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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wednesday, June 29 'Filthy Fifty'

A long grind on a hot day. Sounds good. Good day to suffer. Ah but the reward of completion is so worth the pain. The Filthy Fifty is serious chipper style session that progressively increases in difficulty, nailing even the most seasoned athlete by the end.

Filthy Fifty
50 reps each of:

Box jumps
Jumping pull-ups
Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking lunges, 50 steps
Knees to elbows
Push-press, 45 pounds
Back extensions
Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
Double unders

Brent- 35:58
Shane- 41:20
Eric- Rx  41:12
Emilee- (2)  14:59
Dan- Rx  32:15
Casey- Rx  40:37
Brandi- Rx  40:49
Teresa- 43:00
Beth- 39:43
T- Rx  33:33

Great job guys. This was a long session that drained fuel from everyone. As prescribed there are no scales between the guys and the girls. Most other sessions do include scaled load for girls, so when we have a girl going as prescribed doing the FF it's wicked good.

There are  a lot of skill requirements with this session, the finish with the double unders is still a big problem for many. If you don't have the double unders yet, just take a few minutes each time you're at CFSF to practice them.

For the upside downers, finishing with box jumps turned out to be just as taxing as finishing with the rope. Bottom line, The Filthy Fifty kicks ass wherever you start. However, we will continue to increase work caracity over broad domains by just staying consistent with training, taking a little of the bite away from sessions like the one we did today.

OK guys, it's official. We are signing up for The Tough Mudder in Atlanta on February 11th. If you want in on it, just let us know. We want everyone to think about getting this. We had a blast with The Barbarian, this will be twice the fun.

Great article on tenacity, a no quit attitude, and something we all posses as CrossFitters, character. Thanks for another great session and great day at CFSF. Anything worth having is worth working hard for, and if not now, when?

Noah Galloway in center of picture wearing a kilt

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tuesday, June 28 'AMRAP:HSPU/L pull ups'

Interesting combo today. Potent too. Left most on floor lock for a few minutes. Even though the handstand push-ups dropped to a one rep and rest thing, It felt like the whole session was spent on that pull-up bar....

20:00 AMRAP
7 handstand push-ups
12  L pull-ups

Sam- 10
Eric- Rx  7 + 7 HSPU
Shane- Rx  6 + 7 HSPU
Brent- Rx  7
Caesy- Rx  8
Teresa- 10
Holley- 7 + 11 PU
Dan- Rx  8 + 5 PU
T- Rx  9 + 7 HSPU

Great job guys. Twenty minutes stretched out to what felt like thirty. Usually the walk from the wall to the rack was enough to grab a few breaths and a brief recovery. Not this time. We saw many long walks...

This was another great session from CFHQ.

Hit the blog for some relief of tight screaming muscles. Thanks for another day of training and conditioning at CFSF. Even though its hotter that hot now, we are still the coolest place to train.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

If you actually liked The Barbarian Challenge and want more check this site:

We are tossing around the idea of doing this race next year. Interested?

Sunday, June 26 Run/snatch/run

Barbarian Challenge plus one. Hips, legs, still pretty heavy and tight. More running. You gotta just love it.

800m run
30 snatches
800m run

Teresa- 50  22:10
John- 115  19:40
Shar-  23:18
Dan- 75  13:20
Duda- 115  12:20
Luke- 85  14:02
T- 65  15:09

Great session guys. How about that second run? Yep. Mee too. However, this was a fun session. When the workout includes O'lifts for reps you can guarantee a good lung burn, this was no different. Sometimes hard to keep hitting those cues when fatigue sets in, but its then that some of the cues are most important. Muted hips can't generate enough power to get things moving, collapsing knees instead of "shoved out" knees cannot provide enough stability, and finally, a soft core cannot maintain the alignment and support necessary to make the lift. One, or more of these, and you are compromised.

We had a visit from a couple of firebreathers, Luke and Duda from CF Decatur. Super strong session guys, and good luck Duda on your way to the CF Games. Great to rub elbows with these guys and get a nice infusion of energy at CFSF.

