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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

2020 Winter Circus- Closed Out

 Great job guys! You've made it to the end of the 2020 Winter Circus. We kept things under wraps for a while until around the fourth WOD a few folks began to start asking questions, "Is this what I think it is?" I wouldn't answer. After the second week, the jig is up, there's no obscuring the fact that YES, we are in the middle of the Winter Circus. If you follow this blog, and you should, you would have seen the clues posted leading up to the start of the Circus.

While most of you know about the Winter Circus, some do not. Originating in 2008 with three 'Hero' workouts in a row, it has grown to almost a full month of both 'Hero' and 'Girls' WODs back-to-back. The fact that we get through these workouts, finishing out weeks of hard WODs, is proof that we can do a lot more than we think we can, and that most of our limitations can be more mental than physical. This isn't a call for the abandonment of good judgment, not that we haven't thrown good judgment out the door once or twice, it's an examination of what we are capable of.

"It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves."
-Sir Edmund Hillary

We still have two workouts to go. Both fun. Really. The Hopper and Interval Generator, where you control your destiny, and the famous 12 Days of Christmas. We'll take 12-24 and 12-25 off. CFSF wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas.

"There are no bad intervals, only weak efforts."
-Greg Glassman


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