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Monday, April 29, 2013


All three CrossFit Foundation presses in one workout can get ugly. Especially when we're shooting for 5 reps. That fifth can be as elusive as snipe. Good job bagging the beast.

Press  1-1-1-1-1
Push press  3-3-3-3-3
Push jerk  5-5-5-5-5

                          P     PP     PJ

Richard-           135  175  185
Abby-               70    85    85
Erin-                 105  125  125
Sharon-             75    95    95
Todd McK-      80    85     x
Teresa-             90    115   95
Todd-               160  195  195
Dave-             *145  145  145
Lynde-              95    105   95
Tom B-             95    115    x
Kathryn-         *80  *100 *95 
T-                    145   155  135

Great lifts everyone. Monster session Todd, you smashed that shit! Nice *PR's Dave and Kathryn. As usual, another outstanding session turned in from Richard, and Erin. Thanks for the fuel you guys. That's powerful stuff that helps motivate everyone to work harder.

These presses come down to technique. Inefficiencies were flagged as spam and instead of deleted, made to pay extra. By the time we got the the Push jerk several people missed the fourth or fifth rep due to inefficient movement. Remember the cues we have talked about, and if you don't hear a key word for the workout- ask about it. We always have them.

Monday is a rest day. We were pounded this training cycle, so do something that feels good and helps you recover. Weekday rest day open gym Monday 5:15-6:15 pm. Cruise in for skill work, or mobility training.

Thanks for another great day at CFSF.

Accomplish great things.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


'Klepto' might just be the most difficult session we've seen in a long time. This deadly triplet stretches out like bad taffy. Great job hanging tough.


4 rounds:
27 Box jumps, 24" box
20 Burpees
145 pound Clean, 11 reps

Derrick- 85  27:15
Erin- 95  25:10
Russell- Rx  25:42
Abby- 45  23:32
Richard- 135  19:16
Allie- 55  27:48
John M- 75  32:05
Todd McK- 35  30:40
Delaina- (3) 75  24:49 DL
Tom B- (3) 95  23:45 DL
Jimmy- 135  23:50
Kathryn- 75  28:42
T- 95  25:40

Great job everyone. Super strong effort Russell, going at prescription and killing it! Also, MONSTER session Erin Rice! Great job puppies. While some got the full Clean, some worked on the first step, the Deadlift. Good job, and good attention to detail.

Good Cleans guys. This is a another Olympic lift with a great aesthetic value, and when it's on- it's on. Smooth, strong, fluid motions. Key words for the day were "all the way up" and "back down fast". Nice work hitting those targets.

Most everyone said it was the Box jumps, and for once, not the Burpees that really sucked. Good job getting all the jumps at 24 inches. Some people are still very leery about anything over 20 inches. Today, the only other option wasn't an option.

This workout is named for U.S. Air Force Major David Brodeur, assigned to the 11th Air Force, Joint  Base Elmendorf, who was killed on April 27, 2011 in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Good prioritization on a nice Saturday morning.

Congratulations CFSF members Holley, and Ken on receiving their Master's Degrees. Strong and smart. Good job you two.



This has been an interesting week full of monster workouts, culminating with another monstrous session involving Muscle-ups and a recovery run. Again, the Muscle-up sub is far worse than the exercise itself, and so many people are on the cusp of getting one....

5 rounds:

7 Muscle-ups (*3:1 ^mix)
400 meter run

Richard- *20:07
John- 20:28 (row) 
Todd McK- (3) *20:20
John M- (3) *17:22
Allie- (3) *19:38
Eric- ^26:55
Alice Anne- (3) *15:49
Erin- (3) *18:11
Casey- (3) *20:10
Teresa- (3) *15:38
Juan- Rx  25:05
Sharon- (3) *26:11
Candice- (3) *19:00
T- Rx  22:30

Good job guys. This is a difficult session made more difficult with 21 Pull-ups and Dips per round. Get the MU! Get ring time. Practice the false grip, practice getting to, and through the hole. You will get it. Once you get it, you'll want more.

We capped the sub at three rounds, and still had torn hands. Get the MU.

Thanks for another great day at CFSF.

