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Monday, October 31, 2011

Sunday, October 30 'Another Total'

The CF Total is an all time CFSF favorite. Although the exercises were different, this was still a bunch of fun...

Clean, 1 rep
Bench press, 1 rep
Overhead squat, 1 rep
                          C     BP     OHS     Tot.
Lynde-              110  140      70        320
Teresa-             115   95        90       300
Casey-              215   275    195       685
T-                     180   205    145       530

Great job everyone! Good prioritization on a Sunday afternoon. This was a fun session, and we had some great lifts.


Friday, October 28 'Tabata Something Else'

It don't Tabata me if it don't Tabata you.... Another fun interval session, 'Tabata Something Else' delivers serious gas.

'Tabata Something Else'
40 intervals of :20 work and :10 rest
                       Pull-up     Push-up     Sit-up     Squat     Tot.
Tammy-            39             62             81         111       293
Sam-                47             44             80           63       234
Alice Anne-      41             40             60           77       218
Emilee-             42             30             65           58       195
Eric-                 62             76             84          108      330
Todd-               60             83             65           88      296
Andrew-           35             75             74           76      260
Casey-             58              69            89            72      288
Shaun-             37              76            68            62      243
Beth-               44              86            101         108     339
Richard-          23             113           108         133     377
Lynde-            60              60            101         119     340
T-                   84             103           101         110     398

Great session everyone. Which Tabata did you enjoy most- FGB or Something Else? They are definitely two different workouts that require different strategies.

Hit the blog. Feel better. Perform better. Thanks for all the terrific efforts, and the great fuel.


Friday, October 28, 2011

Thursday, October 28 'TABATA! Fight Gone Bad'

We have seen some interesting CrossFit marriages in the past, but this one might just take the cake. Fight Gone Bad done Tabata style? Yep. Some felt like this was more manageable than FGB by itself, some thought otherwise. I felt like I was going to vomit a few times.....

Tabata Fight Gone Bad

45 intervals of :20 seconds work, :10 seconds rest.
Wall ball shots 20/16
Sumo deadlift high pull 75/45
Box jumps, 20" box
Push press 75/45
Row (calories)

Fewest number of reps for any one interval each station was recorded.

                       WBS     SDHP     Box     PP     Row     Tot.
Amber-              6            10^       8         6       28        58
Alice Ann-          6            8           6        4       18         42
Sam-                  5            8*         6        3        30        52
Tammy-             6            7           5         6        30        54
Emilee-              2            7           5         4        36        51
Cliff-                  8            7           5         5        49        73
Scott-                8            5           5         4        33        55
Eric-                  8            7           5         7        46        73
Beth-                 8            7           6         6        39        66
Teresa-              8            5*         4        5         35        57
Todd-               10           8           7        9         50        84
Richard-            8            8           12       5         49       82
Andrew-           5            8            5        4         44       66
Shaun-              9            X           8         6        36        59
Casey-             6             7           10       7        64        94
T-                    6             7           10        8       57        88
*53# kettlebell ^20# kettlebell

Super great session everyone! Nice to see Big Fet rolling again. What a day to comeback on.... This was without a doubt, one of the toughest, yet fun sessions we've seen. Thanks CFHQ.

Hard play, fun work.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday, October 26 'Gym AMRAP'

Thanks CFHQ for one of the most fun, and freshest sessions to date. This was a total blast that turned out to be more challenging than most thought it would be.

20:00 AMRAP
3 wall climbs
10 get ups
5 parallette shoot throughs
10 grasshoppers

Amber- 5 + 1 wall climb
Teresa- 3 + 5 shoot throughs
Sam- 4
Alice Ann- 3 + 10 get ups
Eric- 6 + 3 wall climbs
Cliff- 3
Michael- 5
Todd- 5 + 7 grasshoppers
Casey- 3 + 2 wall climbs
Beth- 6 + 5 get ups
Richard- 5 + 10 grasshoppers
T- 5 + 5 shoot throughs

Great job everyone! Great round totals Beth and Eric, you killed it! The power people paid a big price today. Sometimes you're the hammer, sometimes you're the nail.... We did have a few people take a TTO today, either due to time or fatigue- for whatever reason, good job on using good judgement.

