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Tuesday, November 25, 2014


We love to see Deadlifts, except the day after a bunch of us chose Deadlifts as a wod sub. Well, most of us still loved to see them. Thanks CFHQ.

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3

Juan- 275
Allie- 130
Teresa- 215
Todd- 395
Matt- 305
Jeremy- 275
Stephen- 295
Tommy- 335
T- 295

'Pull-up/Slam down'
10 rounds
10 Pull-ups
15 Ball slams

Todd McK- 16  17:59
Joan- (5) 14  9:20

'Kalso lite'
3 Burpees every minute on the minute. You have the remainder of 
the minute to perform Thrusters until you have accumulated 50.
Your score is your time.

Teresa- 65  4:55
Paige- 35  9:54

Great workouts everyone. Nice display of rigid flexibility as well. Monster Deadlifts Matt, Teresa, Todd, and Tommy- you are all STRONG! The Deadlift is a neuroendocrine slam of the highest order and heavy counts.

Coach Glassman calls the Deadlift the 'Healthlift' because it has so many positive associations with strength and vigor. We Deadlift daily. Anytime we pick anything up. Strength and conditioning Coach Dan John has three easy steps for getting stronger:

1. Pick something heavy up off the ground.
2. Pick something heavy up off the ground and put it over your head.
3. Pick something heavy up off the ground and walk around with it.

Sound familiar? All of it does to CrossFitters. We do these things daily, and satisfy all three with our 'Gym Tour' warm-up, which turns out to be another CFSF favorite...

Good job Joan, and Todd McK- 100 Pull-ups and 150 Ball slams is a lot! Really good job Paige and Teresa- 'Kalso', or 'Kalso Lite' is a mother grabber and she's mad. Nice work you two!

Welcome to CFSF Taj. Be consistent, listen to your body, and hang on tight!

Tuesday is the last training day until after the Thanksgiving break. We will resume normal schedule Saturday, November 29. Then it's on! The 2014 Winter Circus is back in town for the whole month. We have some real beauties lined up, and as usual we'll finish with 'The Twelve Days of Christmas'.

Thanks for another really great day at CFSF. Thanks for your monster efforts and wicked strong fuel.


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