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Tuesday, June 19, 2012


A good snatch is a thing of beauty. It has a terrific aesthetic quality that the other lifts don't. When it's on, it's on. When it's off, it's off. Patience, trust in yourself, and fundamentals. If all three are not present, adios lift. It's a miss.

Snatch  2-2-2-2-2-2

Scott- 115
Richard- 135
Tammy- 70
Eric- 100
Alice Anne- 65
Shaun- 105
Lynde- 85
Holley- 35
James- 105
Jimmy- 95
Cliff- 184 (PC)
Shar- 60
Jessica- 35
T- 115

Great job everyone. There were a few things we talked about prior to the two's, among which were: patience for triple extension, trusting yourself to get under that bar, and solid squat fundamentals. Good job on hitting them.

A few people were introduced to the Burgener warm-up today. Good job guys, thanks for your patience and hard work. The first steps toward snatching can be the most difficult.

Receiving the bar in a squat requires a lot of practice. Some people used this session to work fundamentals, some maxed out. Either way, there will always be fine tuning and adjustments. Finding true hip potential can take a while. Consistency counts.

Another huge component of the snatch is flexibility. Do your homework. Tight pillar? Another miss... Pigs on skates is a great exercise that puts us in the position of limitation. Do them. Embrace the suck. The snatch is worth it.

If not me, who?

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