Hard play. Fun work.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Overhead squats indiscriminately expose strength and flexibility issues. The key words today were solid, and stable. Good job hitting those targets.

Overhead squat  1-1-1-1-1-1-1

John- 215
Lynde- 95
Tom- 115
Emilee- 70
Todd McK- 80
Russell- 195*
Casey- 205
Tammy- 80
Erin- 125
Derrick- 175*
Shannon- 75*
Abby- 70*
Candice- 95*
Teresa- 115*
Dave- 140*
Sharon- 80*
Kathryn- 105*

Super great workout everyone! How about all the *PR's.... EVERYONE at night hit a new high. That is some seriously strong fuel, and we all benefited from it. THANKS!

This workout demonstrated just how far some have come since starting CFSF. The Overhead squat is another mother grabber that will humble the best athletes. From our feet, through our pillar, right up to our active shoulders- everything had to be locked on. Solid, and stable. Lose that and you'll miss the lift.

Did you get your depth?  Never forget that first and foremost, we need that depth. Shallow squats are for sissy's, and will ruin your knees. Hips below knees!

To the puppies that have made the cut:  HOOYAH! and great job with your Overhead squats. You are killing these workouts and moving closer every session. Be pleased- not satisfied, and continue doing your homework.

Good job Holley 'Squirrel' Fenn. Your hard work is evident. Continue.

A little bit- every day.

Thursday is a rest day. Do something to help your body recover. Open gym 5:15pm-6:15pm for mobility training or skills work. Take advantage.

Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for all the terrific efforts and fuel. You guys are AWESOME!

On time, on target, NEVER quit.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


As Hero workouts go, this looks like a good one right off the bat. We'll need the extra motivation they bring as well.


800 meter run, then two rounds of:
50 Burpees
40 Pull-ups
30 Pistols
20 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
10 Handstand push-ups
Then, 800 meter run

John- 31:59
Kathryn- 36:25
David- 25:09
Derrick- 39:27
Todd McK- 42:00
Richard- 30:03
Russell- 34:43
Erin- 41:21
Eric- 31:15
Alice Anne- 35:13
Emilee- 1/2  20:43
Casey- 46:25
John M- 43:11
Sharon- 1/2 reps  43:41
Abby- 31:30
Dave- 1/2  19:34
Jimmy- 33:53
Shannon- 1/2  32:42
Candice- 39:43
Todd- 36:00
Teresa- 39:27

This was a long, difficult workout. Great job everyone. The word 'brutal' was thrown around a few times. This is why we train the way we do.

Many would have this workout at prescription if they had the Pistols. Practice them. Squats in the warm-up? Do a few Pistols. Embrace the suck.

Big THANKS again to Kathryn and XOSM, without whom CFSF would be in trouble all the time.

This workout is named for  U.S. Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Justin Schmalstieg, assigned to the 1st Explosive Ordnance Disposal Company, 7th Engineer Support Battalion, 1st Marine Logistics Group, I Marine Expeditionary Force, killed in the Helmand province, Afghanistan on December 15, 2010.

Thanks for showing up on a tough day. Thanks for the fuel.

Remember Open Gym tomorrow 0600 - 0700, and 5:15pm - 6:15pm.

Do more. Be more.


'Karen' runs. At least it was a great day to be out running.

Three rounds:

800 meter run
50 Wall ball shots, 20/16

John- 21:31 1000m row
Kathryn- Rx  23:49
Abby- Rx  28:09
Eric- Rx  21:25
Alice Anne- Rx  25:00
John M- Rx  29:20
Shar- 1/2  18:42
Candice- Rx  28:02
Joey- Rx  23:30
Juan- Rx  25:40
Russell- Rx  22:55
Richard- Rx  18:16
Teresa- Rx  24:12

Great workout everyone. This was another mother grabber. Good job hanging tough.

Big thanks to Kathryn and Sharon for running the rodeo.


Monday, April 22, 2013


'Jackie' is another all time CFSF favorite that we love to see. Short, sweet, and crippling. Light fuse, and get away!

