing is more functional than Pull-ups. The strength demands and inability to kip make climbing difficult for most. Throw height in there an it's very intimidating. The ropes are down for a reason. Practice. Get some rope time. Learn the different braking methods. You'll get stronger, and your confidence will grow.
Good job Kayla, and Taj. You both hit all the targets we set regarding Rope climbing 101. Great job Juan, and Paige. Solid rope time today. Thank you all for your hard work. Be pleased, not satisfied, and continue to practice.
Check out this article on climbing. It's dated, but the information hasn't changed. Wouldn't you love to have some of this stuff at CFSF as well? We'd have a blast.
Tuesday is a rest day, not an off day. Use your extra time wisely and do something that helps you recover. Open gym 5:15-6:15 for skills, a missed wod, or mobility. Even if you don't make it to CFSF take some time and stretch that tight PC, your calves, chest, and shoulders. Roll, smash, mash, and massage. Get rid of any gnarly, pinned up, sticky-tacky tissues. You'll be glad you took the time when you're done.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Life is good. CrossFit makes it better.
15' L-sit rope climb, 4 ascents
15' Legless rope climb, 8 ascents
15' Rope climb, 12 ascents
20 Chest to bar pull-ups
40 Pull-ups
15' Rope climb, 12 ascents (*3:1 sub)
Juan- 18:00
Todd McK- 19:25
Paige- 19:00
Eric- 17:10
Tommy- 16:38*
Caitlin- 16:43*
T- 10:31
Great workout everyone, and really good scale Eric. This was a good one. There were a few L-sit rope climbs, and there were some extra Pull-ups, and everyone had an opportunity to learn, and practice the brake. Just remember Rule #1 when climbing; save enough energy to get back down.
Rope climbing is more functional than Pull-ups. The strength demands and inability to kip make climbing difficult for most. Throw height in there an it's very intimidating. The ropes are down for a reason. Practice. Get some rope time. Learn the different braking methods. You'll get stronger, and your confidence will grow.
Good job Kayla, and Taj. You both hit all the targets we set regarding Rope climbing 101. Great job Juan, and Paige. Solid rope time today. Thank you all for your hard work. Be pleased, not satisfied, and continue to practice.
Check out this article on climbing. It's dated, but the information hasn't changed. Wouldn't you love to have some of this stuff at CFSF as well? We'd have a blast.
Tuesday is a rest day, not an off day. Use your extra time wisely and do something that helps you recover. Open gym 5:15-6:15 for skills, a missed wod, or mobility. Even if you don't make it to CFSF take some time and stretch that tight PC, your calves, chest, and shoulders. Roll, smash, mash, and massage. Get rid of any gnarly, pinned up, sticky-tacky tissues. You'll be glad you took the time when you're done.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Life is good. CrossFit makes it better.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Hero workouts are tough, and they should be. This might just be one of the toughest we've seen. Rigid flexibility again allowed us to scale. Most people stopped at three miles, but we did have two guys get the full five. Everyone performed the PT in the gym, after each mile.
5 mile run.
Run on 5:00 minute intervals, stopping to perform 50 Airsquats, and 50 Push-ups.
Taj- 84:20
Todd- (3) 44:50
Sharon- (3) 51:23
Casey- 86:26
Teresa- (3) 51:41
T- (3) 46:13
Candice- (8k row) 76:13
Wesley- 55:45
John- (3) 43:13
Great job everyone. Very good job Casey, and Taj. You guys stuck it out to the bitter end, even throwing in a set of Sit-ups for kicks- nice work Taj. A blister, and some serious chaffage resulted in a few other early outs.
Workouts like this one can be more challenging mentally than physically. Stay in the here and now. Don't look past where you're working at the moment. Thinking about the end only makes it seem farther away than it is. At prescription, this would be an epic workout with PT numbers going into the 500-700 range depending on running speed. Even seasoned CrossFitter's that love to run would find finishing under an hour a tall order. Someone was asking for a nice, long workout just the other day. Toyota.
