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Friday, April 3, 2015


The lunch crew got a good soaking today, four people who didn't mind the rain ran anyway. That's the CrossFit spirit we love, but it still didn't motivate any of our hydrophobes to get out in it. The other option wasn't very good, but it wasn't soaking wet. 100 Casey Fairbanks from last Saturday.

Hammer to the hand, or hammer to the foot? Either way someones getting hit hard.

5 rounds:
350 meter run
50 meter Walking lunges

Eric- Rx  18:28
Taj- Rx  18:25
Caroline- (3)  17:40
John McC- (3)  17:40
Sharon- Rx  23:36
Tripp- (3)  13:03

100 Casey Fairbanks

Todd McK- 15:02
Paige- 22:40
TW- 23:34
T- 17:33

Great workouts everyone. Ultra fast runs Taj, and Eric! Albeit wet, the runners all said that this was a really fun workout. The evening runners were the ones to really benefit from the rain as the weather was perfect to be outside our box.

Super good job Todd McK. You killed Casey Fairbanks! No worries. He'll be back. 100 of anything can be daunting. When it's Burpees AND Pull-ups, the suck factor increases ten fold. Good job hanging on tightly through to the end!

Friday is a rest day. Open gym 5:15-6:15 for a missed wod, mobility, or both. CFSF will be CLOSED Saturday, and Sunday. Enjoy a long weekend off and come back strong Monday, ready to roll.

Here's an interesting comparison of some classic CrossFit stuff vs. running:

Thanks for another great day at CFSF.

"If it ain't raining, we ain't training!"

Movement = Life

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