95 pound Thruster, 30 reps
20 GHD sit-ups (*1:1 20/16 ^mix)
115 pound Thruster, 20 reps
30 GHD sit-ups
135 pound Thruster, 10 reps
40 GHD sit-ups
Todd McK- 45/55/65 20:19
Paige- 15/20/30* 20:59
Russell- Rx 22:44
JJ- 45/55/75^ 17:12
Paul- 75/95/115 25:03
Joan- 15/20/25* 21:13
Abby- 45/55/65 K2E 22:20
Candice- 45/55/65 23:14
Sharon- 1/2 35/40/45 23:02
Alli- 1/2 15/15/15* 13:05
Juan- 45/55/65* 16:00
Alan- 45/55/65* 19:25
David- 35/35/35* 15:05
Lorie- 55/65/75* 20:30
Gregg- 95/115/135* 23:27
T- 75/85/95 23:37
Great workout everyone! Good job going Rx'd Russell, you are a mutant in training. Your time with Dr. Doom and your hard work is paying off. You are now the crusher, not the can. That's good fuel and motivation for everybody- THANKS.
Thrusters + GHD sit-ups + 400 meter run = WFYU
At any scale, this workout is tough. Focus on the 'here and now', keep the cues we've talked about in mind, and JUST KEEP MOVING. This was the introduction/initiation to Thrusters for a few people, and they all did very well. Thanks for your attention to detail.
Everyone had an opportunity to practice the GHD sit-up, which is as potent as potent can be. Just remember the rules, and remember those KNEES! When the warm-up calls for Sit-ups, perform Abmat sit-ups, and throw in some GHD sit-ups whenever you can. That way when either pops up in the WOD you're covered.
A final thought on this workout- when the run is the rest, we're in the weeds pretty deep.
Congratulations Corey. Another competition, and another first place. This time at CrossFit Accolade.
Here's the workout:
10:00 AMRAP:
50 calorie row
40 Deadlifts, 225
30 Burpee pull-ups
20 Box jumps, 24"
10 Handstand push-ups
That is a monster workout. Corey, you're a mutant monster killer, and you're also making everyone who trained with you at CFSF proud. Thanks for representing us so well. Nice sleeve too.
Congratulations Juan, Caitlin, and Tommy: Cold Water Challenge complete. Only one more to go.
Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for the good fuel, and hard work.
Rest later
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