The deadlift is a monster lift. Seriously, it packs more punch than any other exercise we do. It requires total body involvement, and hip power unrivaled by any other single exercise. Not to mention the hormonal kick it delivers, and it's functional. Who could ask for anything more?
Deadlifts 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Eric- 400 PR
DT- 225
Tammy- 225 PR
Chris- 255
Tonya- 125
Matt- 255
Dan- 310 PR
John- 440
Holley- 145
Brad- 365
Brandi- 200
Teresa- 200
Sharon- 220
Casey- 375
Scott O- 345
Joey- 240
T- 305
Emilee- 21, 15, 9 KB dead 35#/OH squat 35#
This was another great session at CFSF. There were several PR's today, and some really solid deadlifts. We are hitting all of the cues that need to be hit, and beginning to move serious weight. John, Tammy, OUTSTANDING LIFTS! Sam, Scott O, super good job on getting locked on. From here, your ability to maintain that good set-up each and every time you get in it. Uniformity. Your ability to recognize that something is not dialed in, and correct it.
Great to see Joey, he brings good fuel, and everyone benefits from his presence. Same for Burly Girl, and Burly Baby Texas Ranger. Always good to see them. That's all part of what makes CFSF so special.
We have The CrossFit Games 11.6 next, and it looks like fun. Unless Chicken Little stops by, WE ARE ROLLING! Come hell or high water.
Thanks for all the terrific efforts today. Your hard work motivates everyone toward excellence.
Take care of your business. Hit the mobility blog and find some mobs for your tender pieces. Get some every day.
Chasing excellence
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 25 'Tabata Something Else"
TABATA! Just hearing that name evokes some interesting feelings. Just four minutes of work all together... Only this time NO REST! What a difference, huh? Personally, I love the Tabata protocol. Applicable to just about ANYTHING (including delivery... think about it), the intervals are perfectly balanced to allow high intensity right up through to the end. The question is, just how comfortable are you in very uncomfortable situations?
'Tabata Something Else'
32 intervals of :20 seconds work, followed by :10 seconds rest.
First 8 are pull-ups, then push-ups, sit-ups, and squats.
No rest between exercises, and total reps are counted.
Eric- 316
Tonya- 337
Chris- 239
Sam- (1/2) 146
Matt- 347
Tammy- 314
Brad- 337
Brandi- 326
John- 334
Dan- 393
Holley- 242
LaRunda- 335
Sharon- 256
T- 385
Casey- 340
Great session guys! Great totals Dan and Tonya! Super strong efforts, and great fuel that kept us all going. Was there a strategy to your Tabata? We learn early on that if too much is spent in the first few rounds, we soon are bankrupt of any fuel by the end.
The beautiful thing about the Tabata is that it allows for training in all three metabolic pathways. Immediate, short, and long-term energy. Perform enough Tabata's, and you will see and feel big increases in work capacity.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for the fuel.
To our Service brothers in far away places, we miss you, we love you, we thank you.
'Tabata Something Else'
32 intervals of :20 seconds work, followed by :10 seconds rest.
First 8 are pull-ups, then push-ups, sit-ups, and squats.
No rest between exercises, and total reps are counted.
Eric- 316
Tonya- 337
Chris- 239
Sam- (1/2) 146
Matt- 347
Tammy- 314
Brad- 337
Brandi- 326
John- 334
Dan- 393
Holley- 242
LaRunda- 335
Sharon- 256
T- 385
Casey- 340
Great session guys! Great totals Dan and Tonya! Super strong efforts, and great fuel that kept us all going. Was there a strategy to your Tabata? We learn early on that if too much is spent in the first few rounds, we soon are bankrupt of any fuel by the end.
The beautiful thing about the Tabata is that it allows for training in all three metabolic pathways. Immediate, short, and long-term energy. Perform enough Tabata's, and you will see and feel big increases in work capacity.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for the fuel.
To our Service brothers in far away places, we miss you, we love you, we thank you.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Saturday, April 23 'Chipper'
Affectionately known as the "Mother Chipper", these long, one and done sessions can go one of two ways; Really good or pretty damn sorry. Depending on what you like, what you do well, and what you loathe. There's a little of each to go around. How did it turn out for you?
"Mother Chipper"
Walking lunges, 25 steps
20 pull-ups
50 box jumps
20 double-unders
25 ring dips
25 knees to elbows
30 kettlebell swings, 2 pood (70 pounds)
30 sit-ups
20 DB hang squat cleans, 35 pounds
25 back extensions
30 wall ball shots, 20/16
Dan- 26:30 53 30
DT- 34:15 53 20
Bart- 30:39 53 20
LaRunda- 31:37 30 15
Tonya- 29:54 30 15
Teresa- 27:21 35 15
T- Rx 23:28
"Mother Chipper"
Walking lunges, 25 steps
20 pull-ups
50 box jumps
20 double-unders
25 ring dips
25 knees to elbows
30 kettlebell swings, 2 pood (70 pounds)
30 sit-ups
20 DB hang squat cleans, 35 pounds
25 back extensions
30 wall ball shots, 20/16
Dan- 26:30 53 30
DT- 34:15 53 20
Bart- 30:39 53 20
LaRunda- 31:37 30 15
Tonya- 29:54 30 15
Teresa- 27:21 35 15
T- Rx 23:28
Friday, April 22 'Row 2k'
So we will be taking donations for a new rower... Another rower would have helped keep things moving but, all in all, things moved well today. We mixed in a few 2:00 minute max efforts with the row, and it turned out pretty well.
Max push-ups Max sit-ups 2k row
Chris- 47 42 9:39
Tonya- 40 53 9:29
Bart- 64 53 8:33
Casey- x x 8:15
Matt- 71 84 7:41
Katherine- 80 50 5:19 (1k)
Eric- 70 64 8:03
John- 52 58 7:14
Sam- 28 34 4:51 (1k)
LaRunda- 55 71 10:39
Beth- 42 50 9:47
Teresa- 35 45 9:35
Holley- 27 59 10:20
DT- 51 50 9:28
Dan- 92 73 7:27
Sharon- 45 52 10:34
Scott O- x x 4:39 (1k)
Inman- x x 5:09 (1k)
T- 75 71 8:20
Great session guys! Great 2:00 max efforts! This was a fun time at CFSF, and thanks very much for all the help everyone contributed. We had a return visit from Scott O, and a visit from Inman. We are glad you guys are at CFSF.
