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Wednesday, December 5, 2012


This was another super fun workout. Thanks CFHQ!

5 rounds:

50 Double-unders (*3:1 sub)
185 pound Push jerk/Push press, 10 reps

Todd- 135  19:54
Derrick- *PP 115  17:00
Eric- 135  19:38
Alice Anne- *PP 35  16:04
Allie- *PP 55  16:26
Russell- *PP 105  16:53
Richard- 105  14:49
Abby- *PP 45  18:14
Kelli- *PP 50  18:34
Tammy- 65  16:31
Matt- *115  20:03
Erin- *75  14:34
John- 135  15:34
Dave- *95  14:34
Kathryn- 65  15:11
T- 115  16:17

Great workout everybody. Good job getting the Doubles, and if you aren't getting them, PRACTICE. They suck. Embrace it.

The Push jerks all looked good, as well as the Push presses. For the Push jerk the emphasis was PATIENCE. Just be sure to finish the drive before retreating under. For the Push press, the emphasis was on that solid heel drive, TIMING, and a strong active overhead finish.

We also talked about foot position. POWER, not squat. JUMPING, not landing. AND recognize the need to RE-POSITION between reps if necessary. Good job hitting those targets.

This was a tough workout that left us on floor lock for a few minutes at completion. Bonus points for just staying on your feet and walking this one off. This workout also exposed flexibility issues. Continued vigilance and consistency are key for flexibility. A little bit, every day.

Llave esta aqui. Usar.

Uncommon dedication to fitness.

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