This workout is named in honor of U.S. Army Captain Shawn Hogan, assigned to Company B, 4th Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), who was killed on October 17, 2012.
We are eternally indebted, beyond grateful, for men of this caliber.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
5 mile run.
Run on 5:00 minute intervals, stopping to perform 50 Airsquats, and 50 Push-ups.
Taj- 84:20
Todd- (3) 44:50
Sharon- (3) 51:23
Casey- 86:26
Teresa- (3) 51:41
T- (3) 46:13
Candice- (8k row) 76:13
Wesley- 55:45
John- (3) 43:13
Great job everyone. Very good job Casey, and Taj. You guys stuck it out to the bitter end, even throwing in a set of Sit-ups for kicks- nice work Taj. A blister, and some serious chaffage resulted in a few other early outs.
Workouts like this one can be more challenging mentally than physically. Stay in the here and now. Don't look past where you're working at the moment. Thinking about the end only makes it seem farther away than it is. At prescription, this would be an epic workout with PT numbers going into the 500-700 range depending on running speed. Even seasoned CrossFitter's that love to run would find finishing under an hour a tall order. Someone was asking for a nice, long workout just the other day. Toyota.
This workout is named in honor of U.S. Army Captain Shawn Hogan, assigned to Company B, 4th Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), who was killed on October 17, 2012.
We are eternally indebted, beyond grateful, for men of this caliber.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
This was another great workout that hammered us like unruly step children. Loved it. Thanks CFHQ!
4 rounds:
3:00 minutes of rowing
1:00 of Muscle-ups (*3:3)
Reps are totaled, calories on the rower, for a score.
Juan- 44/13 39/13 35/13 35/13 166*
Taj- 20/12 20/12 20/12 20/12 128*
Matt- Rx 40/0 37/1 37/2 37/0 154
T- Rx 37/1 38/1 37/1 37/1 153
Great workout guys. Nice MU's Matt! This was a tough one at any scale that makes you question everything you eat, and drink as just more of you to move. Good prioritization on a nice Saturday morning.
This workout was an excellent demonstration of the need to decrease SPM and increase power on the rower. Solid power strokes could net a calorie per stroke, while less powerful strokes took as many as three strokes for the same calorie. You do the math. Power always wins.
Try rowing without the foot straps for a while and focus on slower, more powerful strokes. Your hips and legs should be smoked by the end. Wicked good tips from Special Mike. Another very cool part of CrossFit I love- most people view CrossFit as exclusive when it's actually very inclusive. The sharing of good information like this is just one example.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your monster efforts, and super strong fuel.
Constantly varied, functional movement at high intensity.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Are Triple-unders becoming the new Double-unders? It seems so. This is high skill stuff that forced us to pull the rigid flexibility card and sub the Triples with Doubles, or Singles.
This workout was short, sweet, and heavy. Pure CrossFit. Another CFSF phrase is 'Flat on your back in twenty minutes', this workout ultimately took 20:00 minutes but the last four of the twenty were spent on floor lock. Destroyed. We loved it. Thanks CFHQ.
4 rounds:
2:00 minutes of Double-unders (*singles/3)
2:00 minutes of Burpees
Todd McK- 41/20 35/20 29/20 27/23 215
Paige- 28/20 27/18 32/18 28/21 192*
Candice- 40/20 42/20 40/17 30/20 229
Casey- 71/13 70/14 70/15 70/16 339
Eric- 60/20 45/17 45/17 50/20 274
Teresa- 51/22 49/24 43/25 43/27 284
Holley- 58/17 53/16 53/16 50/17 280*
Jeremy- 45/21 25/22 24/21 12/24 191
Sharon- 55/12 36/11 40/11 32/14 210
Wesley- 63/22 60/22 50/22 52/23 314*
Kayla- 69/20 50/18 50/19 53/16 295*
T- 51/23 70/21 72/22 75/21 355
Great workout everyone. Nice Doubles! There's just a few people working to get them on a consistent basis. Keep working on them. As usual, it was the Burpees. They were a tall glass of suck. Just keep moving, the drop down is easy, right?