Great session Madman. Getting a make-up session from last Friday, he chose to roll with "Lynne", then knocked out the 2k row. Hoof*ckinyah!
Thanks for the efforts and the fuel. Thanks for taking on these sessions and not looking back.
"And if it would work I could talk to you, to help you on your way down the road. I couldn't quote you no Dickens, Shelley, or Keats,'cause it's all been said before.
Make the best out of the bad and laugh it off, HA! You didn't have to come here anyway..."
-Rod Stewart
Max push-ups Max sit-ups 2k row
Chris- 47 42 9:39
Tonya- 40 53 9:29
Bart- 64 53 8:33
Casey- x x 8:15
Matt- 71 84 7:41
Katherine- 80 50 5:19 (1k)
Eric- 70 64 8:03
John- 52 58 7:14
Sam- 28 34 4:51 (1k)
LaRunda- 55 71 10:39
Beth- 42 50 9:47
Teresa- 35 45 9:35
Holley- 27 59 10:20
DT- 51 50 9:28
Dan- 92 73 7:27
Sharon- 45 52 10:34
Scott O- x x 4:39 (1k)
Inman- x x 5:09 (1k)
T- 75 71 8:20
Great session guys! Great 2:00 max efforts! This was a fun time at CFSF, and thanks very much for all the help everyone contributed. We had a return visit from Scott O, and a visit from Inman. We are glad you guys are at CFSF.
Great session Madman. Getting a make-up session from last Friday, he chose to roll with "Lynne", then knocked out the 2k row. Hoof*ckinyah!
Thanks for the efforts and the fuel. Thanks for taking on these sessions and not looking back.
"And if it would work I could talk to you, to help you on your way down the road. I couldn't quote you no Dickens, Shelley, or Keats,'cause it's all been said before.
Make the best out of the bad and laugh it off, HA! You didn't have to come here anyway..."
-Rod Stewart
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thursday, April 21 '20:00 AMRAP'
Another session that looked rather binign on the board that ended up handing our bottoms to us, this AMRAP was super fun, but a total gasser.
20:00 AMRAP
5 power cleans, 145 pounds
10 toes to bar/rings
15 WBS
Eric- Rx 7 + 8 toes to bar
Tammy- 65 7
Matt- 95 7
John- Rx 7 + 3 toes to bar
Holley- 55 5 + 1 power clean
Sharon- 45 5
Beth- 45 6 = 3 power cleans
Dan- Rx 8 + 5 power cleans
Casey- Rx 6 + 3 toes to bar
Scott O- 95 (10:00) 6
T- 135 6
*Em- 4 10 HPC 55#/10K2E/10 WBS 14# 10:00 AMRAP
Dan (Son of Zeus), outstanding round totals at prescription... For the rest of us mortals, great session guys! Did you like it as much as I did? The wall ball shots went really well, which doesn't happen too often. It was the power clean that got me. Thanks for another beautiful workout Coach, and CFHQ.
Chris, Tonya- great work on the power clean. Your work and patience are paying off. Sam- good job. Scott O- after a two and a half year break, you roll back in to CFSF on a day where we have another AMRAP that includes WBS and knock out 6 rounds in ten minutes... Strong stuff! We're glad you are here. Stay this time!
Big thanks to Chris and Bart, who found another foam roller for us to use, and you know we'll use it! We appreciate that you guys. Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning at CFSF.
"The Jet stole home! The Jet stole home! I can't believe it, the Jet stole home...."
-Scott Smalls
20:00 AMRAP
5 power cleans, 145 pounds
10 toes to bar/rings
15 WBS
Eric- Rx 7 + 8 toes to bar
Tammy- 65 7
Matt- 95 7
John- Rx 7 + 3 toes to bar
Holley- 55 5 + 1 power clean
Sharon- 45 5
Beth- 45 6 = 3 power cleans
Dan- Rx 8 + 5 power cleans
Casey- Rx 6 + 3 toes to bar
Scott O- 95 (10:00) 6
T- 135 6
*Em- 4 10 HPC 55#/10K2E/10 WBS 14# 10:00 AMRAP
Dan (Son of Zeus), outstanding round totals at prescription... For the rest of us mortals, great session guys! Did you like it as much as I did? The wall ball shots went really well, which doesn't happen too often. It was the power clean that got me. Thanks for another beautiful workout Coach, and CFHQ.
Chris, Tonya- great work on the power clean. Your work and patience are paying off. Sam- good job. Scott O- after a two and a half year break, you roll back in to CFSF on a day where we have another AMRAP that includes WBS and knock out 6 rounds in ten minutes... Strong stuff! We're glad you are here. Stay this time!
Big thanks to Chris and Bart, who found another foam roller for us to use, and you know we'll use it! We appreciate that you guys. Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning at CFSF.
"The Jet stole home! The Jet stole home! I can't believe it, the Jet stole home...."
-Scott Smalls
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Big Wave Surfing
This video is being shot at an outer reef break several miles off the Oahu coast, Hawaii. It is named Peahi, otherwise known as "Jaws". When the waves break here, they are between 50 and 100 feet tall. The speed required to get into these waves is achieved by the use of the jetski, which is also known as tow-in surfing. These surfers are monster killers of the highest order, and deserve serious respect.
Tuesday, April 19 'Snatch'
Just hearing the word "snatch" implies a speed component. The snatch is a fast movement that begins with a smooth deadlift. The acceleration occurs during the second pull and as soon as the explosive jump that really gets some momentum on the bar has finished we pull ourselves under as quickly as possible. When it clicks, it clicks. When it doesn't, examine what's happening....
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Eric- 135
Dan- 95
Tammy- 65
Brandi- 65
Brad- 115
John- 175
T- 120
Push-press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Chris- 165
DT- 135
Super session everyone. Really good work on snatching, and really good snatches. John- heavy duty. You are up 35 pounds from last snatch session. Outstanding! Some people chose to work more on form and less on load. There will be muted progress, if any, without a strong, solid foundation for future snatches. The overhead squat, the rock bottom, and The Burgener are key components that should be mastered, and along with a super active shoulder girdle, should be present at all times.
How about the flexibility connection with the snatch and the mobility we have been cultivating for the past few months. Did anyone notice improvements with regard to hip or shoulder girdle ROM? This is why its so important to work daily on becoming more flexible. It translates into better performace, and a much more comfortable pillar.