Thanks for all the good fuel and fun times.

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Barbarian Challenge

Congratulations to the brave participants in The Barbarian Challenge Saturday. Their statement about "the toughest race you'll ever love" is true. We had a blast!  5.3 miles of incredible ascents and decents, in and out of  water and mud, lots of mud... From various obstacles, both natural and man made, to tire flips and drags, bear and army crawling, culminating in a serious shock to the system, this race delivered.

With finish times of between 52:00 minutes and 1:20:00 we were spread out all over the course. Finishing this race required determination and a no quit attitude. Embracing difficulty instead of avoiding it paid off big dividends for us.

We saw many very motivational sights while we were there, but the most motivational might be a competitor with one arm and one leg missing... He completed the race. What better image can you think of to illustrate triumph in the face of adversity? Think about this guy next time you're getting frustrated, and count your blessings.

Hooyah and good job guys. It pays to be a winner.

Big THANKS to Holley Fenn!

Friday, June 24, 2011


Back on the bus of pain. Missed it BIGTIME! Many thanks to everyone who helped out keeping everything going in our absence.


Eric- Rx  24:32
Sam- (FS) 45  24:32
Chris- 65 {3}  16:35
Lynde- (FS) 45  19:49
Tammy- 45 {4} 17:06
Scott- 65 {4} 17:46

C+J 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Eric- Rx  185
Sam- 75
Chris- 135
Lynde- 65
Brandi- 100
Dan- Rx  165
John- 235
Casey- Rx  195
Teresa- 115


Brad- {2}  36:45
Dan- Rx  42:52
Shane- Rx  44:43
Brandi- Rx  51:59

3 rounds:
50 double unders- *3 for 1 sub
25 two for one WBS

Eric- *15:21
Scott- *16:32
Brent- *14:42
Shane- *14:37
Sam- *14:40
Lynde- *14:01
Brandi- *19:37
Brad- *21:07
John- Rx  11:11
Casey- Rx  15:22
Dan- Rx  12:31

*3x3 sub for MU

Sam- * 35kb- 9
Lynde- * 18kb 6
Scott- * 53kb 7
Tammy- * 35kb 10
Eric- Rx  9 + 4 HSPU
Dan- Rx  11
John- Rx  10
Casey- * 8 + 6 pull-ups
Holley- 8 + 3 pull-ups
Teresa- 9 + 3 HSPU

Deads 3-3-3-3-3

Eric- 350
Sam- 175
Lynde- 185
Scott- 285
Tammy- 200
Chris- 145
Tonya- 145
Casey- 355
John- 415
Holley- 150
Dan- 335
Teresa- 185

800m run
30 clean + jerks
800m run

Chris- 95  30:43
Sam- 65  26:55
Tonya- 65  27:40
Tammy- 65  21:48
John- 25 DB  17:37
Holley- 45  19:06
Brandi- 65  22:30
Casey- 75  18:44
Dan- 95  16:21
Brad- *1500m row sub for C+J  16:50

Remember that Saturday is The Barbarian Challenge, and CFSF will be closed all day.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Thursday, June 16 'Nancy'

Nancy is another deceivingly difficult workout. Lower body gets hammered pretty well, and by the last rounds lungs are burned. Add heat, mix and bake.

Five rounds:
400m run
95 pound overhead squat, 15 reps

Eric- Rx  24:32
Sam- (FS) 45  24:32
Chris- (3) 65  16:35
Lynde- (FS)  19:49
Tammy- (4) 45  17:06
Scott- (4) 65  17:46
Teresa- 55  26:18
Beth- 55  26:08
Brandi- 65  25:00
LJ- 55  21:45
Dan- 75  14:20
Casey- Rx  20:35

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ultimate Dog Tease

YouTube - Ultimate Dog Tease

Tuesday, June 14 'Fran'

Affectionately known as the "F" word, Fran is an all time CFSF favorite that delivers. All go, no show. We had a few CFSF initiates that got Fran for the first time, and did great. There were also a few PR's because we had seriously good fuel flowing last night.

