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Friday, January 18, 2013


The Front squat exposes flexibility issues much like it's cousin the Overhead squat. Tight shoulders, elbows, and wrists make a properly racked position difficult to maintain. Bad rack? Good luck with the Front squat. You're at a disadvantage already.

Front squat  1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Ryan- 260
Derrick- 305
Allie- 120
Erin- 155
Lynde- 140
Alice Anne- 145
Eric- 250
Kathryn- 130
John- 295
David- 205
John M- 185
Sharon- 120*
Shawn- 305
Katie- 120
Dave- 190*
Juan- 215

Monster lifts Derrick, Shawn, John, and Erin. There were a lot of solid Front squats from everyone. Thanks for your hard work and focus hitting the cues we've talked about. We still have some "happy feet", a few "drifters", and we ALL need to work hard on our rack position, but all in all, good stuff.

Practice Handstand push-ups, or just the HS hold, get some wrist mobs with the band, and some shoulder flexibility. A little bit every day will ensure your movement in the right direction.

Great efforts Dave, and Sharon. We love *PR's at CFSF. When someone gets one we all benefit. Thanks for the wicked strong fuel you guys. Be pleased, not satisfied.

Congratulations to the lunch crew. They took the second round with a score of 970, compared to the night crew's score of 935. That's 2-0 so far.

Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for the great efforts and super strong fuel.

Be someone special.

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