We have seen wall climbs and shoot throughs, but today we saw a new exercise, and an old exercise with a new name. Get-ups, and Grasshoppers. Guaranteed gassers of the first order. "A core killer..." was how the Madman described the session.

Watch, do.

Thanks for all the terrific efforts today, thanks for all the fun.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Monday, October 24 'KB snatch/pull-ups'

The kettlebell snatch is a movement that reinforces a couple of things: hip involvement, and active shoulders. Miss either of those and the kettlebell snatch becomes a lot more difficult than it should be.

21, 15, 9 reps of:
Kettlebell snatch L arm, 1.5 pood kb
Kettlebell snatch R arm, 1.5 pood kb

Todd- 35  9:13
Tammy- 20  9:18
Sam- 30  9:04
Scott- 20  8:08
Amber- 18  9:16
Alice Ann- 15  9:28
Eric- 35  9:07
Cliff- 35  8:52
Casey- Rx  9:27
Lynde- 20  8:07
Abby- 15  9:42
Beth- 20  9:47
Richard- 35  9:38
T- Rx  10:00

Great session everyone. Compared to the length of some of the previous sessions, this was fast. Super fast times Lynde and Scott. Good job Madman- as prescribed, and big THANKS for running the rodeo at night.

Tuesday is a rest day, not an off day. Tough Mudders have a two mile run/walk, and let's get some mobility for WHATEVER is bothering you. Even if you feel great, address those posterior chain powerhouses: either rolling, or stretching, or feathering, or flossing.... GET IT DONE!  -everything matters.

Be someone special.

A pood is a Russian unit of measurement. One pood is 16kg, or 35 pounds. 1.5 pood equals 53 pounds, and 2 pood is 72 pounds.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Sunday, October 23 'Bradshaw'

Hero workouts usually bring mixed feelings. Gratitude to the Hero for his ultimate sacrifice, apprehension at the least, if not straight out fear about the workout itself, and an appreciation for life that some will never know.

10 rounds:
3 handstand push-ups
225 pound deadlift, 6 reps
12 pull-ups
24 double-unders

Todd- 225 *  30:52
Lynde- 185 Lunges  33:55
Casey- Rx  37:13
Richard- 205 *  30:08
Tammy- 145 *  35:12
Teresa- 145 *  37:17
Sharon- (5) 115 *  23:11
T- 205 *  25:03
* 3:1 double-under single sub

Great job Madman! As prescribed. Everyone else used this session to continue practicing double-unders, mixing doubles with singles in the workout. Super strong session Lynde- 185 pound deadlift is no joke!

Thanks for the terrific efforts. Thanks for training at CFSF.

HOOYAH! to the New Zealand All Blacks Rugby Team 2011 IRB World Cup champions!


Saturday, October 22 'Press'

No dip, no drive, no help. Just PUSH! Two reps are better than three...

Press  2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2
Lynde- 75-80
T- 105-125

The starting and finishing loads were recorded. Several fails on that second rep... As elusive as snipe today.

Don't wish it was easier. Wish you were better.

Friday, October 21, 2011

                                  -without fear...

Thursday, October 20, '100m run repeats'

Run repeats with a full recovery sound a lot more manageable than they really are. Each run is an all out effort. Faster runners, the power people, were getting the 100 meters under :18 seconds. Some in :25 seconds, the distance people.... We got a total time that includes 13.5 minutes of rest. You do the math...

10x100m run/:90 rest between

Sharon- 17:30
Casey- 16:21
Cliff- 16:31
Beth- 16:25
T- 16:35

Super running guys! Nothing left in the tank. The work to rest ratio was perfect- thanks CFHQ. This was a fun workout that left us gassed. ICE Lynde....

Friday is a rest day. That means you will have an opportunity to give those tight, gnarly bits and pieces some extra attention. The time it takes you to do this will be rewarded with added comfort and increased performance. ICE Lynde...

Thanks for the efforts. Thanks for the great fuel. ICE Lynde...

Ready to lead, ready to follow-

Thursday, October 20, 2011

CrossFit - Chris Spealler in Event 1 at the 2010 North West Regional - YouTube

CrossFit - Chris Spealler in Event 1 at the 2010 North West Regional - YouTube

Wednesday, October 19 '2010 Northwest Regional Event 1'

This was another interesting combination that delivered. The overhead squat is a high skill level movement that indiscriminately exposes  inflexibility, and strength issues. Combine that with another high level skill and we're cooking with gas.