1000 meter row
45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
30 Pull-ups
                                  1000m row        130211
Holley- 35  12:58
Juan- Rx  9:55              3:50                  10:00
Kathryn- Rx  10:11       4:16                  9:59
Dave- Rx  11:52           3:49                   9:06                
Erin- Rx  11:02             3:57                  12:01
Derrick- Rx  8:43         3:35                   9:10
Todd McK- Rx 11:38  4:31
Casey- Rx  9:39           3:45

Great workout everybody. Super fast finish Derrick! Big THANKS to Kathryn for running the rodeo Saturday. Good prioritization everyone.

Find some mobs and meals.

Thanks for another great day at CFSF.

Red, White, and Blue.


Anything using dumbbells can be deceivingly difficult. Throw in a new movement and we're really groovin'...

Dumbbell Clean and jerk  5-5-5-5-5

Allie- 30
John M- 30
Casey- 45
Erin- 45
Alice Anne- 35
Teresa- 40
Emilee- 25
Dave- 45
Nate- 45
Shannon- 25
Russell- 55
Todd McK- 25
Sharon- 25
Tammy- 35
Juan- 55
T- 55

Great workout everyone. Using dumbbells helps reinforce all the cues we've talked about when Cleaning. From timing and patience, to jumping and landing. Inefficiency was punished.

The night crew crept in to the globo gym and borrowed some dumbbells. Had them returned before anyone knew anything. Good job on the recon Russell, Teresa, and Todd McK.

Heavier dumbbells requires a deeper re-dip. Receiving those dumbbells with arms locked out, active shoulders was key. Maintaining a super solid core was equally important.

We also talked about what distinguishes presses from jerks, and practiced both. Good job and THANKS for your hard work.

Thanks for another great day at CFSF.

Movement = Life.

Friday, April 19, 2013


Legs got hammered alright. No worries, they'll recover. It was a great day to be out and running, we caught a break there.

4 rounds:

400 meter run
50 Squats

John- Rx  13:19
Lynde- Rx  13:26
Kathryn- Rx  14:55
Derrick- Rx  14:02
Russell- Rx  14:26
Allie- Rx  17:47
Eric- Rx  12:55
Alice Anne- Rx  15:30
Abby- Rx  14:08
Candice- Rx  18:33
Casey- Rx  18:05
Erin- 16:31 row
Emilee- 17:16 1/2 squats
Tammy- Rx  15:36
Teresa- Rx  14:53
Todd McK- Rx  17:37
Mark- Rx  12:58
Jimmy- Rx  12:50
Sharon- (3) 15:08
Ken- 14:12  30 squats
Britt- 17:45  30 squats

Great workout everyone. Super fast Eric, Jimmy, and Mark. You guys are fast! That speed benefits everyone as it makes us all run faster. Thanks!

While not exactly a runners favorite, this workout was an anaerobic nightmare. The power people paid a heavy price. Good job hanging tough. Great job puppies. Some Rx'd, some scaled- either way, thanks for that strong fuel.

The weekday rest day open gym was a success. Big THANKS to John, and Emilee. There are two opportunities to train on weekday rest days: 0600 and 5:15 pm. Get some extra love. You need it.

Find a mobility or two for those legs and hips. They deserve a little attention and will thank you for giving them some.

Thanks for another great day at CFSF.

They say "No!" CrossFit says "Yes!"

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


This is a super fun workout that for most, culminates into max singles by the end. We are crushed. Good stuff. Thanks CFHQ!

5 rounds:
500 meter row/*400 meter run (^mix)
135 pound Bench press, 15 reps

John- Rx  18:32
Lynde- 85  22:16
Kathryn- 75  22:03
Derrick-Rx  12:29
Eric-Rx  17:23
Alice Anne- 70/65/55/55/55  24:33
Russell- Rx  18:11
Erin- 95  23:40
David- 95  16:36
Tammy- 70/70/70/65/65  27:10
Casey- 135*  19:21
Emilee- (3) 45*  15:07
Shannon- (4) 45  21:57
Mark- Rx  14:16
Todd McK- 75*  21:10
Abby- 65/65/55/55/55^  22:32
Britt- (3) 75  15:46
Candice- 65*  16:20
Heather- (4) 45  15:14
John M- 135/135/75/75/75^  20:33

Great workout everyone. Thanks for your rigid flexibility as well. We had some monster efforts and an incredibly fast time by Derrick Rice, who is obviously moving into the realm of "mutant in training" along with a few others at CFSF. Thanks for the super strong fuel. Effort levels that high motivate everyone else to work harder.

