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Friday, November 18, 2011

Thursday, November 17 'Snatch balance'

One of several skill transfer exercises for the snatch, the snatch balance usually allows for heavier lifts than the snatch, giving the athlete confidence and control for future snatching.

Snatch balance 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Sam- 95
Alice Anne- 60
John- 180
Shaun- 145
Beth- 85
Lynde- 85
T- 110

Great lifts everyone. We hit all the cues we talked about hitting, and got some really good lifts...

There are three skill transfer exercises, all begin with the bar in a back rack position. Differences in starting (jumping) foot position, and inclusion or exclusion of the dip, are what sets them apart from one another. The snatch balance begins with a more narrow (jumping) stance, the same stance for the clean.

Movement is initiated with a strong dip and drive, then a super fast dive under the bar, moving the feet to the landing position while simultaneously launching the bar overhead to a fully locked out active overhead position as explosively as possible.

They each require successively greater dynamics and athleticism to reach, hold, and control the catch portion of the snatch, which is the rock bottom position of the overhead squat.

Take some extra time to get some mobility, long stetching, or both. Hit that posterior chain, and tight shoulder girdle. Thanks for all the terrific efforts and great fuel. Saturday, 0900. See you there.

On time, on target, NEVER quit.

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