For the guys that just started snatching- great start. Be patient, be pleased that you are moving forward. Just remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint.
We had a visit from Sam, who is already doing better than most beginners. We hope you come back, drink the kool-aid and like it as much as we do. Oh yeah, remember to eat prior to rolling... Keeps "Pukie" away.
Wednesday is another well deserved rest day. Use your time wisely and get some pre-hab, mobility, or both. Thanks for the efforts, thanks for the fuel. Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Eric- 135
Dan- 95
Tammy- 65
Brandi- 65
Brad- 115
John- 175
T- 120
Push-press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Chris- 165
DT- 135
Super session everyone. Really good work on snatching, and really good snatches. John- heavy duty. You are up 35 pounds from last snatch session. Outstanding! Some people chose to work more on form and less on load. There will be muted progress, if any, without a strong, solid foundation for future snatches. The overhead squat, the rock bottom, and The Burgener are key components that should be mastered, and along with a super active shoulder girdle, should be present at all times.
How about the flexibility connection with the snatch and the mobility we have been cultivating for the past few months. Did anyone notice improvements with regard to hip or shoulder girdle ROM? This is why its so important to work daily on becoming more flexible. It translates into better performace, and a much more comfortable pillar.
For the guys that just started snatching- great start. Be patient, be pleased that you are moving forward. Just remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint.
We had a visit from Sam, who is already doing better than most beginners. We hope you come back, drink the kool-aid and like it as much as we do. Oh yeah, remember to eat prior to rolling... Keeps "Pukie" away.
Wednesday is another well deserved rest day. Use your time wisely and get some pre-hab, mobility, or both. Thanks for the efforts, thanks for the fuel. Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Monday, April 18 'Run- PT'
When this session popped up, I thought "looks good..." And then I saw the three rounds on top. "Snap." So this was a long grind, but a pretty fun workout. The run distance was perfect, and we had great weather for a little running.
Three rounds:
100m run
50 push-ups
100m run
50 airsquats
100m run
50 sit-ups
100m run
50 back extensions
Eric- 30:25
Chris- (2) 28:00
Matt- 29:23
Tammy- (2) 23:18
Dan- 28:22
Sharon- (2) 28:23
LaRunda- 37:07
Casey- 33:25
Beth- 33:54
T- 29:09
Great job everyone. Super fast Son of Zeus...Killing it. Putting it on the wall and taking shots at it... Outstanding. Way to tough it out again LaRunda. Your work capacity is increasing, even as you read this.
Where did you hit the wall? For me, it was the second round. The third round actually felt better than the first. Either way, I was happy to reach the end of this one. This is another classic combination of a monostructural activity and PT that you could almost call a "Monster Mash"... if we had a pool. The run was short, so our intensity level really stayed up, and that's our goal.
We got a little more gymnastic practice after the night session. Headstands, headstand progressions, and some of the coolest, funkiest mobility exercises I have ever seen! Way too cool. Thanks again Beth D. If you haven't had a chance to get some extra gymnastics practice, get some night time and start learning a few progressions from our Jedi Master.
Hit the mobility blog every chance you get. These exercises can make a big difference in how you feel and perform. The time that's required to get a little is so worth it for the benefits received. Take care of your business!
Thanks for another great day at CFSF, thanks for the great fuel also. It's easier to work hard when everyone else is working hard too.
Better than yesterday.
Three rounds:
100m run
50 push-ups
100m run
50 airsquats
100m run
50 sit-ups
100m run
50 back extensions
Eric- 30:25
Chris- (2) 28:00
Matt- 29:23
Tammy- (2) 23:18
Dan- 28:22
Sharon- (2) 28:23
LaRunda- 37:07
Casey- 33:25
Beth- 33:54
T- 29:09
Great job everyone. Super fast Son of Zeus...Killing it. Putting it on the wall and taking shots at it... Outstanding. Way to tough it out again LaRunda. Your work capacity is increasing, even as you read this.
Where did you hit the wall? For me, it was the second round. The third round actually felt better than the first. Either way, I was happy to reach the end of this one. This is another classic combination of a monostructural activity and PT that you could almost call a "Monster Mash"... if we had a pool. The run was short, so our intensity level really stayed up, and that's our goal.
We got a little more gymnastic practice after the night session. Headstands, headstand progressions, and some of the coolest, funkiest mobility exercises I have ever seen! Way too cool. Thanks again Beth D. If you haven't had a chance to get some extra gymnastics practice, get some night time and start learning a few progressions from our Jedi Master.
Hit the mobility blog every chance you get. These exercises can make a big difference in how you feel and perform. The time that's required to get a little is so worth it for the benefits received. Take care of your business!
Thanks for another great day at CFSF, thanks for the great fuel also. It's easier to work hard when everyone else is working hard too.
Better than yesterday.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday, April 17 'Hammer'
Sometimes you're the hammer, sometimes you're the nail. That was the first thing that came to mind when this session popped up. As prescribed, this is a monster. Scaling didn't help much either. We were Hammered.
5 rounds, each for time of:
5 power cleans, 135 pounds
10 front squat, 135 pounds
5 jerks, 135 pounds
20 pull-ups
:90 second rest
1 2 3 4 5
Brad- 75 2:11 2:20 2:10 1:39 1:50
Brandi- 55 2:51 2:33 3:05 2:40 2:49
Tammy- 65 2:49 2:58 3:31 2:26 2:43
Casey- Rx 3:25 3:43 4:18 5:10 5:09
T- 95 2:14 2:08 2:25 2:42 2:49
Super strong session Madman, going as prescribed! You are the only person that didn't get a little extra rest too... Great session guys. Everything moving in greased grooves. This session is another great combination of the weight training with calisthenics. Perform them using time intervals and now we're cooking with fire... A proven gasser of the highest order.
This session is named in honor of U.S. Army First Sergeant Michael "Hammer" Bordelon, killed on May 10, 2005 in Mosul, Iraq.
Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning at CFSF.
Be someone special.