That's just another part of CrossFit that sets us apart from globo gym.

Great workout puppies. You are all moving forward toward the land of pain. Continued patience,  consistency, and homework are your formula. We need all three for success. Add in eating like a caveman, and training hard and you cannot fail.

Find a paleo recipe and try it!

After you eat find a mobility or two and get some love.

Thanks for another day full of wicked strong efforts at CFSF. You guys are the best.

Champions train, losers complain.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Tax day. People threw tea in water for less offensive crimes than this.... It's just another day at CFSF and we got pounded by 'Heavy Fran'. Good job showing up!

'Heavy Fran'
15, 12,9 reps:
135 pound Thruster
45 pound Loaded pull-ups

Lynde- 75/0  13:28
John- Rx  7:55
Teresa- 95/15  12:19
Tammy- 70/10  9:37
Derrick- 115/45  13:55
Erin- 65/0  9:53
David- 35db/0  10:14
Allie- 70/0  9:08
Emilee- 45/0  11:57
Eric- Rx  13:48
Alice Anne- 75/10  10:59
Shannon- 55/0  12:35
Sharon- 55/0  13:31
Mark- Rx  10:26
Holley- 45/0  9:35
Todd McK- 55/0  14:40
Katie- Rx Fran  10:25
Candice- 65/0  14:07
Todd- Rx  14:35
Juan- 105/45  15:30
Heather- 45/0  7:19
Ken- 35/0  5:48
Delaina- 35/0  6:48

Great workout everyone. Good job at prescription- you guys are strong! 'Heavy Fran' is a mother grabber of the first order, and we needed some serious fuel to get her. Outstanding delivery everyone.

Solid Thrusters that are getting better all the time, and solid Pull-ups. Nothing makes people slow down and look inside the garage door like girls on bars getting good Pull-ups, and we have good Pull-ups. Nice work, and keep practicing, and don't worry about your hands Shannon- they are tough!

Great job puppies. More arrows for your quiver. Thanks for your hard work. Puppy power is strong stuff.

Hit the blog and find a fix. It's worth the time.

Remember Wednesday will be the first weekday rest day Open Gym from 5:15pm to 6:15pm. Come in and work on anything you want to. Thanks Emilee!

Thanks for another great day at CFSF.

Expect more from yourself.

Monday, April 15, 2013


The potency of the 'Deadly Push-ups' is frequently underestimated. This workout will crush you. Good job maintaining. Key words of the day: TIGHT, and ORGANIZED.

Ten rounds:

135 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
15 Push-ups

Teresa- 95  12:57
Todd McK- 95  21:10
Heather- 95  20:36
Holley- 95   20:36
John- 70kb  13:47
Allie- 95  17:24
Ken- (4) 53kb 12:00
Richard- Rx  9:28
Abby- 85  14:27
Juan- Rx  15:35
Candice- 95  17:35
Casey- Rx  17:06
Dave- Rx  17:06
Kathryn- 95  13:59
T- Rx  14:14

Great workout everyone. Good Deads, and good Push-ups. Good job staying focused through a high volume session. Tight, and organized.

Part of what distinguishes CrossFit from other programs is strength, and that was obvious as we saw solid Push-ups from everyone. Maintaining the integrity of the Push-up is key, and completely impossible to achieve unless we are neutral and HOLLOW!

Ask somebody at globo gym about neutral or hollow, they will have no idea what you're talking about. Ask a CrossFitter about neutral and hollow and they'll tell you, "It's all about stability." They know because they, like we, emphasize stability from the very day you start training at CFSF. Tight. Stable. Good.

Days like this one will test your ability to stay tight and organized.

Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for all the terrific efforts and fuel.



This was an anaerob nightmare, and an aerobic dream come true. No load, just GO!