This workout left most of us squirming on the floor like dying squid, searching for relief. Others just lay there, too tired to squirm. That's a great feeling that some people will never know because they are unwilling to put forth the efforts required. They'll never know what they're missing. We know though.
Friday is a rest day. Open gym 5:15-6:15 for a missed wod, mobility, or both. Use your extra time wisely and do something that feels good and helps you recover. Get a massage. Take a nap.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your monster efforts.
This workout was short, sweet, and heavy. Pure CrossFit. Another CFSF phrase is 'Flat on your back in twenty minutes', this workout ultimately took 20:00 minutes but the last four of the twenty were spent on floor lock. Destroyed. We loved it. Thanks CFHQ.
4 rounds:
2:00 minutes of Double-unders (*singles/3)
2:00 minutes of Burpees
Todd McK- 41/20 35/20 29/20 27/23 215
Paige- 28/20 27/18 32/18 28/21 192*
Candice- 40/20 42/20 40/17 30/20 229
Casey- 71/13 70/14 70/15 70/16 339
Eric- 60/20 45/17 45/17 50/20 274
Teresa- 51/22 49/24 43/25 43/27 284
Holley- 58/17 53/16 53/16 50/17 280*
Jeremy- 45/21 25/22 24/21 12/24 191
Sharon- 55/12 36/11 40/11 32/14 210
Wesley- 63/22 60/22 50/22 52/23 314*
Kayla- 69/20 50/18 50/19 53/16 295*
T- 51/23 70/21 72/22 75/21 355
Great workout everyone. Nice Doubles! There's just a few people working to get them on a consistent basis. Keep working on them. As usual, it was the Burpees. They were a tall glass of suck. Just keep moving, the drop down is easy, right?
This workout left most of us squirming on the floor like dying squid, searching for relief. Others just lay there, too tired to squirm. That's a great feeling that some people will never know because they are unwilling to put forth the efforts required. They'll never know what they're missing. We know though.
Friday is a rest day. Open gym 5:15-6:15 for a missed wod, mobility, or both. Use your extra time wisely and do something that feels good and helps you recover. Get a massage. Take a nap.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your monster efforts.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Strength and conditioning. Peas and carrots. Hand and glove. Peanut butter and chocolate. They're made for one another and go great together. CrossFit is peerless in this respect. No other programs, no globo gyms, nobody- has a anything as well balanced, effective, and fun. Thanks CFHQ.
Power clean 3-3-3-3-3
Front squat 2-2-2-2-2
Clean 1-1-1-1-1
PC FS C Tot.
Eric- 165 225 185 575
Todd McK- 115 135 115 365
Paige- 80 80 75 245
Casey- 185 225 195 605
Holley- 80 90 80 250
Juan- 135 115 130 380
Jeremy- 150 200 165 515
Sharon- 85 115 85 285
Teresa- 125 155 130 410
Caitlin- 85 95 85 265
Tommy- 175 155 130 575
Great workout everyone! Monster lifts Casey, and Teresa. Fuerte. More important than load, everyone hit the cues we've talked about with respect to patience, timing, positioning, and a super fast flip with open hands. Thanks for your hard work and attention to detail.
Few of us had any Olympic lifting experience prior to starting CrossFit, and workouts like this quantify how much you've learned since starting CrossFit. Impressive gains. Now, here's what turns CrossFitter's on, and scares skeptics away: there's a lot left to learn, and the curve is steep. Any given workout can throw ALL of us into the novice category, irrespective of how long we've been CrossFitting. Pretty cool, huh?
Welcome to CFSF Kayla, and thanks for your hard work. Crawl, walk, run, in that order. Throw consistency in there and it's the formula for success. Joel, John M, and Taj- thanks for your hard work as well.
All days are good at CFSF, but this was a really good day. Thanks for that. Thanks for your monster efforts. That's good fuel.
Earned, not purchased.
Power clean 3-3-3-3-3
Front squat 2-2-2-2-2
Clean 1-1-1-1-1
PC FS C Tot.