5 rounds, each for time of:
5 power cleans, 135 pounds
10 front squat, 135 pounds
5 jerks, 135 pounds
20 pull-ups
:90 second rest
1 2 3 4 5
Brad- 75 2:11 2:20 2:10 1:39 1:50
Brandi- 55 2:51 2:33 3:05 2:40 2:49
Tammy- 65 2:49 2:58 3:31 2:26 2:43
Casey- Rx 3:25 3:43 4:18 5:10 5:09
T- 95 2:14 2:08 2:25 2:42 2:49
Super strong session Madman, going as prescribed! You are the only person that didn't get a little extra rest too... Great session guys. Everything moving in greased grooves. This session is another great combination of the weight training with calisthenics. Perform them using time intervals and now we're cooking with fire... A proven gasser of the highest order.
This session is named in honor of U.S. Army First Sergeant Michael "Hammer" Bordelon, killed on May 10, 2005 in Mosul, Iraq.
Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning at CFSF.
Be someone special.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Friday, April 15 'Lynne'
As prescribed, 'Lynne' is a monster. Although not timed, we still get serious gas as if we've just finished a met-con session. Max efforts become quite uncomfortable.
5 rounds max reps of:
Body weight bench press
Matt- 155
(1) 9/8 (2) 8/6 (3) 6/6 (4) 7/10 (5) 5/6
Bart- 155
(1) 10/20 (2) 10/16 (3) 7/13 (4) 5/15 (5) 5/9
Chris- 155
(1) 5/10 (2) 8/6 (3) 7/6 (4) 6/4 (5) 7/4
Tammy- 65
(1) 8/14 (2) 11/11 (3) 9/13 (4) 10/9 (5) 8/12
Eric- Rx 185
(1) 18/18 (2) 15/13 (3) 13/10 (4) 10/10 (5) 10/8
Teresa- 55
(1) 10/12 (2) 12/10 (3) 12/10 (4) 8/9 (5) 8/5
Sharon- 75
(1) 12/9 (2) 10/8 (3) 8/8 (4) 8/7 (5) 6/5
Casey- 225
(1) 6/20 (2) 6/17 (3) 4/17 (4) 4/17 (5) 3/10
T- Rx 175
(1) 3/25 (2) 4/22 (3) 4/23 (4) 4/15 (5) 4/18
Anytime multiple max efforts occur, there is serious gas involved. Lynne is the epitome of failure, and this makes many people uncomfortable. Max efforts evoke a primal response in us, and our internal "common sense" voice wonders what the hell is going on? Even while spotted, some people are reluctant to really get that last little bit because these uncomfortable feelings are new and strange, and they need to stop.
No worries. As we continue to get these sessions, we will be better able to push these thoughts out of the picture and focus more clearly on the task at hand. This is consistency in training, and why it's so valuable. Each time we roll, knowingly or not, we learn to deal with or compartmentalize these thoughts and feelings.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Saturday is a rest day, not an off day.
If your workouts don't scare you, you're not training hard enough.
5 rounds max reps of:
Body weight bench press
Matt- 155
(1) 9/8 (2) 8/6 (3) 6/6 (4) 7/10 (5) 5/6
Bart- 155
(1) 10/20 (2) 10/16 (3) 7/13 (4) 5/15 (5) 5/9
Chris- 155
(1) 5/10 (2) 8/6 (3) 7/6 (4) 6/4 (5) 7/4
Tammy- 65
(1) 8/14 (2) 11/11 (3) 9/13 (4) 10/9 (5) 8/12
Eric- Rx 185
(1) 18/18 (2) 15/13 (3) 13/10 (4) 10/10 (5) 10/8
Teresa- 55
(1) 10/12 (2) 12/10 (3) 12/10 (4) 8/9 (5) 8/5
Sharon- 75
(1) 12/9 (2) 10/8 (3) 8/8 (4) 8/7 (5) 6/5
Casey- 225
(1) 6/20 (2) 6/17 (3) 4/17 (4) 4/17 (5) 3/10
T- Rx 175
(1) 3/25 (2) 4/22 (3) 4/23 (4) 4/15 (5) 4/18
Anytime multiple max efforts occur, there is serious gas involved. Lynne is the epitome of failure, and this makes many people uncomfortable. Max efforts evoke a primal response in us, and our internal "common sense" voice wonders what the hell is going on? Even while spotted, some people are reluctant to really get that last little bit because these uncomfortable feelings are new and strange, and they need to stop.
No worries. As we continue to get these sessions, we will be better able to push these thoughts out of the picture and focus more clearly on the task at hand. This is consistency in training, and why it's so valuable. Each time we roll, knowingly or not, we learn to deal with or compartmentalize these thoughts and feelings.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Saturday is a rest day, not an off day.
If your workouts don't scare you, you're not training hard enough.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Thursday, April 14 '400m walking lunges'
How beautifully simple. We knew this was a crusher because we have done some lunging down, walking back or walking down and lunging back, but we have never gotten the entire 400 meters lunging. Until today...
400m Walking Lunges
Eric- 345 steps, 16:50
Matt- 16:55
Bart- 18:15
Chris- 22:35
Beth- 353 steps, 23:59
Casey- 262 steps, 16:08
Dan- 354 steps, 16:35
LaRunda- 370 steps, 25:00
Super good job guys. Solid lunges. That 200 meters seems to stretch out, huh? Hopefully you thought about the cues and didn't mute your hips by not getting your heels fully involved. That's salt rubbed in an open wound.
The step count was pretty consistent, and it was agreed that coming back was better than going out. We even had a few cheerleaders and spectators. Its one thing to see us running, but lunging? That usually elicits some stares. I'd like to know what they're thinking...
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for the great efforts.
Soft is contagious, don't catch it.
400m Walking Lunges
Eric- 345 steps, 16:50
Matt- 16:55
Bart- 18:15
Chris- 22:35
Beth- 353 steps, 23:59
Casey- 262 steps, 16:08
Dan- 354 steps, 16:35
LaRunda- 370 steps, 25:00
Super good job guys. Solid lunges. That 200 meters seems to stretch out, huh? Hopefully you thought about the cues and didn't mute your hips by not getting your heels fully involved. That's salt rubbed in an open wound.
The step count was pretty consistent, and it was agreed that coming back was better than going out. We even had a few cheerleaders and spectators. Its one thing to see us running, but lunging? That usually elicits some stares. I'd like to know what they're thinking...
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for the great efforts.
Soft is contagious, don't catch it.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Wednesday, April 13 'Boom, Boom, Pow'
This is an all time CFSF favorite session guaranteed to bring misery, and pain. We just love it. Progressing from the eleven to the eight set takes a while. However, passing seven, there is a little spark that revives the fire... and we speed up a bit just to end the torture.