Three rounds:

Walking lunges, 100 feet
50 Squats
25 Back extensions

Lynde- Rx  10:03
John- Rx  10:33
Richard- Rx  8:06
Abby- Rx  10:34
David- Rx  13:14
Eric- Rx  10:08
Alice Anne- 10:29
Casey- Rx  12:15
Tammy- 10:37
Allie- 10:38
Derrick- Rx  8:49
Shannon- (2) 14:17
Sharon- Rx  18:09
Todd McK- Rx  16:28
Candice- Rx  13:25
Holley- Rx  15:30
Teresa- Rx  10:39
Katie- Rx  14:29
Kathryn- Rx  9:33
Dave- Rx  12:12
Delaina- (2) 13:28
T- Rx  11:29

Great workout everybody. Super fast Richard, Derrick, and Kathryn! There were some Superman subs, and in order to go Rx today, all the extension work had to be on the GHD. 

How are your legs feeling?

Great job puppies. Getting used to the tempo and intensity. Be pleased, not satisfied.

Thanks for another great day at CFSF.


Friday, April 12, 2013

XXL Wipeout of the Year Award Nominees - Billabong XXL Big Wave Awards 2013


This was a great workout. Thanks CFHQ! There were some negative comments about this workout on the main site regarding the word "varied". Aside from the actual exercises, this workout was varied, and very dissimilar to 'Fran'.

Almost everybody agreed that this workout went a bit smoother than 'Fran'. Everybody agreed that we were the nail today. It was great.

95 pound Thruster, 45 reps
45 Pull-ups (*band assist)

Lynde- 65*  8:35
John- Rx  4:42
Holley- 35*  6:45
Kathryn- 75  10:40
Teresa- 65  4:56
Tammy- 65  7:14
Katie- 45  7:52
Russell- Rx  6:26
Richard- Rx  5:27
Dave- 85  10:00
Delaina- (2/3) 35*  7:40
T- Rx  6:50

Great workout everybody. Good job showing up on what we know will be a fun workout. Especially the night crew- it was raining cats and dogs. Good prioritization... Hurricane? I gotta work out.

There were some different approaches to this workout. All out as long as possible, and pre-determined sets. Never clear as to which works best: micro recovery (under :10) or having to stop for longer periods of time to recover enough to continue.

Personal preference really, just remember fast is good. Faster is better.

Outstanding workout Teresa! NOBODY came close to finishing the Thrusters in the time you did. 45 Thrusters in 2:22 is creepy fast, and you have obviously made the transition to mutant athlete. Great job and THANKS for the great fuel.

Super fast finishes John, and Richard. AND good judgement Dave, and Abby. Good job paying attention.

Congratulations Teresa, Abby, and Tammy. They each got their first STRICT pull-ups. HOOYAH! You have all turned the worm hard. 
Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning at CFSF. Thanks for all the super strong efforts and fuel. Standby.

Let your light shine.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Can you pick out the CrossFitter?


'Diane' is a good friend we love to see. She can be mean when she wants to, make no mistake about that. But she's short, and usually sweet. Keeping everything organized is the issue. She pounds our core. Did you stand up to the pressure?

21, 15, 9 reps of:
225 pound Deadlift
Handstand push-ups (*sub)

Lynde- 135*  3:32
John- 185  6:50
Richard- 185  3:57
Kathryn- 140  7:38
Derrick- 225*  5:02
Allie- 95*  5:25
Eric- 185  4:54
Alice Anne- 115  5:34
Tammy- 135  6:19
Teresa- 135  6:19
Casey- Rx  6:24
Russell- 185  5:47
JJ- 85*  8:08
Shannon- 75*  7:33
Juan- 185  7:50
Todd- Rx  5:19
Todd McK- 85*  9:10
Candice- 105  6:42
John M- 155  8:15
Katie- 105  4:57
Abby- 95  6:33
Dave- 185  10:53
Britt- 95*  13:37
Jimmy- Rx  5:02
Heather- 95*  6:24
T- 185  6:15

Great workout everybody! There were some super fast finishes, and first time HSPU's through the WOD. HOOYAH! and keep working hard. Getting the Handstand push-up is proof that hard work pays off.