21, 15, 9 reps:
Thruster, 95/65

Eric- Rx  6:02
Sam- (PP) 65  8:22
Shane- Rx  10:38
Brent- Rx  10:40
Chris- 75  14:10
Tammy- Rx  21:56
Beth- 45  8:55
Teresa- 65  11:08
Brandi- 65  9:55
Em/WTR- 45  11:40
John- Rx  4:40
Dan- Rx  5:37
Holley- 45  10:19
Joey- 65  10:38
Casey- Rx  6:32
T- Rx  6:58

Great job guys. Super fast time John. 'Fran' might just be one the most intense sessions we see. It follows the "looks easy" theory like a well written script. For those of you who met Fran for the first time, she is a bit rough around the edges, but when you see her again you'll love her as much as we do.

There is no strategy with Fran. Just go. Go until you cannot go any more. Try not to put that bar down... Gotta pick it up again. Take very little rest, knock reps out one by one, and get finished as quickly as possible to stop the pain. Get done is the strategy....

Wednesday is a rest day. Use your time wisely. Address sore bits and pieces, stretch those ultra tight posterior chain muscles, maybe some ice, and massage. The few minutes it takes is so worth it in the long run.

Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning at CFSF. Thanks for the super strong efforts, and the great fuel.

Citius, Altius, Fortius

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday, June 14 'Back squat'

How many thousands of years has man walked around with something on his back rack?  Many. While not quite as functional as the front squat, the back squat usually allows for greater loads.

Back squat  3-3-3-3-3

Chris- 205
Tonya- 135
Brent- 275
Shane- 275
Brandi- 165
Dan- 275
John- 325
Holley- 105
LJ- 155
Sharon- 145
Teresa- 155
Beth- 115
Casey- 275

Great lifts guys! Solid squats, hitting the cues we want hit. Cultivating torque and abduction throughout the movement increases strength and stabilization. Addressing this aspect of squatting, along with maintaining a nice FLAT foundation from the feet up is key. Weak core? You'll expose it on the squat. You will see the "Two hand rule" broken as we move out of neutral into flexion.

Think about these cues and mentally rehearse these movements before you actually perform them. Focus.

An interesting topic came up at last nights session. Redemption. The definition of redemption is the act of redeeming, deliverance, or rescue. Deliverance fron sin, or atonement for guilt.

CrossFit is redemption. People are transformed into stronger, leaner, more confident components of a community of other like minded people. We're ready to lead, or ready to follow. We find success in helping others reach success. That is CrossFit.  Most of us get far more from CrossFit than we can ever give back. The character and determination that are gained through attacking these wods is beyond measure.

Thanks CF Letrono.

Hit the mobility wod. Take the time. You'll feel so much better when you're finished.


Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunday, June 12 'Small'

Anytime a hero workout pops up, we get excited. Especially a SF hero. 'Small' was anything but small, on a hot day no less. But there is NO better motivation during the difficult parts of this session to think about why we do this.

Three rounds:
1000m row
50 burpee's
50 box jumps, 24" box
800m run

Brad- Rx  1:18:15
Lynde- (1/2)  50:00
Sharon- (1/2)  48:17
Brandi- 1:19:00
Dan- Rx  1:09:50
T- Rx  1:05:56

This was a long, heavy session. Longer than 'The Murph', longer than 'Boom, Boom, Pow' this session seemed to stretch out like bad taffy. A real gasser. Great job getting this one done guys. Good prioritization.

This session is named in honor of  U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Marc Small who was killed in Faramuz, Afghanistan  February 12, 2009.

Thanks for the great efforts, and the great fuel. We really needed it.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday, June 10 'Deads/squats/Push press'

This was a seriously fun session that put everyone on floorlock for a while. Lying there in a pool of sweat was perhaps the best feeling I'd had all day...