'Boom, Boom, Pow'
11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2 reps:
Deadlifts 185/115
Front squats 115/65
Loaded sit-ups 25/15
Eric- Rx 25:30 monster time!
Matt- 135/115/25 29:57
Scott- Rx [11-4] 30:30
Tonya- 85/65/15 [9-5]
Chris- 135/115/25 [9-5]
Beth- 85/65/15 [11-8]
Dan- Rx 28:37
Brandi- Rx 28:07
Brad- Rx 35:38
Teresa- Rx 41:37 way to tough it out!
Sharon- Rx 39:37 you too!
Bart- Rx 32:00
Casey- Rx 33:53
T- Rx 31:30
The lunch crew got jammed for time- this is a long one. Well done guys. The combination of PT and weights is demanding enough, add volume, intensity, pain, and euphoria and we have 'Boom, Boom, Pow'... Good job night crew on going as prescribed. No scales for anyone!
Great job Eric! You dropped four minutes from the last BBP, which was on 2-15-09. Considering how much more space we have to cover from station to station from then to now makes that even more impressive. Hoof*ckinyah! Chris, Tonya- you are both doing great. Getting an idea about the levels of intensity required and moving toward the deeper waters. Dan, Son of Zeus- for the first run of a seriously heavy session you nailed it. Outstanding. Brandi- as prescribed. Knew you could... Arghhhhhh!
Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning at CFSF. Be ready for Thursday. Hit the mobility blog, take a little extra time on those tight, yet obedient posterior chain muscles. Treat them well.
'Boom, Boom, Pow'
11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2 reps:
Deadlifts 185/115
Front squats 115/65
Loaded sit-ups 25/15
Eric- Rx 25:30 monster time!
Matt- 135/115/25 29:57
Scott- Rx [11-4] 30:30
Tonya- 85/65/15 [9-5]
Chris- 135/115/25 [9-5]
Beth- 85/65/15 [11-8]
Dan- Rx 28:37
Brandi- Rx 28:07
Brad- Rx 35:38
Teresa- Rx 41:37 way to tough it out!
Sharon- Rx 39:37 you too!
Bart- Rx 32:00
Casey- Rx 33:53
T- Rx 31:30
The lunch crew got jammed for time- this is a long one. Well done guys. The combination of PT and weights is demanding enough, add volume, intensity, pain, and euphoria and we have 'Boom, Boom, Pow'... Good job night crew on going as prescribed. No scales for anyone!
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Brandi finishing a great front squat |
Great job Eric! You dropped four minutes from the last BBP, which was on 2-15-09. Considering how much more space we have to cover from station to station from then to now makes that even more impressive. Hoof*ckinyah! Chris, Tonya- you are both doing great. Getting an idea about the levels of intensity required and moving toward the deeper waters. Dan, Son of Zeus- for the first run of a seriously heavy session you nailed it. Outstanding. Brandi- as prescribed. Knew you could... Arghhhhhh!
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Strong deads, strong finish Dan! |
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Bart getting hammered, still smiling. |
Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning at CFSF. Be ready for Thursday. Hit the mobility blog, take a little extra time on those tight, yet obedient posterior chain muscles. Treat them well.
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No scale night crew |
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Monday, April 11 'Press'
The press can expose many problems, from small to large. The biggest problem is the loss of core stability, and the inability to transfer power. Now we appreciate the dip, huh?
Press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2
Eric- 135
DT- 125
Chris- 125
Tammy- 75
Matt- 95
Tonya- 80
Scott- 135
Emilee- 70
Sharon- 80
Beth- 60
LaRunda- 75
Bart- 120
Brad- 105
Casey- 145
Dan- 175
T- 115
Great lifts everyone. Super strong Dan, and Casey. Ten sets can become tricky, and we have many ways of dealing with it. Some pick a load that is tough for two reps, and stick with it. Some people increase the load as they go, which can get dicey. By the tenth set, most fuel has been depleted, and max lifts may be compromised. Sometimes maxing out on the fifth or sixth set works best, allowing for lighter sets to finish with.
However you handled it, experiment next time. Find what works best for you. One comment on the fact that we were on a clock... If you stayed on the clock, this session becomes VERY different from a ten by two with longer rest.
Tuesday is a rest day, not an off day. Take care of your business. More big thanks to Beth for the gymnastic instruction. You are the bomb.
Winning is a conscious decision. Be a winner.
Press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2
Eric- 135
DT- 125
Chris- 125
Tammy- 75
Matt- 95
Tonya- 80
Scott- 135
Emilee- 70
Sharon- 80
Beth- 60
LaRunda- 75
Bart- 120
Brad- 105
Casey- 145
Dan- 175
T- 115
Great lifts everyone. Super strong Dan, and Casey. Ten sets can become tricky, and we have many ways of dealing with it. Some pick a load that is tough for two reps, and stick with it. Some people increase the load as they go, which can get dicey. By the tenth set, most fuel has been depleted, and max lifts may be compromised. Sometimes maxing out on the fifth or sixth set works best, allowing for lighter sets to finish with.
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Madman. 'Nuff said.... |
However you handled it, experiment next time. Find what works best for you. One comment on the fact that we were on a clock... If you stayed on the clock, this session becomes VERY different from a ten by two with longer rest.
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Beth D. going overhead |
Tuesday is a rest day, not an off day. Take care of your business. More big thanks to Beth for the gymnastic instruction. You are the bomb.
Winning is a conscious decision. Be a winner.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Sunday, April 10 'Run'
Man I really miss running... Seriously. This was an interesting session on a beautiful day to run. Only one problem... Pollen.
Run 1600m
Rest 3 min
Run 1200m
Rest 2 min
Run 800m
Rest 1 min
Run 400m
Dan- 23:24
Joey- 25:10
Casey- 26:55
Bart- 27:30
Teresa- 37:17
Sharon- 24:49 *1200
LaRunda- 31:20
Brandi- 31:50
Beth 27:10
We have some really fast runners at CFSF. Super fast Dan and Joey- when you factor in the six minutes of rest, you guys covered 2.5 miles in great time.
Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning at CFSF. Thanks for the great fuel.
Better than yesterday.