If you subbed the HSPU, continue working on hollow positioning, active shoulders, and get some wall time. It won't happen off the wall. Practice.

Aside from the Deadlift load, and completely more important, would be the Deadlift form. Remember that you have one body and you'll be together for the whole ride. Some people miss the goal... Yes, Rx is important, and we all want faster times, but at what expense? 20 years down the line you won't remember your 'Diane' time, but you'll know your low back hurts like a mother.

Stay organized. Stay focused.

Congratulations John M, and Juan. They both flipped Joey (the tire, not the guy) and got the privilege of the signature. Good job guys.

Great job puppies. Dialed in and looking good. Thanks for your hard work.

If we have another round of bad weather like we did a few weeks ago, WE STILL ROLL! 

Earn this.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Beginning Wednesday April 17, CFSF will offer Open Gym on weekday rest days from 5:15pm - 6:15pm
Emilee Fetner will be the instructor. No WOD. Skills only.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Run repeats. Wait a minute... Didn't we just see this last week?

10 rounds:
100 meter run
:90 second rest

John- 16:01
Richard- 15:24
Abby- 17:20
Derrick- 15:33
Russell- 17:00
JJ- 17:00
Eric- 15:33
Alice Anne- 17:20
Todd McK- 16:53
Heather- 18:54
Sharon- 18:52
Britt- 17:28
Dave- 16:30
John M- 16:41
Delaina- 16:37

Great runs everyone. 100 meters allows the gas pedal to be on the floor the whole time, and we had some seriously fast runs. Richard, Eric, Derrick, and John- you guys flew! Did Eric and Derrick settle the tie?

We talked about POSE running and everyone is getting locked down. Thanks for your hard work. Great job Joey- Tough Mudder +2 and he shows up for more running. HOOYAH! Great job puppies. Nobody mentioned this but you ALL got your first WOD at Rx!

Tuesday is a rest day. Use your time wisely and do something to assist recovery. Anything that feels good!

Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning.

The land of the free because of the brave.

Monday, April 8, 2013


This was a potent little couplet that dropped us hard and left most of us squirming in a puddle of sweat trying to find comfort.

30 GHD sit-ups (*2:1 loaded sit-up, ^mix)
155 pound Clean, 15 reps
24 GHF sit-ups
155 pound Clean, 12 reps
18 GHD sit-ups
155 pound Clean, 9 reps
12 GHD sit-ups
155 pound Clean, 6 reps
6 GHD sit-ups
155 pound Clean, 3 reps

Russell- Rx  17:10
Juan- 95* 16:29
John- Rx  16:53
Holley- 55^  17:52
Kathryn- 75  15:02
Richard- 135  14:34
T- 105  15:15

Good workout everyone. This session punished bad form. If you were moving inefficiently you paid the price, and it got expensive.

Receiving the bar in a squat changes things a bit, huh? A Clean should always include a squat unless otherwise specified. We used to be really strict on that at CFSF, but have relaxed it over time to allow the option of Power, or full Cleans.

Most Olympic coaches will tell you that a full Clean is a missed Power clean.

Good job puppies. You guys smashed that workout! More arrows for your quiver. Thanks for your hard work.


Congratulations Casey, Candice, Teresa, and Joey. The Tough Mudder wasn't tough enough was it? Good job you guys. The third for some, second for one, and the first one for another... We're proud of you!

Thanks for another great day at CFSF.



Run repeats. Almost a 1:1 interval if you could stay fast. No splits just total time.

8 rounds:
400 meter run
:90 second rest

Tammy- 26:36
Derrick- 22:25
Erin- 26:01
Sharon- 35:23
Jimmy- 22:26
Kathryn- 26:25

Great runs everyone. We talked about staying within :10 seconds from the first run through to the last run and everyone hit it. Thanks. We also talked about staying off your heels and pulling them toward your butt. Good job hitting that target as well.

Good prioritization on a Saturday morning made for running outside. We couldn't ask for better weather. How many cars did you scare?

Thanks for another great day at CFSF.

On a side note, in the event of a tie with Kathryn, DO NOT Indian wrestle her. She will kick your ass.

