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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wednesday, October 13 'WBS/MU'

This deadly little couplet wrecked us, but didn't finish us off... We came back strong and determined to kill this session. It took all of us to get it done. If you are still subbing out the pull-ups and dips for the muscle-ups, you are working way too hard. The muscle-up is within everyone's reach, if you are willing to put in the practice...

50 WBS
10 muscle-ups
40 WBS
8 muscle-ups
30 WBS
6 muscle-ups
20 WBS
4 muscle-ups
10 WBS
2 muscle-ups

Dustin- 17:40
Bart- 18:44
David- 19:09
Tammy- 16:42
Scott- 17:54
Casey- 18:44
T- 12:56
Emilee- 11:54
LaRunda- 12:21

Are the wall ball shots as difficult for you as they have been in the past? They are gassers, for sure, but if you can push past the overwhelming urge to stop you will find them lots easier. Stopping only delays the pain, and makes resuming work more difficult.

Muscle-ups, whether bar or ring, are completely doable. We can all get pretty good pull-ups and dips, what's holding some people back is more of a mental, than physical block. We hope to get the rings attached to the ceiling I-beams soon, this should make them easier for the trees that roll with us.

We had a blast Wednesday night with an impromtu going away feast with Emilee and a few others at Ono Grill. It's a good thing we are all patient and friendly, as it could have gotten ugly. When English is your second language, appartently things can go wrong. But hey, there was free beer... that has to make up for some of the language barrier, huh?

Thursday is another well deserved rest day. Again I encourage you to get some pre-hab, mobility, or at the least, some nice long stretching in. Check out KStarr's mobility blog, start wherever you want and get comfortable in uncomfortable positions. This guy has great information, and the stuff works.

Thanks for all the great efforts, and fun times. Enjoy your rest day, and be ready to roll strong Friday.

WBS + MU = WFYU every time!

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