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Friday, February 15, 2013


What better way to follow a monster Hero session- strength. No clock, a little more time to focus on a few cues, and some really good Power cleans.

Power clean  1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Derrick- 245
David- 195*
Russell- 205
Erin- 145
Alice Anne- 105
Eric- 215
Candice- 90
Casey- 205
Matt- 185
Tammy- 105
Todd- 205
Holley- 85*
John- 275*
Sharon- 85
Shannon- 75
Richard- 225
Juan- 155
Teresa- 125
Cary- 225
Katie- 105
Dave- 155
Heather- 100
T- 185

Great work everybody. Monster lifts John, and Erin. Wicked good *PR's David, and Holley.

There were a few things we wanted to see: a solid heel drive, patience through triple extension, and a super fast flip with hands opening to receive the bar. Good job hitting those targets!

Really good work puppies. You guys were able to put a few things you've been working on together. You cleaned! For some, it was the beginning of the adventure- the Burgener, and the Set-up. Thanks for your hard work.

We will leave this one up the air... The heaviest lift of the day was from a night time guy rolling at lunch who wanted his score to be included with the night total. So wherever John Fenn's 275 is included will win.

The competition remains 4-2 in favor of the lunch crew.

Thanks for another great day at CFSF.

A body in motion stays in motion.

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