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Wednesday, November 26, 2014


CrossFit can bend time, anytime, and frequently does... 20:00 minutes felt a like more like 26:00 minutes today and around the 10:00 minute mark it sinks in- this is going to get long. However, this was another super fun workout that paired PT with Olympic lifts for reps into a beautiful, destructive little wod. Thanks CFHQ!

20:00 AMRAP
95 pound Clean, 10 reps
10 Dips (*band assist/^ring)

Juan- 65  7 + 10
Carrie- 35*  7 + 9
Casey- Rx^  7
Todd McK- 45  7
Paige- 25*  7 + 10
Teresa- 65*  9 + 2
Todd- Rx^  9 + 2
Jeremy- 75*  8
Matt- Rx^  6 + 2
Stephen- Rx  6 + 5
Candice- 65*  6 + 2
Taj- (10:00) MBC 16  4 + 4
Lee- MBC 16  9 + 10
Joan- 25*  7 + 6
T- 75^  8 + 14

Great workout everyone! You're Cleaning! And it all looked good. Thanks for that hard work. Nice round totals Lee, Teresa, and Todd.

We talked about efficiency and had a few targets set: patience, timing, and a fast flip. Good job hitting them. Most got the Dips sans band, but we still have some band addicted people. Dips are doable. Practice them more. If the warm-up calls for Push-ups, get a few Dips too. You'll get stronger before you know it.

Pace is key with AMRAPs. Go out too fast makes coming home awful. There are things you learn about yourself over time as you train consistently at CFSF. How fast can you go? How quickly can you recover? How far can you push yourself before you turn inside out? Most people have never been tested like this and some have never worked as intensely as we do and they dislike it. We thrive in it. We ask for another serving please.

"Performance is directly correlated with intensity. Intensity is directly correlated with discomfort."
 -Greg Glassman

Intensity is the motor that drives the bus. Get used to it, or get off the bus at the next stop.

Thanks for another great day at CFSF. We will be closed until Saturday when we will resume our normal schedule. CFSF wishes everyone a very nice Thanksgiving. Enjoy the break, and get some mobility/flexibility every day you're away. Everything counts.

"It's not gonna happen through osmosis."
-Todd Owen


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