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Monday, April 30, 2012


Anytime rows pop up in the wod, it calls for a little creativity. Especially when it's a 2k row... We turned this session into a 15:00 minute AMRAP, and it worked out pretty well. Thanks for the rigid flexibility guys!

15:00 AMRAP
150 meter row
10 pistols/*15 squats
7 hang cleans

John- 185#  4 + 150 meter row
Candice- 35# * 5 + 7 hang cleans
Vicki- 35#  5 + 5 pistols
Shar- 55#  4 + 4 pistols
Lynde- 85#  5 + 150 meter row
Brandi- 55# * 4
T- 95#  5 + 10 pistols

Great workout guys. Super heavy, and fast John! Killed it, hung it on the wall and took shots at it. Good cleans puppies, and super strong session Lynde!

Do something that feels good and helps you recover. Thanks for all the great efforts and great fuel.

Why do I succeed?
I succeed because I am willing to do the things you are not.
I will fight against the odds.
I will sacrifice.
I am not shackled by fear, insecurity, or doubt.
I feel those emotions... drink them in and then swallow them away to the blackness of hell.
I am motivated by accomplishment, not pride.
Pride consumes the weak... it kills their heart from within.
If I fall, I will get up. If I am beaten, I will return.
I will never stop getting better. I will never give up. Ever.

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