This is the second 'CF Total' we have seen at 14th St., and it went really well. The last time was July 24th, and everyone that rolled then and now, increased their score.
CrossFit Total
Back squat, 1 rep
Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep
BS P Dead Total
LaRunda- 115 70 130 315
Sharon- 135 80 205 420
T- 225 130 295 650
The Total scores might not rise much, but they rise every time. Consistent growth. Great session LaRunda. Form is good on everything, just need continued fine tuning. Great deadlift Sharon! Remember when 100 pounds was the goal? Funny huh?
We can do anything with training, patience, and persistence. CrossFit is the proof. Look at the different movements, exercises, mobility, everything that we have learned over the past two years. Impressive. We have so much more to learn, practice and experience that we can never become bored, just better.
205# deadlift Sharon? Hell yeah! Impressive!