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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wednesday, December 15 'Press/push press/push jerk'

These three overhead lifts are good examples of how a strong core that can maintain MLS works in conjunction with those strong, stable ACTIVE shoulders in getting loads overhead. Failure to activate core muscles, or active shoulders will result in a failed lift.

Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1
Push press 3-3-3-3-3
Push jerk 5-5-5-5-5
                 SP     PP     PJ
Todd-       175   205
Loren-      115   150
Emilee-     75      95
Lisa P-      70     85
Sharon-     75    80
T-            135   155  165

Even though we ran out of time at lunch and didn't get the push jerks, great lifts everyone. Todd, Emilee- STRONG! Lisa P.- YOU ARE TRAINING. You are making constant, predictable progress. Remain consistent... Loren, we need that fuel. Keep bringing it!

Are you thinking about those ques as you get set up? How about those squishy shoes? Can you really get that posterior chain completely involved in squishy shoes? These overhead lifts are total body exercises. From stability to power generation, our core muscles are taxed the most when both shoulder girdle and pelvic girdle are dynamic (bottom of a thruster, or the top of the shoulder press).

Big THANKS to Stephanie (Supersonic) V for taking care of our athletes. Like it or not she is, and will always be a Nasty Girl. We do miss her fuel.

The Anniston Christmas parade will be December 16. Streets will be closing between 3:00 - 7:00. So no CrossFit Thursday night. The lunchtime session will be your only chance to get some before Saturday. Thanks for another great day of training at CFSF. You guys make everything possible-

Hit the mobility site and get some of that too.

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