Altius, citius, fortius

Friday, April 5, 2013

"Performance is directly correlated with intensity. Intensity is directly correlated with discomfort."
- Greg Glassman, CrossFit founder


Frantastic. Franatical. Whatever you want to call it, the CrossFit Games Open 13.5 was a Fran nightmare. It did, however, deliver the desired effect in a remarkably short period of time. Outstanding. Thanks CFHQ!

CrossFit Games Open 13.5

Complete as many rounds and reps of the following:

100/70 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 Chest to bar pull-ups

If 90 reps (3 rounds) are completed in under 4 minutes, time extends to 8 minutes.
If 180 reps (6 rounds) are completed in under 8 minutes, time extends to 12 minutes.
If 270 reps (9 rounds) are completed in under 12 minutes, time extends to 16 minutes...

Lynde- 95  61
John- Rx  66
Chris- 65  54
Derrick- Rx  43
Allie- 55  51
Eric- Rx  58
Alice Anne- 65  49
Tammy- 65  50
Richard- Rx  66
Erin- 65  50
Russell- Rx  60
JJ- 45  50
Holley- 55  37
Sharon- 55 34
Teresa- Rc  69
Todd McK- 45  40
Heather- 45  45
Britt- 45  32
Jimmy- Rx  56

I understand that in order to get the first additional time extension, you have to have a sub 3:00 Fran. Oops! Not this commercial.....

We did have some really outstanding efforts though, and some good point totals. Teresa, John, Richard- nice numbers. As important, we had very few people subbing the pull-ups. Some used the band for pull-ups, but more people are getting them OFF those bands now. Good job. The band is heroin.

Great work puppies! First time getting some Thruster love and you all killed it. Thanks for your hard work and attention to detail. KEEP DOING YOUR HOMEWORK. We all need to do our homework.

Tough Mudders start together and finish together. Pain is temporary. Glory lasts forever.
Thoughts are with the four CFSF maniacs participating in the 2013 Georgia Tough Mudder this weekend. Have fun, keep moving, and avoid the wires! We are super proud of you all.

Friday is a rest day. Use your time wisely. Get some love somehow. Stretch, floss, roll, mash, massage- anything you can do to feel better, and assist recovery so you can keep kicking butt at CFSF.

Thanks for another great day at CFSF.


Thursday, April 4, 2013


After the squat press fest we had, rowing and ab work were a welcomed sight. Make no mistake, this session also delivered a big punch to the stomach, taking your breath away for a little bit. Then, as quickly as it started it's over. Whew. Smoked.

1000 meter row/800 meter run (R)
20 GHD sit-ups
750 meter row/600 meter run
40 Toes to bar
500 meter row/400 meter run
60 Sit-ups

John- Rx  16:51
Kathryn- Rx  17:50
Derrick- Rx  16:48
Allie- Rx  20:07
Abby- Rx  20:20
Erin- Rx  18:29
Eric- Rx  16:38
Alice Anne- Rx  17:51
Tammy- R  20:31
Shannon- 25:45
Russell- Rx  17:55
JJ- 18:50
Teresa- Rx  17:13
John M- Rx  20:45
Candice- R  25:36
Joey- R  19:23
Holley- 21:20
Sharon- Rx  26:16
Katie- R  25:10
Heather- 20:14
Dave- Rx  17:22
Jimmy- Rx  17:26
Richard- Rx  17:26
T- Rx  16:12

Great job everybody! We made it though each class without any log jams on the rowers thanks to the people who subbed out running for rowing. This was a monster session that stretched out longer than it seemed like it should have.

It doesn't happen often but we had a tie breaker last night between Richard and Jimmy. As usual, we settled it Indian wrestling. Unfortunately, we were unable to get the third round in, so we still have a tie. Good job guys.

Great job puppies! Several of you got some love with a 5 round triplet including SDHP, Sit-ups, and Toes to bar. Good job and THANKS for your hard work. We had a few people scale the wod with modified TTB, or loaded Sit-ups. The great news is that we are all getting time on the GHD.

From here out, 20 GHD sit-ups may be substituted for the 50 loaded sit-ups.

Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for all the super strong efforts and fuel.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013


This was another super fun workout. Thanks CFHQ!

