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Monday, January 26, 2015


15:00 minutes was a perfect length for this AMRAP. Another great workout. Thanks CFHQ.

Row 15 calories
10 Box jumps, 30" box
185 pound Push jerk, 5 reps

Juan- 95  5
Casey- 135  5 + 15
Holley- 20"  35  5
Stephen- 95  5 + 2
Candice- 75  5 + 7
Jeremy- 105  5 + 5
Mary- 20" 55  5 + 11
Emilee- 20" 45  4 + 24
Teresa- 95  5 + 5
Sharon- 20" 65  4 + 9
T- 115  4 + 7

Great workout everyone. That was a long 15:00 minutes, even with the "getting done" fuel we usually have as we approach the end. Most agreed that the row was the fun part of the workout. Why? Power had to be high to get those calories to click off. For some it was a calorie per stroke, others required 4 or more strokes per calorie which meant a lot more time spent rowing.

We talked about the Box jumps: How to jump, where to look, where to rest, and most of all what counted as a Box jump and what did not. Box jumps at any height are never easy. If you did, good job jumping to the 30" box, and thanks again Tammy!

The Push jerk was the more manageable exercise of this potent triplet. We also talked about a few things we wanted to see with the Push jerk. Although five reps isn't much, faulty form still wastes valuable fuel. Good job Casey, and Teresa. Nice round totals, and heavy.

Thanks for another great day at CFSF. Thanks for your monster efforts, and super strong fuel.

Movement = Life.

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