Run 1600m
Rest 3 min
Run 1200m
Rest 2 min
Run 800m
Rest 1 min
Run 400m
Dan- 23:24
Joey- 25:10
Casey- 26:55
Bart- 27:30
Teresa- 37:17
Sharon- 24:49 *1200
LaRunda- 31:20
Brandi- 31:50
Beth 27:10
We have some really fast runners at CFSF. Super fast Dan and Joey- when you factor in the six minutes of rest, you guys covered 2.5 miles in great time.
Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning at CFSF. Thanks for the great fuel.
Better than yesterday.
Saturday, April 9 'FGB'
FIGHT GONE BAD!!! The texts start a few minutes after the wod pops up. FGB! Right up to an hour and a half before the morning session starts. Fight Gone Bad just might be the funnest CrossFit workout there is. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
Fight Gone Bad
Three 5 minute rounds:
Wall ball shots
Sumo deadlift high pull, 75/45
Box jumps, 20"
Push-press, 75/45
Row (calories)
Eric- 275
DT- 185
Brandi- 240
Bart- 208
Dan- 259
Kat- 161
Tonya- 195
Outstanding session guys! Katherine and Tonya, great job- good numbers even though you omitted the SDHP... Just wait until next time! This was the first FGB for quite a few people, and everyone did really well. Another part of FGB I like is how everyone comes out to either help, or roll, or both. Ready to lead, ready to follow.
Too bad FGB fell on a Saturday when some of our toughest athletes can't roll. We will see FGB and variants over the next few weeks. You asked for it, you got it... TOYOTA! Embrace the suck.
Thanks for the terrifc efforts getting FGB in the books. What a blast! Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Be someone special.
Fight Gone Bad
Three 5 minute rounds:
Wall ball shots
Sumo deadlift high pull, 75/45
Box jumps, 20"
Push-press, 75/45
Row (calories)
Eric- 275
DT- 185
Brandi- 240
Bart- 208
Dan- 259
Kat- 161
Tonya- 195
Outstanding session guys! Katherine and Tonya, great job- good numbers even though you omitted the SDHP... Just wait until next time! This was the first FGB for quite a few people, and everyone did really well. Another part of FGB I like is how everyone comes out to either help, or roll, or both. Ready to lead, ready to follow.
Too bad FGB fell on a Saturday when some of our toughest athletes can't roll. We will see FGB and variants over the next few weeks. You asked for it, you got it... TOYOTA! Embrace the suck.
Thanks for the terrifc efforts getting FGB in the books. What a blast! Thanks for another great day at CFSF.
Be someone special.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Thursday, April 7 'JT'
For the uninitiated, 'JT' looks like a fun, fast workout. For those of us who have seen 'JT' before, we see things a little differently. Very few sessions can destroy triceps like 'JT' can. Beautiful.
21, 15, 9 reps of:
Handstand push-up
Ring dips
Eric- Rx 10:15
Chris- 13:29
Scott- 9:58
Brandi- 12:02
Brad- 13:12
Beth- 13:22
Dan- Rx 13:15
John- Rx 13:39
Holley- 15:25
Casey- Rx 15:15
LaRunda- 12:51
T- Rx 9:52
Super fine session guys! Great efforts, and great fuel. How are those arms feeling? My triceps were feeling really weird for a few hours after finishing. When did you hit the wall? That second round is where I had some difficulty, and by the last round hard pressed to get any more than two reps at a time. What's funny is how quickly we can be brought to failure, to the point where just one more push-up is impossible without a brief "shakeout" rest.
We had another opportunity to get some gymnastics practice after the night sessions. We have some really great athletes with huge gymnastic potential. Even after getting hammered by 'JT' we were able to get some solid back bridging, which is insanely difficult. Beth has some great ideas on where we'll go and progressions to get us there, allowing us to become better gymnasts. Thanks again Beth!
This session is named in honor of PO1 Jeff Taylor, killed in Afghanistan, June 2005
Friday is another well deserved rest day. Use your time wisely and make the right choices. Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning at CFSF.
Take every opportunity you're given to be the best, do the best, and help others to be better.
21, 15, 9 reps of:
Handstand push-up
Ring dips
Eric- Rx 10:15
Chris- 13:29
Scott- 9:58
Brandi- 12:02
Brad- 13:12
Beth- 13:22
Dan- Rx 13:15
John- Rx 13:39
Holley- 15:25
Casey- Rx 15:15
LaRunda- 12:51
T- Rx 9:52
Super fine session guys! Great efforts, and great fuel. How are those arms feeling? My triceps were feeling really weird for a few hours after finishing. When did you hit the wall? That second round is where I had some difficulty, and by the last round hard pressed to get any more than two reps at a time. What's funny is how quickly we can be brought to failure, to the point where just one more push-up is impossible without a brief "shakeout" rest.
We had another opportunity to get some gymnastics practice after the night sessions. We have some really great athletes with huge gymnastic potential. Even after getting hammered by 'JT' we were able to get some solid back bridging, which is insanely difficult. Beth has some great ideas on where we'll go and progressions to get us there, allowing us to become better gymnasts. Thanks again Beth!
This session is named in honor of PO1 Jeff Taylor, killed in Afghanistan, June 2005
Friday is another well deserved rest day. Use your time wisely and make the right choices. Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning at CFSF.
Take every opportunity you're given to be the best, do the best, and help others to be better.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Paleo Pancake
1 banana
1 egg
Almond flour
1 scoop whey protein
Vanilla extract
Olive oil
Berries of choice in batter, or on top after cooking. Coconut shreds work too.
Mash the banana and add the egg. Add a dash of olive oil, a dash of vanilla, and cinamon to taste. Next add the protein powder. Last, add the almond flour until you have a good consistency. This takes practice, and measurements can vary.
Pour into a non-stick pan with a light coat of olive oil so it won't stick. From here, treat them just like pancakes. They can be topped with peanut butter, honey, or fruit when they're cooked.
Big THANKS! to Cole Henn, from CrossFit Lincoln, Nebraska for the recipe.
1 egg
Almond flour
1 scoop whey protein
Vanilla extract
Olive oil
Berries of choice in batter, or on top after cooking. Coconut shreds work too.
Mash the banana and add the egg. Add a dash of olive oil, a dash of vanilla, and cinamon to taste. Next add the protein powder. Last, add the almond flour until you have a good consistency. This takes practice, and measurements can vary.
Pour into a non-stick pan with a light coat of olive oil so it won't stick. From here, treat them just like pancakes. They can be topped with peanut butter, honey, or fruit when they're cooked.
