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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Monday, November 7 'WBS/Hang snatch'

Thirty reps can sound daunting, however, once you start chipping away, before you know it, just as quickly as it started, it's over. This was a high volume session that required a lot of fuel to book. Good job guys.

Three rounds:

30 Wall ball shots 20/16
75 pound hang snatch, 30 reps

Scott- 45  22:17
Amber- 35  22:18
Andrew- 45  23:39
Lynde- 65 hang power snatch  29:17
John- Rx  27:47
Cliff- 65  28:00
Shaun- 45  19:00
Tammy- 35  22:38
Brad- 65 push press  18:13
T- Rx  22:50

Great job everyone. How did you like going from the hang? We heard a few different comments floating around the gym, mostly having to do with blown backs. If your lower back began to give you problems during the wod, increase flexibility training both up and down river of the issue, and get some GHD work on the side. Welcome home John, great night to return on, huh? No worries, you'll have your sea legs back in no time....

Regardless of what you lifted, we had some really good snatching. We talked about a few cues that we needed to see and got them. Triple extension, on time pulls, and knees jacked out. Outstanding! Form, consistency, intensity.

Hit the blog and find a few more fixes. A little bit every day. Thanks for all the terrific efforts, and the great fuel.

Two is one, one is none. Be ready. Always.

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