3 rounds:
135 pound overhead squat, 10 reps
50 double-unders

Tammy- 45  7:07
Scott- 75  9:55
Sam- 35  9:30
Amber- FS 45  5:00
Teresa- 45  8:33
Cliff- FS 225/135/135  10:03
Richard- 100  9:16
Casey- Rx  9:17
John- Rx  9:08
Beth- 55  9:41
Sharon- 35  10:19
T- 95  9:12

Great job Casey and John. As prescribed. Some people mixed up the doubles and singles, some got all singles. If you are having trouble with the either the overhead squat or the doubles, PRACTICE them! You have time during the warm-up or cool-down to get a few minutes in.

A little bit every day. Mobility, flexibility training, AND embracing the suck. The challenge is to not only get a little bit of that stuff in but to include things you DON'T like, or don't perform too well in just because you need practice... You may never like these, but at least you'll be better at doing them.

If you are interested in a fun little 5k run Saturday, October 29 in Jacksonville, check the cube at CF for a registration. Thanks for another great day at CFSF.

Doing the uncommon uncommonly well.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tuesday, October 18 'Run-skills'

This was a great day at CFSF. All days are great at CFSF, but this was really great. We got hammered. Really hammered. No question about it. We had a blast doing it too. That's one thing about CrossFit some people will never understand. "Fun? ...How can that be fun? You people are masochists." We hear it all the time. It's reinforced by the puzzled looks on the faces of the driver's driving by. They'll never understand.

5 rounds:
200m run
7 muscle-ups
200m run
7 handstand push-ups
200m run
:30 second L-sit hold
200m run
20 pistols

Eric- (3)  37:00
Lynde- 48:24
Todd- 61:55
Casey- 71:44
John- 63:52
Beth- 47:05
T-  57:18

3 rounds:
17 Casey Fairbanks
76 squats

Sam- 24:27
Amber- 23:48

'1776' + 400m runs
Richard- 22:58
Andrew- 24:48

Super great session everyone. Welcome to the muscle-up club Todd! Madman, you're next. We had some serious running from Lynde, who somehow found another gear nobody else knows about, and flew. We also had some really strong pistols from John, and observed tenacity at work, with Cliff toughing out a long, really long, grindy session, and super job Super B on a super fast time. Great job Big Lungs and Andrew- you guys added an easy 1200m run and still turned in fast times! Outstanding... Everyone.

We have seen a lot of running over the past few days. 5 miles in the past two workouts, and 2 miles with the rest day bonus. That's a cool seven miles. We will need this. The Tough Mudder is approaching, and we need to be ready.

Hit the blog and find a fix. Or at least something that helps you feel better and RECOVER! Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for the great fuel, and thanks for the great efforts.

"If you laid out all the economists in a row they still wouldn't point in the same direction."
  -Harry Truman

Monday, October 17, 2011

Sunday, October 16 'Run PT'

We have seen these exercises in numerous combinations with either running or rowing, but today's combination seemed lethal...

Five rounds:
200m run
20 pull-ups
200m run
20 push-ups
200m run
20 sit-ups
200m run
20 squats

Teresa- (3) 34:39
Richard- 37:55
Todd- 43:23
Abby- 46:01
Andrew- 53:38
Casey- 55:19
T- 43:24

Great job on hanging tough through a long, grindy, session. Super fast time Richard, your Indian name is now Big Lungs.

We watched a challenge Sunday afternoon also. Great job Heather. 55 pound Nancy in 13:51, and bragging rights. Super. Thanks Em.

Monday is a rest day. Use your time wisely, taking care of those nasty bits and pieces.

Altius, citius, fortius.

Saturday, October 15 'Clean Swings'

This was another great couplet that definitely delivered!

5 rounds:
155 pound clean, 7 reps
14 KB swings, 53 pounds

Cliff- 95/35  14:28
Teresa- 75/35  15:35
Lynde- 95/35  17:54
T- 125/53  10:48

Great job getting this one booked. We were breathing through our ears by the end. Total gas. At least we had nice weather and cool temps. This is the more comfortable time of the year for us weather wise, and we are very appreciative for that.

Thanks for another great day of training and conditioning at CFSF.

Better than yesterday.

