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Tuesday, November 6, 2012


This is a great format for a workout. Max lifts blended with sub max efforts. That fits the definition of work across broad domains... IceBeast you are incredible.

Front squat  1-10-1-20-1-30

Kathryn- 125-95-126-80-120-70
Richard- 185-135-195-135-205-125
Eric- 225-135-235-135-250-135
Alice Anne- 125-95-126-80-127-70
Holley- 105-80-100-70-100-55
Matt- 185-155-195-135-205-95
Candice- 75-65-80-60-90-50
John- 255-185-255-135-255-95
Nicole- 65-45-75-45-80-45
Erin- 95-75-100-75-115-75
Derrick- 185-155-205-135-225-115
Cliff- 315-145-335-145-315-145
Tammy- 125-95-145-95-150-75
Dave- 135-105-145-95-140-80
Allie- 70

Great workout everyone. Super strong squats, and solid form. Aside from the amount of weight you moved, are you locked on? From a stable platform to a well placed rack... Are you? The Front squat indiscriminately exposes flexibility issues and can be quite uncomfortable for beginners. Be patient, consistent and get some mobility/flexibility training EVERY DAY and this will be an issue for only a little while. It's on you.

Again, great job puppies. You are all doing really well. Thanks for your wicked strong efforts, your coachability, and enthusiasm. That stuff is contagious and helps us all. Another arrow for your quiver too.

Several people were unsure of their 1RM for the Front squat. We keep up with what you do at CFSF, but it is YOUR responsibility to know these facts. Either keep a notebook, or use the 'Track my PR' web application. It's free and easy to use. Here's the address:

Thanks for another great day at CFSF.

Ready to lead, ready to follow.

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