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Friday, January 20, 2012


'Elizabeth' is a super fun, gut twisting session. Relatively short, she and 'Fran' swim in the same circles. At prescription 'Elizabeth' tests the strongest of athletes. Scaling doesn't help much either. Olympic lifts for reps equal serious gas.

We have a simple solution for a problem we've had in the past. Full clean, or power clean? Your choice. Easy enough, huh? Some coaches say no power unless specified, some coaches say a full clean is a missed power clean. We leave it up to you. Some got the full clean, some got the power clean, some mixed it up. Aren't options nice?

21, 15, 9 reps:
135 pound clean
Ring dips

Eric- Rx  8:12
Emilee- 65  9:17
Sam- 135  8:28
Richard- 105  6:08
Cliff- 105  7:10
Andrew- 95  8:56
Teresa- 95  9:22
Lynde- 85  6:47
Sharon- 55  15:09
Casey- Rx  17:17
T- 115  12:55

Great job everyone. Efficiency is key with a workout like 'Elizabeth'. As fatigue increases, form degrades. We lose full hip contribution, impatience for triple extension, and the clean really sucks gas. Add a fatigued core to that equation, or maybe a not so well placed rack and we are struggling to stand, either from the full squat or the dip.

The clean can also expose serious flexibility issues from wrists, elbows, and shoulders with a poorly racked position to hip, knee, and ankle issues resulting in an inability to pull under low enough to make the lift. Correct these faults with added mobility and flexibility training. Your time and effort pay off huge dividends.

Mentally rehearsing these exercises, focusing on the cues we've talked about, and practicing anything you want to practice as either part of the warm-up or cool-down will be the way to continue to gain confidence, efficiency, and strength as these lifts pop up in the wods.

PC tight? You bet. Fix it up easy with the tools above. Thanks for another great day of training at CFSF.

What happens next is up to you.

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