Friday, October 14 "Deads"

There are three ways to get stronger. Lift something heavy off the ground. Lift something heavy off the ground  and put it overhead. Lift something off the ground and walk with it. Deads, presses, and Farmer's Walk. Three guaranteed winners.

Deadlift  1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Sam- 310
Richard- 375
Lynde- 2458
Teresa- 205*
Cliff- 405
Sharon- 185
Casey- 415*
T- 295

Great lifts guys! PR's for Lynde, Teresa, and Casey. Outstanding! Cliff, Richard- great lifts guys. Fuerte'!

Thanks for all the great efforts.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wednesday, October 12 'AMRAP'

Thirty minute AMRAP. What's your strategy? Did you have one? How about just keep moving...

30:00 AMRAP
400m run
10 L-pull-ups
15 loaded back extensions 25/15
20 loaded sit-ups 25/15

Alice Ann- 15#  5
Sam- 15#  3 + 15 back extensions
Tammy- 15#  5
Scott- 25#  4 + 3 sit-ups
Teresa- 15#  5
Amber- 15#  4 + 350m run
Todd- 25#  6 + 15 back extensions
Lynde- 25#  6
Richard- 25#  7 + 15 back extensions
Andrew- 25#  5 + 17 sit-ups
Casey- 6 + 6 pull-ups
Beth- 25#  5 + 15 sit-ups
Sharon- (15:00) 25#  3 + 400m run
John- 25#  5 + 10 pull-ups
T- 6 + 10 pull-ups

Great job Richard! Super fast runs. This was a core destroyer of the first order, and everyone stepped up. Hooyah to the night time girls for using guys weight. They would not be denied. Tough stuff.

Be sure to take a little extra time Thursday to stretch, roll, massage, meditate, ANYTHING that feels good and helps you recover. Your comfort is in your hands. A little bit every day, and a little bit more for anything that needs a little more attention. Not only will you FEEL better, you will PERFORM better.

Thanks for all the great efforts. Wicked good fuel.


crossfit women - YouTube

crossfit women - YouTube

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tuesday, October 11 'Front squats'

Of the three squats we see at CrossFit, the Front squat is the most functional. Definitely not the easiest to perform, it requires a very flexible shoulder, elbow, and wrist complex to hold a correctly racked bar.

Front squat  2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

Sam- 195
Teresa- 150
Amber- 105
Richard- 225
Abby- 100
Tammy- 140
Lynde- 150
Beth- 80
Cliff- 295
John- 285

Great squats everyone.Great weight Cliff,  John, and Lynde. Ten sets can get spread out like bad taffy. Lots of volume, and intensity. Some increased as they went, some didn't. Some maxed out around the sixth or seventh set, and some held out for the tenth. That's another part of CrossFit that I love.

Our resident Madman decided to get a little love from a different source... 'Helen' another CFSF all time favorite session. Great job getting it done in 11:52 at prescription.

Thanks for all the terrific efforts today.

Hit the blog. Find a fix.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Monday, October 10 'Diane'

Another perfect couplet from CFHQ, 'Diane' is an all time CFSF favorite. Short and sweet, 'Diane' delivers.

21, 15, 9 reps:
225 pound deadlift
Handstand push-ups

John- 185  5:42
Todd- Rx  6:46
Scott- 185  6:48
Tammy- 125  4:55
Amber- 65  5:36
Lynde- 155  7:43
Casey- Rx  9:27
Cliff- Rx  8:20
Andrew- 165  9:15
Sharon- 95  9:28
Beth- 135  9:32
Teresa- 135  9:32
T- 185  6:30

Great sessison guys. Solid deads. An observation... Maybe more than girls climbing ropes, girls upside down doing handstand push-ups is a real traffic stopper. Happened twice. Not the everyday gym scene, huh?

Hit the blog. Find a fix for your tight, gnarly bits and pieces.

Instructor 1: Are you ready?
Student: Yes.
Instructor 2: Do you want to quit?
Student: HELL NO!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Saturday, October 8 'Cindy'

'Cindy' is like an old friend you're glad to see. Also glad to see leave!

20:00 AMRAP
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats

Lynde- 13 + 10 squats
John- (Mary)  9
Todd- 15 + 5 squats
Richard- 13
Abby- 10
T- 17

Great job guys. Solid work, nice round totals. Good job nailing 'Mary' John. Great Pistols.