Big THANKS! to Cole Henn, from CrossFit Lincoln, Nebraska for the recipe.
Wednesday, April 6 'C+J'
The Clean, like the Snatch, is a thing of beauty. When it's clicking, you feel it. You feel the efficiency of what you're doing. When it's not clicking, it can get ugly. Fall back to the cues we've talked about, adjust the load. Relax and let it flow...
5:00 ARAP 165 pound Clean & Jerk
Eric- 135 20/40
Scott- 115 21/41
Bart- 95 25/50
Chris- 95 32/64
DT- 95 22/44
Tammy- 65 22/44
Lisa P- 45 30/60
Dan- 125 13/26
John- Rx 16/32
Casey- Rx 10/20
Brandi- 65 12/24
Holley- 45 15/30
Brad- 95 22/44
Beth- 45 18/36
LaRunda- 35 32/64
T- 125 15/30
Great session everyone. The prescription for this session was 165 pounds for guys, and 110 pounds for ladies. That is monster weight. We had two guys roll at prescription- great job John and Casey. The prescription is a suggestion, not mandatory. Remember that CrossFit is all about intensity. Lighter loads allow for much higher intensity. They also allow you to adjust as you go, allowing you to do more with less rest.
The Clean always includes a squat unless otherwise stated. That squat changes the whole picture. Power cleans feel easier, but getting under the bar and receiving it in a full squat allows for heavier loads. We do want heavy, as heavy as form allows.
We are getting some great gymnastics instruction from Beth D. THANKS!!! We are really fortunate that she is here. Her cues and drills, and fuel are awesome. She has jumped right into the pool and we just love her. The rest is on us. We need to work on "The Position". What is "The Position?" Hollow. Hollow and stable. Global tightness.
Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning at CFSF. 'JT' is next and we're gonna need serious fuel to get this one in the book.
Better than yesterday.
5:00 ARAP 165 pound Clean & Jerk
Eric- 135 20/40
Scott- 115 21/41
Bart- 95 25/50
Chris- 95 32/64
DT- 95 22/44
Tammy- 65 22/44
Lisa P- 45 30/60
Dan- 125 13/26
John- Rx 16/32
Casey- Rx 10/20
Brandi- 65 12/24
Holley- 45 15/30
Brad- 95 22/44
Beth- 45 18/36
LaRunda- 35 32/64
T- 125 15/30
Great session everyone. The prescription for this session was 165 pounds for guys, and 110 pounds for ladies. That is monster weight. We had two guys roll at prescription- great job John and Casey. The prescription is a suggestion, not mandatory. Remember that CrossFit is all about intensity. Lighter loads allow for much higher intensity. They also allow you to adjust as you go, allowing you to do more with less rest.
The Clean always includes a squat unless otherwise stated. That squat changes the whole picture. Power cleans feel easier, but getting under the bar and receiving it in a full squat allows for heavier loads. We do want heavy, as heavy as form allows.
We are getting some great gymnastics instruction from Beth D. THANKS!!! We are really fortunate that she is here. Her cues and drills, and fuel are awesome. She has jumped right into the pool and we just love her. The rest is on us. We need to work on "The Position". What is "The Position?" Hollow. Hollow and stable. Global tightness.
Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning at CFSF. 'JT' is next and we're gonna need serious fuel to get this one in the book.
Better than yesterday.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 5 'Michael'
'Michael' is like an old friend that you only see once and a while. Things start off well, but before too long you remember why you're a little glad that you don't see each other too much. It has been a long time since we saw 'Michael', and some forget that he is a hero. Just as tough as any other hero workouts.
3 rounds:
800m run
50 back extensions
50 sit-ups
Scott- 27:47
Tammy- 30:53
Eric- 24:38
*Alice Ann- 23:40 *3 rounds:
DT- 35:55 400m run
**Chris- 14:23 15 good mornings
**Tonya- 15:03 15 K2E
John- 23:42
**Holley- 18:11 **'Mike'
Casey- 24:32 3 rounds:
Dan- 22:08 400m run
*Emilee- 21:57 25 back extensions
Beth- 23:42 25 sit-ups
*Teresa- 16:23
Bart- 23:23
Great session everyone. Great weather for running, and some really nice runs. Why does everyone want to do the sit-ups after the run instead of the back extension? The first dance with 'Michael' always gets scaled to 'Mike', which is just as difficult, just not as long. This session is a core killer that shows up to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and we never have bubblegum...
If you find your posterior chain talking back like a petulant child, listen. Take care of your business. It takes very little time or effort, just motivation to feel and perform better. The wolf of good fortune has had pups in our box. We have a gymnastics instructor rolling with us who will be giving us awesome instruction on some basic gymnastics moves. Beth is from Michigan, and she is an experienced CrossFitter that just happens to love 'Fran'... She is going to bring super strong fuel and her gymnastics experience can help our skills base exponentially. We are beyond thankful for her arrival at CFSF.
This session is named in honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael McGreevy, who was killed in Afghanisan in 2005, and it is an honor to roll in his name. He and the many others that have made the ultimate sacrifice deserve not only our respect, but our gratitude as well.
This was a good day at CFSF. Thanks for that. Thanks for the wicked strong efforts, thanks for making it fun too. Rest, stretch, and eat your Wheaties. You'll need them. OK, I understand that Wheaties are NOT paleo, so don't actually eat any- just train like you did....
Faster, higher, stronger
3 rounds:
800m run
50 back extensions
50 sit-ups
Scott- 27:47
Tammy- 30:53
Eric- 24:38
*Alice Ann- 23:40 *3 rounds:
DT- 35:55 400m run
**Chris- 14:23 15 good mornings
**Tonya- 15:03 15 K2E
John- 23:42
**Holley- 18:11 **'Mike'
Casey- 24:32 3 rounds:
Dan- 22:08 400m run
*Emilee- 21:57 25 back extensions
Beth- 23:42 25 sit-ups
*Teresa- 16:23
Bart- 23:23
Great session everyone. Great weather for running, and some really nice runs. Why does everyone want to do the sit-ups after the run instead of the back extension? The first dance with 'Michael' always gets scaled to 'Mike', which is just as difficult, just not as long. This session is a core killer that shows up to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and we never have bubblegum...