21 deadlifts, 225 pounds
50 airsquats
21 push press, 135 pounds
15 deadlifts, 225 pounds
50 airsquats
15 push press, 135 pounds
9 deadlifts, 225 pounds
50 airsquats
9 push press, 135 pounds

Dan- Rx  18:58
Brad- 225/75  19:20
Brandi- 115/55  16:47
Sharon- 95/55  24:00
Casey- Rx  20:40
T- 185/95  16:49

Super good job Casey and Dan, as prescribed. Good job everyone... Everyone's deads, squats, and push press all looked good.

Saturday is a well deserved rest day.  Enjoy the break. Get the bonus. Practice la posicion, mi amigas y amigos! Thanks for the gymnastic practice Friday afternoon. This is an integral part of CrossFit, and one we ALL need lots of work on. Thanks Super B.

Rest day 40 minute run/walk for the 'Horde'. That should be about the time necessary to get a nice 4 miler with some walking intervals included. 4.2 miles is the distance we'll be covering in The Barbarian, so don't go much longer than 4, work on going faster.

Get some mobility. Get a little PC stretching, massaging or both. Be ready for Sunday, 12:30.


Friday, June 10, 2011

Thursday, June 9 'AMRAP'

Just fifteen minutes. This didn't look too bad on the board, that should have warned us. This was one of the toughest sessions we've seen. Felt almost like Boom Boom POW!

15:00 AMRAP:
15' rope climb, 1 ascent
10 ring dips
20 wall ball shots 20/16

Eric- Rx  5 + 5 WBS
Chris- 3
Tonya- 5
Shane- Rx 5
Brent- Rx 4 + 10 WBS
Tammy- Rx  4
Sam- (12:00) 2 + 10 dips
Beth- 5 + 10 dips
Holley- 4 + 5 WBS
John- Rx  5 + 1 rope climb
Casey- Rx  5
Dan- Rx  5 + 10 WBS
T- Rx  5 + 1 rope climb

Great job guys. Great rope climbs Tammy and Beth. Nothing freaks out drivers more than looking in that garage door and seeing girls on ropes. Almost had a fender bender... Great round totals Beth, Dan, and Eric, you guys are keeping that bar up there. Good job.

Remember that Friday's lunchtime session will be devoted to gymnastics. From warm-up to drills and skills. If you haven't had an opportunity to work with Super Beth, get to CFSF for lunch Friday.

As usual, thanks for all the super strong efforts getting this one in the book. Be ready for Friday!

Be someone special

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wednesday, June 8 'Push Jerk'

Who doesn't just love the Push Jerk?  After practicing, and practicing, and practicing some more, we had some really good PJ's. Great job guys!

Push Jerk 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

Eric- 225
Shane- 185
Brent- 185
Chris- 165
Tonya- 85
Scott W- 185
Tammy- 85
Beth- 85
Holley- 75
Sharon- 95
Brandi- 95
John- 235
Dan- 215
Casey- 175
Brad- 135
T- 165

Great lifts guys. Super strong John, Eric, Dan, Sharon, and Mighty Mouse. No worries about motivating these people, more like containing them. Great fuel. Thanks.

The Push Jerk relies on a few things we must get: Patience for FULL triple extension, an aggressive overhead and retreat under the bar, and SUPER solid stabilization along with proper positioning when receiving the bar. Satisfy these, and you will more than likely have a successful lift. Failure to meet the requirements ends in a dropped bar.

Efficiency comes with practice and patience. Let's work on both...

Remember the gymnastic clinic Friday at lunch. Fun stuff. Thanks for all the terrific efforts, and good fuel.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

YouTube - The Greatest Men That Ever Lived (Operation Red Wing)

YouTube - The Greatest Men That Ever Lived (Operation Red Wing)

Monday, June 6 'Snatch Balance'

The Snatch Balance is a great exercise. Combine it with "The Burgener Warm-up" and you are getting some solid practice for later full snatches. Progression exercises grease the gears, allowing us to feel certain phases of each movement better, and controlling each phase of each movement, hitting the cues we talk about.

