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Thursday, August 27, 2015


The Front squat demands a properly placed, and maintained rack, a super tight core, and very flexible hips. Deficits in any of those will result in a missed lift, and when five reps are required you'd better be locked on. Three reps can get dicey. Five reps can become very dicey, very quickly.

Front squat  5-5-5-5-5

Todd McK- 145
Paige- 75
Juan- 155
Joan- 75
Casey- 185
Eric- 205
Teresa- 140
Caitlin- 85
Tommy- 205
Candice- 105
Todd- 230
Sharon- 105
Caroline- 55
Matt- 145
Jeremy- 205

Great Front squats everybody! Good things happen when you're hitting all the cues we've talked about. That can get contagious, and that's good. That's the good fuel that everyone benefits from, ensuring a great workout, no matter how difficult things were.

Monster squats Todd, Eric, Jeremy, Tommy, and Teresa- strong stuff. The objective of a strength day is failure. Especially with the Front squat, which is an easy bail if things go bad. Don't be afraid to lift as heavy as possible. This is where we grow.

Thanks for your hard work Sara, and Roxanne. Front squat- locked.

Thanks for another great day at CFSF.

"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."
-Walter Bagehot


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