If you find your posterior chain talking back like a petulant child, listen. Take care of your business. It takes very little time or effort, just motivation to feel and perform better. The wolf of good fortune has had pups in our box. We have a gymnastics instructor rolling with us who will be giving us awesome instruction on some basic gymnastics moves. Beth is from Michigan, and she is an experienced CrossFitter that just happens to love 'Fran'... She is going to bring super strong fuel and her gymnastics experience can help our skills base exponentially. We are beyond thankful for her arrival at CFSF.
This session is named in honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael McGreevy, who was killed in Afghanisan in 2005, and it is an honor to roll in his name. He and the many others that have made the ultimate sacrifice deserve not only our respect, but our gratitude as well.
This was a good day at CFSF. Thanks for that. Thanks for the wicked strong efforts, thanks for making it fun too. Rest, stretch, and eat your Wheaties. You'll need them. OK, I understand that Wheaties are NOT paleo, so don't actually eat any- just train like you did....
Faster, higher, stronger
Monday, April 4, 2011
Sunday, April 4 'Diane'
This was another beautiful day at CFSF, and another beautiful session. 'Diane' is a CFSF fav, however, last weeks deads took a serious toll on a few of our players, so seeing more deads was not a welcomed sight for them. Oh well. Sorry.
21, 15, 9 reps:
225 pound deadlift
Handstand push-ups
Dan- 185 8:12
Bart- 135 5:55
DT- 135 7:32
LaRunda- 95 7:35
Sharon- 95 9:05
Kat- 85 6:25
Brandi- 125 9:46
Teresa- 95 7:15
Really sweet session guys. Good load Brandi. You are strong! Again, really good form guys. Everyone is locked on and displaying what needs to be displayed when deadlifting. The deadlift is one of the most functional movements that packs a really serious punch. Add long levers, and we're talking ouch!
Great handstands. Everyone is able to get inverted, and stay there. Gotta be able to do that before any push-ups take place...
Monday is a rest day, not a day off. Take the challenge, let us know how it went.
Hit the mobility blog and find a fix for what ails ya.
It pays to be a winner.
21, 15, 9 reps:
225 pound deadlift
Handstand push-ups
Dan- 185 8:12
Bart- 135 5:55
DT- 135 7:32
LaRunda- 95 7:35
Sharon- 95 9:05
Kat- 85 6:25
Brandi- 125 9:46
Teresa- 95 7:15
Really sweet session guys. Good load Brandi. You are strong! Again, really good form guys. Everyone is locked on and displaying what needs to be displayed when deadlifting. The deadlift is one of the most functional movements that packs a really serious punch. Add long levers, and we're talking ouch!
Great handstands. Everyone is able to get inverted, and stay there. Gotta be able to do that before any push-ups take place...
Monday is a rest day, not a day off. Take the challenge, let us know how it went.
Hit the mobility blog and find a fix for what ails ya.
It pays to be a winner.
Saturday, April 2 'Run/back squat'
What a great day to be at CFSF. We had really nice running weather, and a great breeze keeping us cool.
5 rounds:
400m run
Back squat, 5 reps
Tonya- 75 14:48
Brad- 135 16:23
Brandi- 95 18:35
LaRunda- 95 19:30
DT- 115 18:56
Kat- 29:58
Shar- 75 26:10
Nice session everyone. Solid back squats. We had a few thing we were really working on, and we hit them. Good job on hitting the points... no muted hips, good back extension, lots of solid, locked on cores. Good. Good.
Sunday 12:30
Thanks for all the terrific efforts, and fun.
5 rounds:
400m run
Back squat, 5 reps
Tonya- 75 14:48
Brad- 135 16:23
Brandi- 95 18:35
LaRunda- 95 19:30
DT- 115 18:56
Kat- 29:58
Shar- 75 26:10
Nice session everyone. Solid back squats. We had a few thing we were really working on, and we hit them. Good job on hitting the points... no muted hips, good back extension, lots of solid, locked on cores. Good. Good.
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Solid squats Brandi |
Sunday 12:30
Thanks for all the terrific efforts, and fun.
Friday, April 1 '30 muscle-ups'
Okay, it is April Fool's Day, but 30 muscle-ups? This is one of those sessions that can bring apprehension with it. I thought about this monster all day. This session can also be a problem. The sub is worse than the muscle-up, so as usual, we had options.
30 muscle-ups
Bart- unknown, he just kept going.....
John- 20 mu's/10 subbed 16:30
Dan- 120/120 sub 18:41
T- Rx 15:30
3 rounds:
400m run
21 KB swings
12 pull-ups
Chris- 35 15:50
Tonya- 30 13:15
Eric- Rx 12:13
7 rounds:
1:00 minute jump rope
1:00 ball slam
5 rounds:
500m row
35 abmat sit-ups
Brad- 24:25
21, 15, 9 reps:
Overhead squat
Tammy- 135/45 7:38
Great sessions guys. Options are good. We don't always get good options, sometimes the only other option isn't an option at all... The muscle-up can be intimidating. Not with training and practice. The guys that have gotten some ring time are getting muscle-ups. Hooyah Bart! No ring time, no muscle-up. Everyone at CFSF can train for, and get the muscle-up.
Good job John F. Your torn hands are the only thing that stopped you from getting all 30. Show me your hands... Tough, callused, hands and skinned shins are a part of CrossFit. Skinned shins are hot too.
Saturday 0900
30 muscle-ups
Bart- unknown, he just kept going.....
John- 20 mu's/10 subbed 16:30
Dan- 120/120 sub 18:41
T- Rx 15:30
3 rounds:
400m run
21 KB swings
12 pull-ups
Chris- 35 15:50
Tonya- 30 13:15
Eric- Rx 12:13
7 rounds:
1:00 minute jump rope
1:00 ball slam
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m203 |
5 rounds:
500m row
35 abmat sit-ups
Brad- 24:25
21, 15, 9 reps:
Overhead squat
Tammy- 135/45 7:38
Great sessions guys. Options are good. We don't always get good options, sometimes the only other option isn't an option at all... The muscle-up can be intimidating. Not with training and practice. The guys that have gotten some ring time are getting muscle-ups. Hooyah Bart! No ring time, no muscle-up. Everyone at CFSF can train for, and get the muscle-up.
Good job John F. Your torn hands are the only thing that stopped you from getting all 30. Show me your hands... Tough, callused, hands and skinned shins are a part of CrossFit. Skinned shins are hot too.
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Badges of honor |
Saturday 0900
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