Snatch Balance
John- 195
Teresa- 60
Beth- 75
Sharon- 50
LJ- 45
T- 115

Super strong lift John. Great job. Several people turned this into a practice session, focusing on form instead of loading anything. Form, consistency, intensity. Good practice guys. Good job getting under that bar! Really good job of creating a nice, stable shelf for that bar to rest over.

The O'course received mixed reviews, but was an overall winner. If you have any ideas on any future O'course additions, let us know. You will see more of them. Outstanding job for the "Viking" training recruits too.

Tuesday is a rest day. Take a little time and do something that feels good and helps you recover. We have three weeks to continue prepping for The Barbarian, so, find a hill. Run up and walk it down as many times possible in twenty minutes. For extra kicks, perform one burpee each time you stop running on the way up.

Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning at CFSF.

Character. We recognize it when we see it. CrossFit builds it.

Monday, June 6, 2011

It's nice to look fit, but it's nicer to be fit...

Burgener Warm-up

YouTube - burgener-warm-up.wmv

Snatch Balance

YouTube - CrossFit HQ - Snatch Balance - linked by CrossFit Shoalhaven

Sunday, June 5 'CFG 5'

These sessions are always fresh and well conceived. They come with a guarantee. Want to know what the guarantee is?  WFYU is what. True story.

Row 20 calories
30 burpee's
40 dumbbell ground to overhead, 45 pounds
50 toes to bar
100 foot overhead walking lunges, 45 pound plate
150 foot sprint

Brad- 25/45  26:08
Brandi- 20/25  26:30
Holley- 15/10  26:48
John- 40/45  18:41
Tammy- 20/25  19:41
Teresa- 20/15  19:35
T- 30 /0  20:30

These CrossFit Games sessions are a blast, that's always guaranteed. This one was no different. We had a few people get this one sans clock, good job guys. At any scale, this was a monster. Just how heavy did your legs feel as you began that 150 foot sprint?

Remember that this Friday we will have a lunchtime gymnastics clinic so that the lunch crew can keep up with the night crew's gymnastics prowess. This is good stuff, don't miss your opportunity to get some great instructions and ideas on advancing your gymnastic skills from Jedi Warrior Beth D.

Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning at CFSF.

Be someone special.

Saturday, June 4 '100'

Heavy volume, heavy intensity. Today we were the nail. What a gasser.

100 pull-ups
100 kettlebell swings, 53 pounds
100 double-unders
100 overhead squats, 95 pounds

Sharon- (50) 22:45
Holley- (50) 30/65 FS  40:06
Brandi- 35/35   52:21
Tammy- 35/35   48:49
Brad- 35/45   38:56
Shane- 53/65   44:20
Brent- 53/65   44:27
Todd- 53/65  44:58
T- 53/65  46:02

Great job guys. This was a seriously long, but fun session. Thinking about 100 reps can become overwhelming. Chipping away seems to take forever, and require lots of fuel. But as the session wears on, that extra gear is found and we keep going, stoking that engine that uses only good fuel to burn when necessary. It was necessary. Thanks for the fuel.

Hit the mobility blog for some sore spot recovery mobs. Pleasure your pillar, and take good care of it.

Thanks for all the great efforts, and great fuel.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Thursday, June 2 'Moon'

'Moon' is a seriously heavy session. We had one guy get it done. Great job Eric. Most everyone else chose the 'Modular' option of 1:1 intervals.

7 rounds:
Dumbbell split snatch, 10 reps R arm
15 foot rope climb
Dumbbell split snatch, 10 reps L arm
15 foot rope climb

Eric- Rx  30:38

This session is named in honor of  U.S. Army Specialist Christopher Moon who died on July 13, 2010 from injuries received during an IED attack in Arghandab, Afghanistan.

Super good session Eric. Good snatching. How's that grip? Come back yet? It will.

For everyone else that chose the intervals, we got a solid thirty minutes of good work that kept us moving.

Thursday closes out the anniversary week options. We are back on the schedule Saturday, from then on the other option is not an option. Thanks for a fun week.

Friday is a rest day, not an off day. Get the bonus. If you are doing The Barbarian, get the run/walk also. Take care of that PC and give it some attention too. Let's come back Saturday fully recovered and ready to roll.

