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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tuesday, October 4 'Bench press'

After the destruction of our lower body from Monday's session, it was refreshing to see upper body work  for Tuesday. Ten rounds of two reps is an interesting combination, and we treated it a little differently from one person to another. Some stayed with the same load, some increased as they went. Another facet of CrossFit that I love- choice.

Bench Press

Eric- 245 built
Alice Ann- 75 constant
David- 145 constant
Scott- 175 constant
Ryan- 195 built
Todd- 275 built
Casey- 265 built
Emilee- 85 built
Lisa- 85 built
T- 185 constant

Built refers to adding to the load as you progressed, constant means we stuck to the same load for the 10 rounds. Super strong lifts guys! Some of our slow starters had a really good session today, these people get stronger as they go.

Great to see Ryan back from CF Battalion in Atlanta, now you can show those guys back home what you have learned at CFSF. Another facet of CrossFit that I love- the community. I have been involved in many things over my life, but the community inclusion that we see displayed from CrossFitters all over the world is beautiful. Sharing information, skills, love. Where is the love, anyway?

Wednesday is another well deserved rest day. Use your off time wisely. Get some active mobility, or some slow, static stretching. These pay big dividends, and are well worth your time. Thanks for all the strong efforts, and fun.

Punishing the specialist- CFSF

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