Use your off time wisely. Begin getting some off day runs in, preparing for the Mudder. 4 months to go.


Friday, October 7 'Tabata'

Of all the Tabata sessions we've seen, this one by far, is the most unique. We didn't score it, but most everyone was getting good Double Unders. Maybe not as consistently as they will in the future, but darn good none the less.

Get a rope and practice anytime you can. Embrace the suck.

Thanks for all the great efforts and really good Double Unders today.

We did have one person get a little extra love, The Madman decided to tackle 'Karen'... 150 wall ball shots for time, and killed it in a blistering 9:02. That's why he's The Madman... Hooyah!


Thursday, October 6 'Run/snatch'

Combining running and snatching is a metabolic monster. Even the good runners agree, snatching after a run is a gasser.

800 meter run
15 Hang snatch
800 meter run
15 mid-thigh snatch
800 meter run
15 snatch
                             1     2     3  
Eric- 27:40           75   75   75
Sam- 27:32          45   45   45
Amber- 30:20      45   45   45
Richard- 22:13     75   95   95
Heather- 20:07    45   45   45
Andrew-  20:30   65   65   65  (PP)
Lynde- 22:28      45   45   45 (row sub)
Beth- 19:32         45   35   45
John- 26:59         95   95   95
Casey- 25:52      95   95   95
Sharon- 30:33     35   35   35
Cliff- 28:30         75   85   45
T- 23:20             65   65   65

Super good session

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tuesday, October 4 'Snatch'

This session ended up as more of a skill session than a working session for many people, and that's fine. Practicing these movements requires patience, and consistency. There were a few cues we talked about hitting, and as usual, they were hit well.

Muscle snatch 1-1-1-1-1
Power snatch  3-3-3-3-3
Snatch 5-5-5-5-5
                     MS     PS     S
Todd-           140    135    95
Sam-            115     125   65
Amber-         55       65    45
Beth-            60       65    50
Teresa-         60       70   70
Richard-       105    125   95
Lynde-         75       75    55
John-           165    165   135
Cliff-           145     165   185
Casey-        145     145   115

Monday, October 3 'HSPU/CTB/Lunges'

We used to moan about five round sessions. Not anymore. Five doesn't seem to be nearly as bad as the seven, or ten rounders...

Five rounds:

6 handstand push-ups
12 chest to bar pull-ups
24 walking lunges, 35 pound dumbbells

Eric- Rx  17:49
Alice Ann- 15  14:25
Todd- Rx  18:12
Tammy- 15  16:10
Amber- 8  17:22
Beth- 20  17:25
Sharon- 10  18:29
Lynde- 25  20:00
Casey- 35  21:00
Andrew- 25-10  19:30
Cliff- 20  23:20
Matt- 20  20:00
T- 35-15  17:30

Super good session everyone. Great job going as prescribed Eric and Todd. This was a glute destroyer of the first order, decimating the CFSF ranks, I being one. Forced to drop weight each round, many were crippled by the end.

When the handstand push-ups are the easy part of the session we are definitely the nail. That's why we do it- and why others can't. Can't is not in the CFSF vocabulary. As a matter of fact it's worth 3 burpee's. Others make excuses, we make the rounds.

Hit the blog. A little bit every day. Thanks for the great efforts and fun times getting nailed at CFSF.


Monday, October 3, 2011

Sunday, October 2 'Carse'

This session is another high volume grindy kinda thing. Two in a row...

21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 reps of:
95 pound squat clean
Double unders
185 pound deadlift
Box jumps, 24" box

Teresa- 65/135  58:46
T- Rx  53:23
Todd- Rx  32:50
Heather- 75/95  33:20
Richard- Rx  38:12

Friday, September 30 'Joshie'

Joshie might just be one of the most difficult CrossFit sessions around. Lots of volume.

Three rounds:
DB snatch R arm, 21 reps
21 L pull-ups
DB snatch L arm, 21 reps
21 L pull-ups

Casey- 35  47:30
Beth- 15  31:10

Great job guys. Toughing it out. The lunch crew took a different twist on 'Joshie' and did it Tabata style. There are always options. Use them when you need them.

Hit the blog, find a fix.

Thanks for all the terrific efforts, and good times.

Do you have the minerals?