Eric- 165 225 185 575
Todd McK- 115 135 115 365
Paige- 80 80 75 245
Casey- 185 225 195 605
Holley- 80 90 80 250
Juan- 135 115 130 380
Jeremy- 150 200 165 515
Sharon- 85 115 85 285
Teresa- 125 155 130 410
Caitlin- 85 95 85 265
Tommy- 175 155 130 575
Great workout everyone! Monster lifts Casey, and Teresa. Fuerte. More important than load, everyone hit the cues we've talked about with respect to patience, timing, positioning, and a super fast flip with open hands. Thanks for your hard work and attention to detail.
Few of us had any Olympic lifting experience prior to starting CrossFit, and workouts like this quantify how much you've learned since starting CrossFit. Impressive gains. Now, here's what turns CrossFitter's on, and scares skeptics away: there's a lot left to learn, and the curve is steep. Any given workout can throw ALL of us into the novice category, irrespective of how long we've been CrossFitting. Pretty cool, huh?
Welcome to CFSF Kayla, and thanks for your hard work. Crawl, walk, run, in that order. Throw consistency in there and it's the formula for success. Joel, John M, and Taj- thanks for your hard work as well.
All days are good at CFSF, but this was a really good day. Thanks for that. Thanks for your monster efforts. That's good fuel.
Earned, not purchased.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Anytime rest is programmed into the wod I get a bit frightened. As we say, if your workout doesn't scare you, you aren't training hard enough, right? However, this might be a more appropriate phrase for the wod: Sometimes you're the hammer, sometimes you're the nail. Any questions on which was which? Hammered- at any scale. Loved it. Thanks CFHQ!
5 rounds:
20 Chest to bar pull-ups (*reg/kip PU)
30 Wall ball shots, 20/16
40 Push-ups
Juan- 44:03*
Todd McK- 49:09*
Paige- (3) 33:13*
Eric- Rx 42:41
Casey- Rx 47:47
Holley- (1/2) 26:42*
Kayla- (1/2) 28:30*
Jeremy- Rx 46:46
Candice- 41:05*
Caroline- (1/2) 30:02*
Tommy- (1/2) 23:15*
Matt- Rx 46:27
T- Rx 40:13
Great workout everyone! This was a real gut check, even for the PT people. Good job hanging on tightly through to the end. The finish times above reflect the 12:00 minutes of rest.
This workout is a great example of the need to scale appropriately. Our goal is to maintain as much intensity as possible. That gets pretty difficult with long workouts like this one. Scaling doesn't make anything any easier- it simply allows you to maintain intensity, hitting that target. Otherwise, you're standing around resting instead of getting done.
Check out this article on scaling and be sure to click on the blue text links for further information:
It was great to see Taj back, and welcome to CFSF John, and Carson.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your monster efforts and fuel. Thanks for running the rodeo at lunch Eric. Nice warm up.
Quitters never win, winners never quit.
5 rounds:
20 Chest to bar pull-ups (*reg/kip PU)
30 Wall ball shots, 20/16
40 Push-ups
Juan- 44:03*
Todd McK- 49:09*
Paige- (3) 33:13*
Eric- Rx 42:41
Casey- Rx 47:47
Holley- (1/2) 26:42*
Kayla- (1/2) 28:30*
Jeremy- Rx 46:46
Candice- 41:05*
Caroline- (1/2) 30:02*
Tommy- (1/2) 23:15*
Matt- Rx 46:27
T- Rx 40:13
Great workout everyone! This was a real gut check, even for the PT people. Good job hanging on tightly through to the end. The finish times above reflect the 12:00 minutes of rest.
This workout is a great example of the need to scale appropriately. Our goal is to maintain as much intensity as possible. That gets pretty difficult with long workouts like this one. Scaling doesn't make anything any easier- it simply allows you to maintain intensity, hitting that target. Otherwise, you're standing around resting instead of getting done.
Check out this article on scaling and be sure to click on the blue text links for further information:
It was great to see Taj back, and welcome to CFSF John, and Carson.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your monster efforts and fuel. Thanks for running the rodeo at lunch Eric. Nice warm up.