115 pound Press, 10 reps
115 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
115 pound Push press, 20 reps
115 pound Front squat, 25 reps
115 pound Push jerk, 30 reps
115 pound Back squat, 35 reps

Derrick- 100  12:29
Russell- Rx  15:03
Richard- 100  8:37
Lynde- 65  14:05
Kathryn- 65  14:48
Erin- 75  14:48
Teresa- 65  9:45
Casey- Rx  16:38
Tammy- 65  14:44
Eric- Rx  15:55
Alice Anne- 55  13:36
Jimmy- 95  13:30
Shannon- 45  18:22
Katie- 55  16:53
Todd- Rx  18:29
Abby- 55  20:24
Juan- 95  19:50
Todd McK- 35  12:00
Heather- 45  12:59
Dave- 85  13:11
T- 95  16:31

Great workout everyone. Most people agreed that this little chipper turned a kinda nasty mid way through the Push press, and the Front squat. At prescription this thing smokes. Scaling doesn't help much. This workout comes down to FORM. IF you stayed efficient things sucked. If you didn't they sucked BAD.

Most people think 115 pounds sounds lighter than it feels. A cool 135 reps later 115 feels incredibly different. Especially if you've been jumping from landing, muting your hips, or not locking out immediately on the Push jerk. These are all examples of poor positioning, and inefficiency of movement.

Don't do these things.

As of 130403 we have a 6:00 am class! The class is open to all skill levels, and John Fenn is the instructor. That means CFSF is now running four classes throughout the day- no good excuse to miss a WOD now....

Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for all the great fuel.
Great job Katie F! MU #1
Rest later.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

New class addition

Starting tomorrow, 4-3, CFSF will be offering a M-F morning class from 6:00 am - 7:00 am. Woo hoo and big THANKS to John Fenn, who will be the instructor.


Monday, April 1, 2013


The Thruster is loved or hated but never ignored. Throw Front squats, Sit-ups, Back extensions, Cleans, and the Push press into a pot and mix it up a while, and there they are. Beautiful, right? Right.....

Thruster  2-2-2-2-2-2-2

Lynde- 100
Richard- 145
Teresa- 110
Holley- 75
John- 225
Sharon- 75
Erin- 130
Todd McK- 85
Derrick- 135*
Dave- 135
T- 150

Great work everyone. Good Thrusters. Monster weight John, and Erin! Congratulations Derrick. A correctly racked position means everything, and your rack has improved a lot! Good job on making that happen, and keep working for more.

The Thruster is a great example of the need for proper positioning. From our stance to our rack. Not only are we moving a load over a great distance, we have to keep everything locked on as well. Heels, core, and shoulders. That's a lot. Any misses in that list and things get ugly fast.

Good job Todd McK. Your hard work is paying off. The Thruster is a big arrow for your quiver, and your Thrusters looked good. Be pleased, not satisfied.

Thanks for another great day at CFSF.

You miss 100% of the shots you never take.


The CrossFit Games 13.4 delivered. Clean and jerk combined with Toes to bar turns out to be a metabolic disaster of the highest order. Flat on our backs in seven minutes. Thanks CFHQ!

CrossFit Games Open 13.4
7:00 AMRepAP

135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 3 reps/3 Toes to bar
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 6 reps/6 Toes to bar
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 9 reps/9 Toes to bar
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 12 reps/12 Toes to bar
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 15 reps/15 Toes to bar
135/96 pound Clean and jerk, 18 reps/18 Toes to bar
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 21 reps/21 Toes to bar

Derrick- Rx  52
Russell- Rx  60
Richard- Rx  67
Todd McK- 45  40
John- Rx  65
Erin- Rx  42
Casey- Rx  40
Teresa- Rx  46
Abby- 65  48
Candice- 75  36
Sharon- 65  36
Heather- 55  36
Garrett- PVC  126
T- Rx  46
Kathryn- Rx  37

Great workout guys. Monster reps Richard, John, and Russell. There were several things we talked about regarding efficiency with the Cleans and the Toes to bar. Good job and thanks for your hard work hitting those targets.

Inefficiency is the enemy.

Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for the super strong fuel, and good times.

Every rep counts!