We are going to have a gymnastics clinic for the lunch crew Friday, June 10. Jedi Knight Beth D will be showing us some great progressions and exercises to begin developing some solid gymnastic skills. Don't miss this opportunity to get started on a super fun aspect of CrossFit that many of us are missing out on.

Thanks for all the great efforts this week. Thanks for making CFSF the coolest place to be.
Training movements, not muscles.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hang Snatch to Split - 1 Arm Dumbbell | Movements | Core Knowledge | Core Performance

Hang Snatch to Split - 1 Arm Dumbbell Movements Core Knowledge Core Performance

Wednesday, June 1 'Power clean'

Power cleans, as other O-lifts, require full on hip activation. Opening the hips up fully, being patient for triple extension before retreating under the bar is a must for heavier lifts. We had a few people go with the CFHQ strength session, and a few people that went with the Hopper and  'Interval Generator'.

The Hopper, and 'Interval Generator' are super cool ways to guarantee unknown variables. Everything is up to chance, and the roll of a the dice.

There were some great cleans, and a PR. Super strong lift Teresa- a 115 pound PR, and then a fun little round of WBS. Brent, and  Shane got some heavy weight moving, and even after three rounds of brutal intervals including snatch, and Thrusters, Eric got some cleaning in. Beth D- good cleans. Great job you guys.

The afternoon session saw some harsh intervals, 1:00 minute of work, :10 seconds of rest for 12 intervals is one that stands out. The night sessions were no better. One fun round consisted of 1:00 minute of work, followed by :05 seconds rest for 8 intervals, add 75 pound Thrusters in the mix and its an ultra gasser... After four rounds of dice throwing fun we were done. Cooked. We have added two more people to the "DO NOT THROW" list- Carly Williams, and LaRunda. Now there are four on that list, Madman, and Tadpole included.

Burly People, and LP cruised in and got the CF Mom session. Always great to see those three. Just think, the little guy is getting an endorphin high just like his Mom. Cool.

We hope you have enjoyed anniversary week so far. Options are great, and Thursday will be the last day for the option. Bring plenty of water and a towel, as we have August weather in June.

Thanks for the great efforts, thanks for the good times. This week has stirred discussion about Ladies Week, and Heroes Week.  Maybe we'll see them again. Standby.

Sore bits and pieces? Hit the mobility blog. Find the cure.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tuesday, May 31 'Pull-up/burpee'

Apologies for the SNAFU at lunch today. Definitely missed being there. This was a long, grinding session that brutalized the upper body. We had two monster killers that went with the CFHQ session. Great job ladies!

50 pull-ups
10 burpee's
40 pull-ups
20 burpee's
30 pull-ups
30 burpee's
20 pull-ups
40 burpee's
10 pull-ups
50 burpee's

Beth- 36:56
Brandi- 37:43

-Anniversary option-

Broad jump, 200 feet, counting jumps.
Lunges x1
Pull-ups x2
Push-ups x3
Sit-ups x4

Holley- 36  39:46
John- 24  14:10
Dan- 31  17:30
T- 28  16:56

Sorry that the lunch crew missed out on this session. Whichever you chose, we hope you liked it. I have to admit that the choice between burpee's, and no burpee's is an easy one to make. Maybe we need more. What do you think?

Super good session guys. Beth and Brandi- way to tough it out. Holley, you too. Hangin' tough, getting stronger. Outstanding. Dan, John, good job. John has by far, the most powerful and interesting broad jumps we've seen to date. Between that and the gymnastics skills he's developing, it's obvious that he also has the circus monkey gene. Great job John. Great instruction Jedi Knight Beth D.

We will have options Wednesday.

Thanks for the terrific efforts, the really good fuel. We all need and use it. Take some time and work on what  needs work. Pre-hab, mobility, or just some nice long stretching of your posterior chain. Whatever feels good, or whatever doesn't feel so good but you know you like it.... Get it done.

Citius, altius, fortius.