Quitters never win, winners never quit.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Regression workouts are easier to handle from a mental standpoint. Just keep moving, things get easier. Pacing, and scaling are key. Too much rest and intensity bombs out.
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps:
255 pound Deadlift
Knees to elbows
Todd McK- 115 16:38
Jeremy- 155 21:07
Holley- 55 8:51
Teresa- 125 15:43
Candice- 115 19:57
Casey- Rx 22:30
Tommy- 155 16:58
Caitlin- 105 10:23
T- 155 13:08
Great workout everyone. Nice job going Rx'd Casey, and super fast finish Caitlin! Anything paired up with Deadlifts has the potential to get deadly very quickly, and the K2E's were no different. Most said that their grip strength was gone by the round of 12. A quick spray of YBF took care of everything.
Good job hanging on. Literally.
Monday is a very well deserved rest day. Use your extra time wisely. Open gym 5:15-6:15 for a missed wod, mobility, yoga, or just some nice, long stretching for that tight PC that got hammered.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your hard work, and efforts. Thanks for choosing CFSF.
Rest later.
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps:
255 pound Deadlift
Knees to elbows
Todd McK- 115 16:38
Jeremy- 155 21:07
Holley- 55 8:51
Teresa- 125 15:43
Candice- 115 19:57
Casey- Rx 22:30
Tommy- 155 16:58
Caitlin- 105 10:23
T- 155 13:08
Great workout everyone. Nice job going Rx'd Casey, and super fast finish Caitlin! Anything paired up with Deadlifts has the potential to get deadly very quickly, and the K2E's were no different. Most said that their grip strength was gone by the round of 12. A quick spray of YBF took care of everything.
Good job hanging on. Literally.
Monday is a very well deserved rest day. Use your extra time wisely. Open gym 5:15-6:15 for a missed wod, mobility, yoga, or just some nice, long stretching for that tight PC that got hammered.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your hard work, and efforts. Thanks for choosing CFSF.
Rest later.
Inconceivable before CrossFit, we follow a leg destroying workout of the highest order with Back squat strength. Ten reps no less. Do you see the tread marks on our backs from the CF bus we were thrown under? No worries. We come back, smiling. Thanks CFHQ.
Back squat 10-10-10-10-10
Juan- 205
Jeremy- 155
Teresa- 100
Caitlin- 95
Tommy- 205
Great Back squats everyone. We talked about a few things we wanted to see. Thanks for hitting those targets.
Good prioritization on a rainy Saturday morning when staying in bed could have been so easy.
Back squat 10-10-10-10-10
Juan- 205
Jeremy- 155
Teresa- 100
Caitlin- 95
Tommy- 205
Great Back squats everyone. We talked about a few things we wanted to see. Thanks for hitting those targets.
Good prioritization on a rainy Saturday morning when staying in bed could have been so easy.
CFHQ threw us a two for one sale where two workouts are mashed together into one mean, high volume beast. This was definitely a good one. Super tough, and super fun.
3 rounds:
100 Airsquats
50 Box jumps, 20" box
50 Box jumps, 20" box
45 pound Dumbbell clean & jerk, 25 reps
Wesley- 25 27:30
Todd McK- 45 BB 38:22
Paige- 15 44:51
Jesse- Rx 23:23
Kayla- (1/2) 14 MBC 25:29
Juan- 20 29:27
Sharon- (2) 35 BB 28:32
Teresa- 15 32:36
Caroline- (1/2) 15 18:23
T- 20 29:53
Great workout everyone. Good job just showing up for this one. There were some fast finishes, and some that bordered on cruel and unusual punishment. Good job sticking it out. Tough work requires a tough mentality, and a no quit attitude.
With high volume work our attention to detail must be on. Faulty movements waste valuable fuel. Focusing on the cues we've talked about, and pacing are key. Just keep moving, yes, but move well. Sloppy is ugly, and worse, unsafe.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your hard work and monster efforts. That's good fuel we all needed to cross the finish line today.
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